(Contributed by The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor ol Melbourne, 1944-45, Councillor T. S. NETTLEFOLD, O.B.E.)
Melbourne is familiarly known as the “Queen City of the South,” and this title is by no means a misnomer. The Melbourne of to-day is a city of remarkable beauty. It is planned on lines thai enable the development of years the utmost scope. without demanding drastic alterations to conform with new building designs.
Indeed, in many ways, Melbourne is like a stately English city set down complete, even to its tree-lined river, in the Australian landscape. It is over a century old, having been founded in 1835, and has grown up with the English love of tradition, ordered beauty and conservative growth. Its setting is imposing and beautif ul. The River Yarra curves through the City, reflecting splendid buildings, time-weathered cathedrals, business blocks and substantial homes in the placid waters. Melbourne is a well planned City, of wide, clean streets, of imposing buildings, of enchanting gardens and recreation grounds.
St. Kilda Road is one of its finest thoroughfares; a great boule vard, three miles in length, with four lines of noble trees, with provision for the separation of commercial traffic, trams, and fast· moving private motor cars. It leads from Swanston Street across Prince’s Bridge to St. Kilda, and passes the foot of the Shrine of Remembrance, a national World War Memorial to Australia’s heroic dead.
Among the many notable recreational areas of Melbourne are the famous Botanical Gardens and the Alexandra Gardens (over 170 acres). which are among the loveliest in Australia. Not far away stands the picturesque old cottage of Captain James Cook, famed English navigator and explorer of New Zealand, Australia and :llawaii. It was brought from England in 1935 and reassembled for the Melbourne Centenary.
Melbourne contains Australia’s National Gallery. In it are some of the finest works in the Southern Hemisphere. The National Museum, Art Museum. Technological and Geological Survey Museums attest to the city’s thoroughness in the advancement of knowledge and appreciation of art.
Near Melbourne are the largest trees in Australia. In the Warburton and Maryville districts (48 miles from the city) are giant eucalypti, beautiful trees, some of them 287 feet high and 62 feet around- at the base. These are seen on one of the delightful day-trips from Melbourne. In the winter (July and August), the Warburton region offers ski-ing and other Alpine sports.
Excluding Greater London, Melbourne is the sixth largest city in the British Empire and ranks high in commerce and industry. In this relationship, the manufacturing industries and primary produc tion .have made a substantial contribution to the developm:mt of the city.
To the tourist. to the migrant and to fellow-Australians, therefore, Melbourne offers attractions equal to anything in the world. In the· post-war period, when many proposals for civic improvement will be put in hand, Melbourne will advance still further and will assuredly hold a high place among the important cities of the world. ·
The following information concerning the city is of great interest:-· Melbourne is situated in Latitude 37 degrees 50 minute’.1 South, Longitude 144 degrees 59 minutes East.
Founded in 1835, in the reign of William IV, I, was named after Lord Melbourne, then Prime Minister of England. On the separation of Victoria from New South Wales in 1851. Melbourne became the Capital of the Colony, and, from Federation in 1901. until May. 1927, when Canberra was proclaimed the Capital of the Commonwealth of Australia, Melbourne was the seat of the Government of the Commonwealth.
The title of the Corporation is “The Lord Mayor, Councillors and Citizens of the City of Melbourne.”
By warrant under His Sign Manual, dated 18th December, 1902. His Majesty King Edward VII was graciously pleased to confer on the Mayor of the City of Melbourne the title “Lord Mayor”.
The Lord Mayor is ex-officio Chairman of the City Council, and han precedence in all Municipal proceedings and in all Magisterial Courts within the city, and next after the Members of the State legislature on all occasions a,:id at all other places within the city.
The Lord Mayor receives from the city funds such allowance a, the Council determines. The amount votf d for the municipal year 1944-5 is £2500.
The Lord Mayor is elected by the Council at 10 o’clock a.m. on the fourth day after the day on which the returning officer declares the candidates at any annual election in August to be duly elected.
The Government of the city is vested in a Council of thirty-three Councillors, who are elected by the ratepayers and hold office for three years; one Councillor from each Ward retires annually by rotation in terms of the Local Government Act, 1928. There are eleven Wards.
Melbourne’s war effort is in keeping with its splendid reputation. Since the outbreak of war, funds launched by the Lord Mayor for various patriotic purposes have resulted in the collection of some £2.000,000. Other phases of the general war effort with which the Council and its staff have been connected in praiseworthy manner include the organisation of A.R.P. work, use of the Town Hall and Corporaiion property for patriotic purposes, co-operation with Com monwealth Government in matters of national emergency and administration of various patriotic fund appeals.
The sound financial position of the Corporation is evident from the following brief references thereto, viz.:- Loan indebtedness is £4,188.000; value of tangible assets is £4,107.097; Sinking Fund is £1.272.172; Town and Lighting Rate is 2/- in the £ and the ne!t return therefrom is £508.295. The fifteen undertakings operated (excluding the Electricity Supply undertaking) such as Abattoirs, Markets, Baths, etc.. represent a total liability of £864,305. Towards the repayment of this liability, sinking funds aggregating £388.446 have been accumulated to date. The combined nett profit on all these undertakings, after making full provision for interest, sinking fund and depreciation, is £20,949, which represents a return on capital liability of 2.4 per cent. It will, therefore, be seen that no burden is imposed on rates in respect of the maintenance of these undertakings.
The normal number of officers and employees at the outbreak of war was 2394. The normal salaries and wages amount to approximately £700,000 per annum.
