Academy statement on Australian action needed to address climate change
Statement on the need for a price on greenhouse gas emissions
Principles of Effective Policy Reform: Lessons for Australia’s Climate Change Policy Impasse
The second report from the Academy’s climate change program follows a roundtable discussion in early 2021 in which research and policy experts came together to identify the critical factors that had enabled complex policy reform over the past decades that might be relevant to Australia’s current climate policy impasse.
This volume, edited by Fellows Nicholas Brown and Stephen Dovers includes 10 case studies provided by leading Fellows and policy experts, along with a detailed analysis of themes and implications for climate policy.
Efficient, Effective and Fair: Climate Policy in Australia is the first in a series of publications that reflects the Academy’s commitment to develop and advance robust solutions to nationally important issues.
This publication is intended to make the results of the current leading research within the Academy available to encourage engagement in the development of a way forward on climate policy in Australia.
The most efficient, effective and fair policies to reduce emissions will deliver the lowest costs of adjustment and the greatest chance of prospering as a nation during the transition. This can be achieved with smart policy design that combines environmental outcomes with a least cost economic framework.
Putting a price on carbon is a proven and efficient way to reduce emissions and would complement the technology push by allowing the market to find, and pay for, the best value solutions.
Watch presentations by report authors:
The scientific case: Quentin Grafton, Professor of Economics at the Australian National University
The moral case: Garrett Cullity Professor of Philosophy at the Australian National University
Use of the market: Dr Ken Henry AC, Independent Non-Executive Director of the Australian Securities Exchange and former Secretary to Treasury
Principles for action and one way forward: Climate Asset and Liability Mechanism: Warwick McKibbin, Professor of Economics at the Australian National University

Download the full discussion paper
Read articles by Academy Fellows:
We won’t achieve economic reform until we go back to cooperating – Ross Gittens, SMH, 18 July 2020
An independent climate bank is the rational answer on carbon – Professor Sue Richardson, AFR, 02 September 2020
RBA is stabilising the economy. Next job is to reform it – Professor Warwick McKibbin, AFR, 04 November 2020
Australia must have a new macroeconomic framework – Professor Warwick McKibbin, AFR, 03 February 2021
Read our submissions and statements on climate policy:
Submission: Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper
Statement: Australia’s leading social scientists: Independent MP’s climate Bill deserves bipartisan support
Submission: House of Representatives Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy review of the Climate Change (National Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation) Bill 2020.
Share your feedback on the Academy’s report
Following the release of Efficient, Effective and Fair: Climate Policy in Australia the Academy held a virtual roundtable with key stakeholders to discuss the principles and approach that have been proposed. Read the event summary here.
Join the conversation with the Academy and provide feedback on specific areas relating to this research and your ideas on how we can improve the climate change policy landscape. Contact the Academy’s Policy Manager Andi Horsburgh at andrea.horsburgh@socialsciences.org.au