Advancing policy and program evaluation in Australian Government
Friday 21 March 2025 | Canberra
The Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia convened a Policy Roundtable with the Australian Centre for Evaluation (ACE) on the topic of Advancing policy and program evaluation in Australian Government. The invitation only Roundtable connected research, government and industry stakeholders to explore how evaluation can support better policy and program design and implementation in a way that is ethical, robust and fit-for-purpose, as well as the kinds of capability uplift needed to successfully do so.
The program and background papers were developed by a working group of Academy Fellows and representatives from ACE.
Speakers included:
- Mr Selwyn Button | Productivity Commission
- Professor Deborah Cobb-Clark | University of Sydney
- Dr Phillip Gould | Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Mr Andrew Hawkins | ARTD Consultants
- Professor Ilan Katz | University of NSW Sydney
- The Hon. Dr Andrew Leigh MP | Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities, Treasury and Employment
- Associate Professor Jenny Povey | University of Queensland
- Emeritus Professor Elliot Stern | Lancaster University
- Scientia Professor Carla Treloar | University of NSW Sydney
- Professor Rosalie Viney | University of Technology Sydney