Regarding Park Lands and Reserves, it is interesting to note that of the total area of the city (7740 acres) such Park Lands and Reserves occupy 1727 acres. The total amount expended in maintenance and improvement to reserves, playgrounds, etc., during 1943 was £91,775.
It will thus be seen that Melbourne is well served in the provision of open spaces. The Council is following a wide policy of encouraging sports, and in pursuance of such policy has created have been accumulated to date. The combined nett profit on all these undertakings, after making full provision for interest, sinking fund and depreciation, is £20,949, which represents a return on capital liability of 2.4 per cent. It will, therefore, be seen that no burden is imposed on rates in respect of the maintenance of these undertakings.
The normal number of officers and employees at the outbreak of war was 2394. The normal salaries and wages amount to approximately £700,000 per annum.
Regarding Park Lands and Reserves, it is interesting to note that of the total area of the city (7740 acres) such Park Lands and Reserves occupy 1727 acres. The total amount expended in maintenance and improvement to reserves, playgrounds, etc., during 1943 was £91,775.
It will thus be seen that Melbourne is well served in the provision of open spaces. The Council is following a wide policy of encouraging sports, and in pursuance of such policy has created many sporting ovals, turf Wickets, etc., in parks. The sporting ovals are equipped with dressing-room accommodation with hot and cold shower facilities, etc. Furthermore, the Council’s post-war plans include provision for a still greater number of playing spaces for its residents.
Regarding Child Welfare, the City Council has for many years accepted the principle that preventive methods should begin with the child, and has sought to put this principle into effect. In 1927 it adopted a report of the health committee, proposing that Child Welf are centres and Kindergartens for the care of mothers and of all children under school age should be provided within reasonable distance of all homes in the residential areas of the city. At the same time, it appointed a full-time medical officer for Child Welfare and assumed control of the four exisiing baby health centres which had been pioneered by committees of the Victorian Baby Health Centres Association. The nurses employed became officers of the Council and an additional nurse was engaged to deal with pre-school children. Since that date, working as far as possible in collaboration with all other agencies dealing with Child Welfare, the Council has been able considerably to increase its facilities. It has built five new Welfare Centres, two of which, in outlying areas, are equipped also as centres for dental examination and treatment, dental service in central areas being provided by the pre-school clinic of the Melbourne Dental Hospital. It has now six up-to-date centres and two sub-centres, one of which is operated as a training school by the Victorian Baby Health Centres Associa tion. It now employs one medical officer and eight sisters and the part-time services of one medical officer and one sister.
For many years there have been operating in the city a number of Kindergartens conducted by committees of the Free Kindergarten Union and by the Anglican, Roman Catholic and Presbyterian Churches. Realising that the continuous supervision of children in Kindergartens could be much more effective than anything achieved by occasional visits to health centres, the Council’s officers have endeavoured to maintain a close association with the Kindergartens, and the Council has given to them a gradually increasing financial assistance. The Council has built two Kindergartens which are conducted by local committees, affiliated with the Frae Kindergarten of Victoria. In addition, the Council contributed land and other assistance for the construction of the Victorian Lady Gowrie Child Centre, which is located in the city area.
When embarking upon its programme of Kindergarten extension and in order that there should be co-ordination between the work of the various Child Welfare agencies, the Council set up a Child Welfare Advisory Committee, under the Chairman of the Health Committee. upon which are represented the following bodies:-The State Department of Health, the State Department of Education, The Free Kindergarten Union of Victoria, the Victorian Baby Health Association, the Australian Association for Pre-School Child Development, the Victorian Association of Creches, the Anglican Church, the Roman Catholic Church and the Presbyterian Church.
Including those constructed by the City Council there are now within the city area 19 Kindergartens, affording accommodation for approximately 1200 children, all subsidised and assisted to a greater or lesser extent by the Council, working in close collaborcr tion with the Health Department of the Council and all endeavouring to supply a service of the highest standard.
It is not suggested that Kindergarten provision throughout the city is yet by any means adequate, or that the standard of build ings, equipment and programme are yet uniformly high, but steady progress is being made towards that ideal. As regards the results of these activities in Child ·welfare, it may be claimed that they are, in some measure, responsible for the steady decline in infant and child mortality and for gradual improvement in the health of the children. The close contact which a developed service of child welfare centres and kindergartens affords with the homes of the people is also claimed to be a very valuable means of parent and adult education.
For many years there have also been operating within the city three creches conducted by committees of the Victorian Association of Creches. The staff of the Health Department has always main tained contact with these and they also have received over the years an increasing amount of financial assistance.
Throughout its parks and gardens the Council has 17 playgrounds equipped with swings, maypoles and other material. Two of its children’s playgrounds are supervised by playleaders supplied by the Playgrounds Association of Victoria as a result of subsidies by the Council.
Founded in 1835, incorporated as a Town in 1842 and created a Ciiy by Letters Patent of Queen Victoria dated June 25, 1847.
Area-7740 acres. Population-City Muni cipal Area only, 102,700; Melbourne and Suburbs, 1.170,000. Buildings-22,230. Length of streets-190 miles. Average rainfall-26 inches. Altitude-sea level. rising to 150 feet.
Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £101.630.480; Nett Annual Value, £5,081.524.
Rate. 1945-A Town Rate of 2s. in the £ levied on neit annual values. In addition the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works levies the following rates on the above nett annual valuation, viz.: a Metropolitan General Rate (Sewerage) of ls. in the £; a Water Rate of 6d. in the £. and Drainage and River Improvement Rate of ld. in the £.
