After endorsement by Reconciliation Australia earlier this year, we were delighted to launch the Academy’s inaugural Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan in Canberra and online in June. The plan sets out the Academy’s priorities for action during the period February 2021 to May 2022 and is the beginning of an important journey for the Academy.
Download the plan here, and please get in contact with if you’d like to contribute to our RAP process.
Download the plan here, and please get in contact with if you’d like to contribute to our RAP process.
Watch our RAP launch video below – thank you to everyone that participated in the event.

It’s also a good time to rewatch our Acknowledgment of Country video, especially if you haven’t yet seen it. Developed in 2020, the Academy is proud to be using this video at the start of all our online events.
P.S. The stunning artwork featured on the cover of our RAP is designed by Kangoulu and Gungarri artist, Leigh Harris, creative director of ingeous studios.