Read the March issue. Save the date for the Academy Annual Dinner, Rechnitz Fund applications open and school events for Social Sciences Week 2025.

Read the February issue. Australia Day honours, state branch events and new opportunities.

Read the December issue. Annual Dinner, welcoming new Fellows, news, events and opportunities.

Read the November issue. New Fellows, social sciences books, news, events and opportunities.

Read the October issue. Social Sciences Week wrap up, Rechnitz Grant announcements and more.

Read the September issue. Social Sciences Week is here, Fellows updates, events and more.

Read the August issue. Social Sciences Week, engaging events, grants and opportunities and a winter reading and listening list.

Read the July issue. Catch up on our events, grants, awards and more.

Read the June issue. Catch up on our international achievements, policy updates, exclusive events, grants and awards.

Read the May issue. Decadal Plan launches, Rechnitz Fund reminder, event updates and more.

Read the April issue. Event highlights and announcements, policy updates and more.

Read the March issue. Opportunities galore, policy updates and plenty to read this month.

Read the February issue. Honours and achievements and important Academy updates.

Read the December issue. Looking ahead to 2024, New Fellows celebrated and some farewells.

Read the November issue. Paul Bourke award announcement, social sciences in Asia and the Pacific plus honours and achievements.

Read the October issue. Symposium early bird extension, Seriously Social podcast update, plus award and grants information.

Read the September issue. SSW2023 wrap up, Rechnitz Grant announcement, policy updates, funding opportunities and Annual Symposium registrations open.

Read the August issue. Contribute to the Decadal Plan, get involved with #SSW2023 and read the latest in policy news, plus grants, awards and opportunities for early- and mid-career academics and others.

Read the July issue. We’re covering Social Sciences Week 2023, celebrating Fellow achievements, AASSREC’s 25th conference and grant and award opportunities for EMCRs and others.

Read the June issue. Discover the latest social science news and initiatives including grant opportunities, conferences and events, and policy updates.

Read the May issue. Discover the latest social science news and initiatives including grant opportunities, conferences and events, and policy updates.

Read the April issue. Statement in support of the Voice referendum, SSW2023, policy updates and event announcements.

Read the March issue. 2023 policy priorities, grant winners announced, Fellows updates plus local and international opportunities galore.

Read the February issue. Important dates for 2023, opportunities and congratulations.

Read the December issue. Events wrap up, new Fellows announcement, workshop grants and Paul Bourke Award winners, plus more.

Read the November issue. Paul Bourke Award winners, #DemocracySymposium, EMCR Network and more.

Read the October issue. Registrations now open for our Symposium, opportunities and the ‘Social sciences are everywhere’ campaign launch.

Read the September issue. Social Sciences Week, Democracy Symposium plus plenty of funding opportunities.

Read the August issue. Events to attend, books to read and Social Sciences Week around the corner!

Read the July issue. NAIDOC Week, upcoming events, a new podcast on burnout, reports to read and more.

Read the June issue. Fellows making waves, #SSW2022 and more.

Read the May issue. Schools program launch, early career awards, budget statement and more.

Read the April issue. Academy statements, awards, opportunities, diary notes and more.

Read the March issue. Fay Gale lecture, annual events announcements and Fellow announcements.

Read the February issue. Meet our new President, Academy partnership with BBC, grant winners announced, policy internships, congrats and more.

Read the December issue. Annual Symposium wrap up, new Fellows announced, exciting updates and a whole lot more.

Read the November issue. Annual Symposium update, Fellows congratulations, grant opportunities and more.

Read the October issue. Annual Symposium announcement, Social Sciences Week wrap up, AASSREC Biennial Conference, various opportunities, Fellows recognition and more.

Read the September issue. Social Sciences Week is here, Academy General ballot now open, international grants and workshop funding, policy updates and opportunities for input, plus new Fellows featured books.

Read the August issue. Social Sciences Week preparations, exciting initiatives and workshops announced plus Fellow events.

Read the July issue. Celebrating 50 years of the Academy, Reconciliation Action Plan launch video released, Annual Symposium update plus Social Sciences Week announcements.

Read the June issue. Launch of the Academy’s Reconciliation Action Plan, Workshops Program announcement, 2021 Annual Symposium and Fellows work.

Read the May issue. National Reconciliation Week, launch of the Academy’s Reconciliation Action Plan, Fellows dine and discuss, Vale Mike Humphreys, opportunities and more updates.

Read the April issue. Gender, Power and Violence: Panel discussion with the Parliamentary Friends of the Social Sciences, Save the Date for the Academy’s Reconciliation Action Plan launch and podcast new download records!

Read the March issue. Meet new Academy Executive members, 50th anniversary save the dates, State of the Social Sciences project, Panel Ballot now open and more.

Read the December issue. Our AGM had a record attendance, RRIF statement and a President-Elect announcement, plus more.

Read the November issue. Our annual events and AGM are coming up. Plus, don’t miss the announcement about this year’s new Fellows.

Read the October issue. Funding opportunities, a reminder about applications for our Workshops program and an update on what happened in Social Sciences Week last month.

Read the September issue. It’s Social Sciences Week! Plus, we are now a member of the International Science Council, books & awards, and plenty of dates for your calendar.

Read the August issue. Our new Acknowledgement of Country video, can you contribute to our climate change work?, and more.

Read the July issue. Queens Birthday Honours List, a bumper month for awards and opportunities, our first climate change policy paper, and more.

Read the May/June issue. Reconciliation Week resources, books galore from our Fellows, meet the Academy’s new Policy Manager, and more…

Read the April issue. How The Academy’s is finding new ways during COVID-19, COVID-19 expert database, Social Sciences Week 2020 and more…
Previous Newsletters

Read the February issue. The Academy’s statement on the bushfires, watch our tribute to Joe Isaac AO FASSA, we list our Fellows recognised in 2020 Australia Day Awards and more…

Read the November issue. Highlights from the Academy’s successful Symposium, AGM and related events in Canberra, meet the Fellows elected in 2019 and more…

Read the October issue. Announcement about a new ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society, featured Fellows in a Research magazine and more…

Read the September issue. Academy’s 2019 Annual Symposium Announcement, Policy Opportunities, a farewell message from Liz West and more…

Read the August issue. Acknowledging the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, release of the latest Artificial Intelligence Report, release of a first of its kind book, “Implementing Basic Income in Australia” and more…

Read the July issue. Welcome from the new Executive Director of the Academy, Chris Hatherly, 2019 Paul Bourke Award Nominations now open, contribute to the National Hydrogen Strategy and more…

Read the June issue. Call for Symposium 2020 Topics, Peter Karmel Forum on Public Policy, South Australian and Victoria Fellow Events, explore Tinker and more…

Read the May issue. 2019 Election Statement, the Future Humanities Workforce project has released a Consultation Paper Call, ARC ERA and ARC EI National Reports are released and more…

Read the April issue. Pre-register for the second lecture in the Keith Hancock Lecture Series, applications open for outstanding PhD-qualified early career researchers, the Academy’s response to to Department of Industry, Innovation and Science Consultation Paper on Improving Innovation Indicators and more…

Read the March issue. Celebrate International Women’s Day and amazing work Women in the Social Sciences have been doing, the Academy’s response to Performance-based funding for the Community Grant Scheme and more…

Read the February issue. Australia Day honours, state branch events and new opportunities.