Newspapers.—Daily: “Age,” est. 1854, daily. Monday to Saturday (morning); “Argus,” est. 1846, daily, Monday to Satur day (morning); “Sun News-Pictorial.” est. 1922, daily, Monday to Saturday (morning); “Herald,” est. 1840, daily. Monday to Saturday (evening).
Weekly: “Australasian,” est. 1864. weekly (Saturday); “Labour Call.” est. 1906, weekly (Thursday); “Leader,” est. 1856, weekly (Saturday); “Smith’s Weekly,” est. 1918 (Saturday); “Truth.'” weekly (Saturday); “Weekly Times.” est. 1861 (Wednesday).
Sectional Papers and Periodicals.-Broadcasting and Radio-Listener In (weekly); Radio Times (Saturday). Foreign Communities: Australian Jewish Herald (weekly); Australian Jewish News (weekly, Thursday); Phos (weekly). Motion Pictures, Photography. etc.: New Screen News (weekly, Saturday). Motoring and Aviation: Aircraft (monthly); Australian Motorist (monthly); Radiator (middle of month). Religious: Advocate (Thursday); Australian Catholic Digest (1st of month); Australian Catholic Truth Society Record (fortnightly); Australian Christian (weekly. Wednesday); Australian Churchman (1st of month); Australian Church Quarterly (quarterly from March); Australian Intercollegian (March-December); Australian Messenger of the Sacred Heart (monthly); Catholic Missions (monthly); Catholic Young Man (monthly); Children’s World (monthly); China’s Millions (1st of month); Church of England Messenger (alternate Fridays); Cross Roads (fortnightly); Far East (monthly); Golden Grain (monthly); Horizon (1st of Month); Irish Review (monthly); League Broadcast (monthly); Madonna (monthly); M.B.I. News Chronicle; Melbourne City Mission Record (monthly); Messenger (weekly, Friday); New Covenant Advocate (monthly); New Life (weekly. Friday); Our Indian Field (monthly); Pen (monthly); Pure Words (monthly); Signs of the Times (weekly); Spectator (weekly. Wednesday); Tribune (Weekly, Thursday); United Aborigines’ Messenger (monthly); Victory (monthly); Victorian Baptist Witness (5th of month); Victorian Church of England News (monthly); Victorian Independent (monthly); W.A.O.M. Link (1st of month); Young Soldier (weekly, Saturday).
Scientific, Technical and Cultural.-Australian Chemical Institute Journal and Proceedings (monthly); Australian Educational Quarterly (pre-war); Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (quarterly); Australian Journal of Dentistry (1st of month); Australasian Journal of Pharmacy (30th of month); Chemical Engineering and Mining Review (8th of month); Commonwealth Engineer (10th of month); Economic Record (June and December); Electrical Engineer and Merchandiser (monthly); Emu (quarterly from January); Journal of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (quarterly, February, May, August, November); Mining and Geological Journal (March and September); Modern Engineer (20th of month); Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria (June and December); Victorian Naturalist (monthly).
Sporting.—Australian Trotting Record (weekly); Australasian Turf Register (yearly in August); Bowls (weekly, October-April, monthly from May to September); Circle (weekly, Thursday); Football Record (weekly); Guide (weekly); Schuss (monthly); Sidelines (monthly); Sporting Globe (twice weekly, Wednesday and Saturday); Sporting Judge (twice weekly, Wednesday and Saturday).
Stock, Farm and Garden.-Australian Dairy Review (monthly); Australian Dried Fruits News (quarterly); Australian Farm and Home (20th of month); Australian Garden Lover (1st of month); Australian Poultry World (1st of month); Citrus News (1st of month); Countryman (weekly, Friday); Fruit World and Market Grower (5th of month); Gippsland and Northern Co-operator (weekly, Thursday); Home Gardener (monthly); Journal of the Department of Agriculture (monthly); Milk Producer (15th of each month); Pastoral Review and Graziers’ Record (16th of month); Seed and Nursery Trader (20th of month); Stock and Land (weekly, Wednesday); Victorian Poultry Journal (monthly); Victorian Producer (fortnightly, Thursday).
Trade and Commerce.—Australian Automobile Trade Journal (monthly); Australian Brewing and Wine Journal (20th of month); Australian Food Manufacturer and Distributor (5th of month); Australasian Footwear (monthly); Australian Financial Gazette & Insurance Chronicle (monthly); Australian Grocer (20th of month); Australasian Insurance and Banking Record (21st of each month); Australian Leather Journal (15th of month); Australian Manufacturing Jewellers’, Watchmakers’ and Opticians’ Gazette (monthly); Australian Plastic and Allied Trades’ Review; Australian Storekeepers’ and Traders’ Journal (31st of Month); Boot Repairer (20th of month); Building Age (weekly, Friday);
Building and Construction and Cazaly’s Contract Reporter (weekly, Tuesday); Coach and Motor Body Builder (15th of month); Coomb’s Trade Circular (weekly, Saturday); Daily Commercial News and Shipping List (daily); Decorator and Painter (1st of month); Draper of Australasia (last day of month); Dun’s Gazette (weekly); Garage and Service Station Gazette (25th of month); Grocery and Storekeeping News (7th of each month); Home Beautiful (1st of month); Hardware and Machinery (17th of month); Ideas (middle of month); Industrial Australian and Mining Standard (fortnightly, 1st, 2nd and 15th of month); Industry and Trade (1st of month); McCarthys Caterers’, Pastrycooks’ and Allied Trades’ Journal (monthly); Real Estate and Stock Journal; Record (monthly); Storecraft (monthly); Tenders (weekly, Thursday); Tex· tile Journal of Australia (15th of each month); Traders’ News (monthly); Victorian Craftsman (monthly); Victorian Master Baker (31st of month); Victorian Master Butcher (25th of month); Vigilante (weekly); Wine and Spirit News (28th of each month).
Unions and Associations. – Association News (1st of each month); Australian Accountant (15th of each month); Australasian Electrical and Radio Times (20th of each month); Australian Municipal Journal (fortnightly, middle and end of month); Australian Telegraphist (monthly); Australian Traveller (6th of month); Bankers’ Journal (monthly); Bankers’ Magazine of Australasia (monthly); Catholic Worker (monthly); Clarion Call (monthly); Common Weal (monthly); Duckboard (monthly); Federal Public Service Journal (monthly); Federal Accountant (monthly); Hammer (monthly); Journalist (monthly); Justice of the Peace (10th of month); Law Institute Journal (monthly); Locomotive Journal (second Thursday of month); Melbourne Man hood (5th of month); Postmaster (monthly); Progress (1st of month); Progressive Woman (monthly); Public Service Journal (25th of each month); Railway Union Gazette (monthly); R.A.O.B. Gazetie (monthly);_ Rationalist (monthly); Rechabite and Temperance News (1st of month); Savings Weekly (Thursday); Shop Assistant of Australia (20th of month); Sun of Temperance (monthly); Teachers’ Journal (1st of month); Te Koreo (1st of month); Telecommunication Journal of Australia (three times a year); Timber Worker (monthly); Tramway Record; Una (monthly); Unity (monthly); Victorian Police Journal (1st of each month); Victorian Scout (15th of month); White Ribbon Signal (monthly).
Women, Fashion, etc.-Australian Journal (last Thursday in month); Australian Women’s Weekly (weekly, Tuesday); Madame Weigal’s Journal of Fashion (1st of month); New Idea (weekly); Women’s Weekly (Tuesday); Woman’s World (last Friday of month).
Miscellaneous.—Air Force News (monthly); All About Books (15th of month); Argus Law Reports (fortnightly); Argus Index (half-yearly); Australian Official Handbook (annually); Australian Official Journal of Patents, Trade Marks and Designs (weekly. Thursday); Australian Musical News (monthly); Australian Stamp Monthly (1st of month); Australian Statesman (monthly); Digest of World Reading (monthly); Farrago (weekly, Thursday); Front Line (monthly); General Practitioner of Australia and· New Zealand (15th of month); Government Gazette (weekly); Harbinger of Light (15th of each month); Idle Moments (monthly); Life (monthly); Medical Topics (Is! of month); New Times (weekly, Friday); Safety News (every second month); Salt (weekly); Speculum (June and November); Victorian Education Gazette and Teachers’ Aid (15th of each month); Walk about (monthly); Wild Life (monthly).
Electoral Divisions: Federal—Melbourne; Bourke; Fawkner; Melbourne Ports. State—L.C., Doutta Galla Province; Melbourne Province; Monash Province. L.A., Melbourne; Carlton; Flemington; Prahran; Port Melbourne.
The Right Hon. The Lord Mayor—Councillor Francis R. Connelly, J.P.
Albert Ward: Crs. G. R. Boulton; E. L. Morton, J.P.; T. Kerr, J.P.
Hoddle Ward: Crs. J. W. Ferguson, J.P.; H.Tatnall; Sir A. G. Wales.
Lonsdale Ward: Crs. G. F. Pedersen, J.P. H. L. Lyall, J.P.; T. S. Nettlefold, O.B.E.
Batman Ward: Crs. H. P. Higginson, A.I.C.A., A.C.A.A.; H. E. Morton, M.Inst. C.E.; G McNaught Hume
Hopetoun Ward: Crs. C. T. Smith; the Hon. John Joseph Holland, M.L.A.; W. R. Crichton.
Smith Ward: Crs. J.B. Naughton; the Hon. W. Barry, M.L.A.; F. P. Williams, LL.B.
Bourke Ward: Crs. E. L. Jones, J.P.; B. Marks, J.P. (all Aust. States); the Hon. James Stanley Disney, M.L.C., J.P.
Hotham Ward: Crs. T. Hayes, M.L.A.; J. Stack; the Hon. Patrick Leslie Coleman, M.L.C.• L.I.C.A., L.G.A.
Victoria Ward: Crs. F. G. J. Hardy; W. C. L. Townsend, LL.M.; R. H. Solly.
Gipps Ward: Crs. R. B. C. Campbell; F. R. Connelly, J.P.; W. J. Brens.
Latrobe Ward: Crs. Sir H. G. Smith, V.D., F.R.C.P., J.P.; O. J. Nilsen, J.P.; the Hon. Sir Beaurepaire, M.L.C.
Town Clerk and Chief Executive Officer: H.S. Wootton. C.M.G., J.P.
Deputy Town Clerk-G. J. Dean, J.P.
Chief Clerk—N. R. Bennett.
City Solicitor—E. J. Hamilton.
City Engineer—P. S. Robinson, M.C.
Deputy City Engineer—W. V. Wallens.
Building Surveyor—H. S. J. Reed.
City Architect—E. N. Beilby.
City Treasurer—E. R. Hudspeth.
Deputy City Treasurer—G. R. Duncan.
City Valuer—J. R. Riddell.
City Electrical Engineer—B. Woodfull.
Medical Officer of Health—Dr. John Dale, O.B.E.
Superintendent of Markets—T. G. Compton.
Superintendent of Abattoirs and Cattle Markets—R.R. Birch.
Curator of Parks and Gardens—J. Sherry.
Public Works; Health; Finance; General Purposes and Legislative; Town Hall and Properties; Electric Supply; Abattoirs and Markets; Parks; Gardens and Recreations; Traffic and Building Regulations; Licensed Vehicles.
The Council is also represented on the following public bodies:—
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works; Metropolitan Fire Brigades Board; Exhibition Trustees; Municipal Association of Victoria; Committee of Melbourne Sailors’ Home; Queen’s Memorial Infectious Diseases Hospital Board; New Melbourne General Cemetery, Fawkner; Building Regulations Commission; Building Industry Congress of Victoria; Heatherton Sanatorium; Victorian Civil Ambulance Service; Council of Victorian Baby Health Centres Association; Advisory Council of Emily McPherson College of Domestic Economy; Advisory Council of the Flemington Girls’ High School; Advisory Council, Melbourne Technical College; Advisory Council, University High School; Zoological Board of Victoria; Playgrounds Association of Victoria; Town Planning Association; Patriotic Funds Council of Victoria; Victorian Council for Social Training; Lady Huntingfield Free Kindergarten Committee; and the Workers’ Educational Association of Victoria.
Acres. | Acres. | |
Streets, 33ft. wide and over | 898 | |
Streets under 33ft. and lanes | 91 | |
Footways | 370 | |
— | 1360 | |
Park Lands and Reserves | 1726 | |
Lands held by the City Corporation | 361 | |
West Melbourne Swamp Land | 311 | |
Rivers and Docks-Water Area | 241 | |
Melbourne Harbour Trust Lands (omitting Roads) | 110 | |
Flemington Racecourse | 297 | |
Railways (Station Yard and Lines) | 697 | |
Building and other Areas (Government and Private) | 2637 | |
Area of the Whole City | 7740 |
The Auditorium of the Town Hall which replaced that section of the building destroyed by fire on February 1, 1925, was completed in December, 1927. The dimensions of the hall are: length, 95 feet; width, 108 feet; height, 70 feet, and the seating capacity is 2672 (main floor. 1810; balcony, 862). The Hall is mechanically heated and ventilated. and an elaborate system of lighting is installed.
A Grand Organ, complete with every modern mechanical and tonal improvement. built by Wm. Hill & Son and Norman & Beard Ltd., of London, at a cost of £39,000. is installed, and ranks among the world’s best instruments. A feature is the inclusion of an independent echo organ.
The administrative block of buildings adjoining the Town Hall occupies the site of the old City Police Court buildings, which was purchased by the Council from the Government in the year 1890 for the sum of £140,000. The cost of the buildings. fittings and furniture was £58,000.
Proclaimed a District in 1857, a Shire in 1872, a Borough in 1925, and a City in 1927.
Area—5120 acres. Population—20,000. Dwellings—5000. Shops—300. Length of streets—109 miles. Average rainfall—30 inches. Altitude—about 370 feet.
Valuations, 1945 — Unimproved Capital Value, £1.739,197; Improved Capital Value, £5,171.552; Nett Annual Value, £287,908. Rate, 1945-General Rate of 2/7d. in the £, levied on Nett Annual Values.
Enlistments from City-About 1700 in all Services.
Newspaper—”The Reporter,” published weekly on Fridays.
Electoral Divisions: Federal—Deakin. State—L.C., East Yarra Province; Southern Province. L.A., Nunawading; Boroondara.
Mayor—Cr. E. J. Ellingworth.
Crs. R. H. L. Sparks; J. S. Gowler; H. D. Campbell; W. J. Boyland; J. C. Hogan; W. J. Richards, J.P.; A. A. Fitzgerald; W. A. Kemp. J.P.
Town Clerk and Treasurer—A. Bruce Currey, F.I.M.A. Engineer and Building Surveyor—F. W. Kerr, C.E. Electrical Engineer—G. F. Wright, A.M.I.E. Valuer—L.E. Scott, F.C.I.V. Assistant Town Clerk-H.D. Hackwell A.F.I.A Health Officer—Dr. J. E. Shilliday, M.B., B.S.
The Council meets on alternate Mondays.
Having won the “Melbourne Herald” Garden Shield and the title of “The Garden City of Melbourne.” the City of Box Hill is an undulating and picturesque suburb about ten miles to the east of the Metropolis by electric railway. A marked community spirit of civic pride has resulted in the fullest preservation of natural rural beauty, and this has been steadily augmented by the planting of trees along many miles of streets. The area of the City is almost entirely residential and it is surrounded by a belt of apple, pear and peach orchards and poultry farms.
Outstanding architectural features include a fine modern Town Hall, dignified churches of all denominations, a modem Boys’ High, Boys’ Technical and Girls’ Technical Schools. In addition, there are five State schools, three private registered schools, two Grammar Schools and one public school and a flourishing Horticultural Society and Orchestral Society. Within the City are found 300 acres of parklands, and recreational facilities include 8 sports ovals, two golf courses, bowling green, tennis courts, children’s playgrounds, a cycling track, and a modern, under-water-lighted swimming pool, and there is a popular natural pool in Surrey Park.
Health statistics are excellent, births and deaths being at the rate of 23 and 13 per 1000 of population respectively. Two Infant Welf are Centres care for the young, and diphtheria immunisation has reduced the in cidence of that disease.
Industry is represented by a brick works, a case factory, flour mill, engineering works, a farm implement works, cool stores and ice works, and gas works. Post-war plans of the City include the building of a 100-bed modern multi-storeyed District Hospital, a National Fitness and Youth Centre, extension of Infant Welfare Centres and Kindergartens and a Cultural Centre embodying a civic public Library.
Proclaimed a Borough in 1859, a Town in 1887, and a City in 1919.
Area-3332 acres. Population-37,146. Dwellings- 10,316. Length of streets-96 miles. Average rainfall—30 inches. Altitude—at sea level on the shores of Port Phillip. Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £15.079,100; Nett Annual Value, £753,955.
Rate, 1945-General Rate of 2/4d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.
Enlistments from City–approximately 3500. Newspaper- “The Southern Cross,” published weekly on Fridays.
Electoral Divisions: Federal-Balaclava; Henly. State-L.C., Higinbotham; Monash Provinces. L.A., Brighton; St. Kilda.
Mayor-Cr. R. E. Tracey, J.P.
Crs. D. F. F. Granter, J.P.; C. P. Wright; R. T. Breen, LL.B.; A. R. Roberts, D.C.M., J.P.; C. W. W. Turner; E. H. Bleasby, J.P.; H. H. Lawrence; J. E. Stamp; R. E. Trickey, J.P.; S. M. Arms; R. H. Wallman.
Town Clerk—J. H. Taylor, F.A.I.S.
City Engineer—C. E. Tuxen, C.E., M.I.E. (Aust.).
City Valuer—G. S. Armfield, V.D., F.C.I.V.
Rate Collector—A.W. Adams.
Assistant Town Clerk—H. C. Ferguson.
Chief Clerk—A. C. De Garis.
Assistant Engineer—C. D. Seabrook, C.E., A.M.I.E. (Aust.).
Curator—P. Trevaskis.
The Council meets on alternate Mondays.
This pleasant residential area is situated on the Eastern shore of Port Phillip Bay, about 9 to 9-! miles from Melbourne, and, like Brighton in the south of England, it is a very well known and much-patronised water ing place. It has access to the Metropolis by an excellent electric railway service and ‘bus routes along the foreshore of the Bay connect with tram and train at St. Kilda. The City’s shoreline to the Bay is about four miles in length and stretches from the boun dary of St. Kilda in the north to that of Sandringham in the south. The whole City area is well laid out and preserved; i, has excellent streets planted with trees and there are many garden plots. On the seashore there are several piers, public baths and dressing sheds at intervals, and there is an adequate breakwater for the protection of the many yachts and other craft which are moored there. On Green Point, near the beach, there is a very fine war memorial from the 1914-18 war, and along the whole beach area the City Council provides gar dens, beach reserves and ample picnic grounds with fine, shady trees.
The City Council, by excellent organisation, has catered extensively both for the resident and the visitor. Excellent A.R.P. facilities were provided during the war and the Patriotic Society raised magnificent amounts for patriotic objects. The Council has under way a proposition for the establishment of a General Hospital and has undertaken to provide £12,000 for the purchase of the site. Cultural matters have always been fostered in this City and many recitals have been given by the well-known Brighton Philharmonic Society. The local health programme is very embracing and a long-range health plan· provides not only for immunisation, but for various clinics and physical fitness facilities. In the post-war period the ratepayer of this City should enjoy a high standard of public amenities .
Proclaimed a Borough in 1857, a Town in 1888, and a City in 1908.
Area-2719 acres. Population—53,390. Dwellings—13,738. Length of streets—120 miles. Average rainfall—28 inches. Altitude—150 feet.
Valuation, 1945—Unimproved Capital Value, £3,044,536. Rate, 1945-General Rate of 7d. in the £ levied on Unimproved Capital Values.
Newspapers.—”The Guardian,” published weekly on Fridays; “The Sentinal.” published fortnightly on Wednesdays.
Electoral Divisions: Federal—Bourke. State—L.C., Doutta Galla Province. L.A., Carlton; Coburg; Brunswick.
Mayor—Cr. W. F. Temple.
Crs. E. Dunstan, J.P.; W. E. Egginton; A. Holbrook, J.P.; C. A. J. Dollman; J. C. 1. Braddy, J.P.; G. F. Piera; N. H. Sheils; J. P. Holbrook, J.P.; C. C. Fisher, J.P.; D. Don; P. Jacobs, J.P.
Town Clerk-R. A. McGregor Dawson, F.A.I.S., J.P.
City Engineer-D. W. Bonar, C.E.
Health Inspector-I. M. Davidson.
Rate Collector-I. D. Behrend.
Deputy Town Clerk-H. W. Foletta.
Electrical Engineer-I. Whitelaw.
The Council meets on alternate Mondays.
This City covers a prosperous industrial This City covers a prosperous industrial and business area which lies to the immediate north of the City of Melbourne proper. It is very closely populated, has good, wide streets, many of them planted with trees, an important Technical School, a College of Domestic Arts, public and some private schools, and 22 hotels. Many industries are etablished in the area, a considerable number of them providing for brick-making and pottery, and there are many large textile factories. The main Sydney road passes through the town, which has a fine shopping centre and a well-appointed Town Hall. Within the City area are a considerable number of parks and recreation grounds, and of especial note is a very modern swimming baths which cost about £40,000 to construct. Access to the Metropolis is by electric railway, and excellent frequent tram service and ‘bus services run to surrounding suburbs.
In close proximity to the south of the City is Royal Park. an extensive stretch of parklands, within which is situated the Melbourne Zoo.
Created a District in 1854, proclaimed a Shire in 1871, a Borough in 1905, a Town in 1906, and proclaimed a City in 1914.
Area-8850 acres. Population-70,286. Dwellings-19,800. Length of streets-183 miles. Average rainfall-28 inches. Altitude-from 40 to 400 feet.
Valuations, 1945-Unimproved Capital Value, £7,884,840; Improved Capital Value, £25,208,656; Nett Annual Value, £1.476.405.
Rate, 1945—General rate of 4½d. in the £ levied on Unimproved Capital Values.
Enlistments from City—approximately 4150.
Newspaper-“The Free Press,” published weekly on Wednesdays; “The Observer,” published at Balwyn fortnightly on Thurs days.
Electoral Divisions—Federal: Kooyong. State: L.C., East Yarra Province. L.A., Boroondarra; Kew; Nunawading.
Mayor—Cr. W. R. Warner, J.P.
Crs. F. N. Le Leu, J.P.; K. Wright; E. W. Raven; W. A. Fordham, J.P.; W. Dimmick. J.P.; J. H. Nettleton, J.P.; K. L. O. Macleay, J.P.; R. C. Cooper, J.P.; J. S. August, J.P.; R. B. Leigh; R. B. Barnes, J.P.
Town .Clerk—R. M. C. Aitchison, F.F.I.A., F.A.I.S.
City Engineer—S. W. Goldworthy, C.E., A.M.I.E. (Aust.).
Health Inspector-G. L. Campbell.
The Council meets on alternate Mondays.
This flourishing and, in parts, high-class residential area is about five to six miles east of Melbourne proper, and the City boundaries include the districts of Camberwell, Ashburton, Balwyn, Burwood. Canter bury, Deepdene, Glen Iris, Hartwell and Surrey Hills. Access is by ·electric train ser vice, tram services and ‘bus services. In Camberwell itself the streets are planted with trees and there are several fine “parks, gardens and recreation areas. It is the site of colleges and some private schools. Sig nificant of the civic pride of the residents of this City area is the fact that within its boundaries two Horticultural Societies and eighteen Progress Associations operate. All usual sporting facilities are available and are conveniently distributed throughout the various sections of the City.
Created a District in 1857, proclaimed a Shire in 1871. a Borough in 1901, a Town later in 1901. and a City in 1913.
Area—5416 acres. Population—79,064. Dwellings—19,231. Length of streets—164 miles. Average rainfall—26 inches. Altitude—to 188 feet.
Valuation, 1945—Unimproved Capital Value, £6,318,124; Improved Capital Value, £23,252,487; Nett Annual Value, £1,265,335.
Rate, 1945—General rate of 4½d. in the £ levied on Unimproved Capital Values.
Electoral Divisions—Federal: Balaclava; Henty; Fawkner. State: L.C., Monash Province; Higinbotham Province. L.A., Caulfield; Oakleigh; St. Kilda; Toorak.
Mayor—Cr. J. T. Packer.
Crs. W. R. Brooks; H. C. H. Smith; E. M. Parton; H. E. Sims; J. S. Yorston; J. E. Smith; A. J. G. Sinclair, J.P.; H. C. H. Webster; T. W. Morris; S. W. Tyers; P. L. Prior, J.P.
Town Clerk—J. R. Briggs, F.A.I.S., F.F.I.A., A.I.C.A.
City Engineer—W. R. Fullard, A.M.I.E. (Aust.).
Health Officer—Dr. W. H. Fitchett, M.B., B.S.
This well-known and almost wholly residential suburb of Melbourne is situated about 6½ miles south-east of the Metropolis and is served by an excellent electric train service and trams from St. Kilda and Malvern. There are many residences of a very good class, shopping facilities are adequate, there are three hotels, a Technical School, and both State and private schools. There are a number of recreation areas including Caulfield Park of 62 acres, and within the boundaries of the City is situated the well· known Caulfield Racecourse. This course is vested as a reserve for racing, recreation and public park purposes in a Board of Trustees, and when not used for racing is open to residents and the public generally. Other suburban areas included within the City boundaries are part of Elsternwick, Glenhuntly, Ormond and Murrumbeena.
Proclaimed the Borough of Carrum in 1920 and the City of Chelsea in 1929.
Area—3040 acres. Population—7620. Dwellings—2950. Average rainfall—30 inches. Altitude—Sea level to 18 feet.
Valuations, 1945—Unimproved Capital Value, £597,385; Improved Capital Value, £1,741,491; Nett Annual Value £106,434.
Rate, 1945—General rate of 6¼d. in the £ levied on Unimproved Capital Values.
Enlistments from City—approximately 700.
Newspaper—”The News,” published weekly on Saturdays.
Electoral Divisions—Federal: Flinders. State: L.C., South-Eastern Province. L.A., Dandenong.
Mayor—Cr. H. S. McColl, J.P.
Crs. L. F. Payne; E. R. H. Charles, J.P.; T. Sargeant; R. A. Hutchings; R. E. Cheeseman, J.P.; A. G. Miller; J. H. W. Scott; E. F. Meier, J.P.
Town Clerk—John F. Gallahan.
City Engineer—John S. Watson, C.E., L.S.
Health Officer—Dr. R. F. Le Souef, M.B., B.S.
The Council meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays in the month.
This City comprises a narrow stretch of land, about five miles in length, along the foreshores of Port Phillip Bay, and its headquarters at Chelsea proper are about 20 miles from the Metropolis. Within its area are a number of little townships studded along the beach front, all affording beautiful. clean and safe bathing beaches. These com prise Aspendale, Bonbeach, Carrum and Edithvale, all of which are very popular watering places with excellent swimming and other sporting facilities. Chelsea itself is a fine residential area with good shopping facilities for the resident and tourist and amenities such as picture theatres and a dance palais. Industry within the City area is represented by a case factory, fibrous plaster works and tile factories. Accers is provided by the electric railway from Melbourne to Frankston, which runs from north to south through the City boundaries and close to the foreshores. This area is availed of by many holiday-makers for one-day trips in the summer months.
Created a District in 1869, proclaimed a Shire in 1874, a Borough in 1905, a Town in 1912, and a City in 1922.
Area—4800 acres. Population—48,00.3. Dwellings—11,471. Length of streets—128 miles. Average rainfall—28 inches. Altitude—255 feet.
Valuations, 1945—Unimproved Capital Value, £2,745,582; Improved Capital Value. £8,837,017; Nett Annual Value, £520,025.
Rate, 1945-General rate of 6d. in the £ levied on Unimproved Capital Values.
Enlistments from City—about 3500.
Newspaper—”The Courier,” published weekly on Wednesdays (free).
Electoral Divisions—Federal: Bourke. State: L.C., Melbourne North Province. L.A., Coburg.
Mayor—Cr. D. McDonald, J.P.
Crs. A. R. Bateman; H. J. Boyd; S. T. Cole, J.P.; R. J. Hutchison, J.P.; E. J. Parker, J. P.; H. O. Peterson; S. T. Grey, J.P.; J. McG. Gillies, J.P.; C. E. Hosken, J.P.; J. H. Morris; J. Hay.
Town Clerk—W. Mitchell, J.P.
City Surveyor—R. McG. Dawson, C.E.
Health Officer—Dr. C. Marshall, M.B., B.S., M.P.S.
Acting Electrical Engineer—H. J. Nankervis.
The Council meets on alternate Mondays.
This rapidly advancing City area lies north of Melbourne, its southern boundary being about 4½ miles from the City and its northern boundary about 6¾ miles. It is well elevated and is recognised as a very healthy and well-drained district. It covers the suburbs of Moreland, Coburg, Newlands, Pascoe Vale, Pascoe Vale South and Merlyn ston, and in some of these areas in pre-war years there was considerable building ac tivity, a very good class of suburban home being erected. There is still room for build ing expansion. It is served by a fast electric train service and a tram service which passes along the main Sydney road through Coburg proper. Tram and ‘bus services also connect with cities which lie to the east. west and south of Coburg.
Whilst it is in the main a residential area, there has been in recent years considerable industrial activity. Production figures of fac tories are not available as most of them have been employed for years on defence work, but they include 14 knitting and hosiery mills, 10 foundries, 5 bread factories, 4 clothing factories, 2 chemical works, l box factory, I soap factory, 2 galvanised iron products factories, 1 spring works, 1 flock factory, 1 pipe works, I ice works, 2 joinery works, an agricultural implement works and 14 miscellaneous factories.
Within the City boundaries are found over 200 acres of parks and gardens, and sporting facilities are varied and adequate. The lake reserve is a well-patronised picnic resort with the lake forming a large open-air swimming pool, and there are swimming and wading pools for the use of children. The City Hall is modern and artistic, and is set in the middle of beautiful parklands and gardens. Cultural and local interests are cared for by the Coburg Horticultural Society, the Pascoe Vale Horticultural Society, the Choral Union, a branch of the National Theatre Movement, an Art Festival Committee and a Recreation Reserves Committee. The Pentridge Gaol is situated in the City area on the Sydney road.
Proclaimed a District in 1855, a Borough in 1863, a Town in 1873, and a City in 1876.
Area—1139 acres. Population—27,046. Dwellings—7309. Length of streets—150 miles. Average rainfall—28 inches. Altitude—from 100 to 200 feet.
Valuations, 1945—Improved Capital Value, £10,205,300; Nett Annual Value, £510,265.
Rate, 1945—General rate of 2/6d in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.
Electoral Divisions—Federal: Yarra. State: L.C., Melbourne Province; Melbourne North Province. L.A., Collingwood: Clifton Hill.
Mayor—Cr. W. Ruthven, V.C.
Crs. W. F. Angus, J.P.; R. L. Friend; G. I. Maxwell; F. A. Andrews, J.P.; W. A. Jupp; W. J. Lewis; L. McCann; W. H. Reid; W. Johnstone; M. Seddon, J.P.; W. J. Towers, J.P.; J. Tonini; R. Roberts, J.P.; H. F. Dummett.
Town Clerk—G. J. Brown, J.P.
Engineer—W. E. Thompson, C.E., M.I.E.A.
City Inspector—W. C. Tassie.
Health Officer—Dr. J. E. Cockerill, M.B., B.S.
The Council meets on alternate Mondays.
This leading industrial suburb is situated about 2½ miles to the north-east of Melbourne and has a frontage of five miles to the Yarra River, which forms its eastern boundary. It is bounded on the north by Heidelberg Road, on the west by Smith Street, and on the south by Victoria Street. It is to be noted that. under the name of Newtown, it was the first local body to be incorporated in Victoria after Melbourne and Geelong. Access is had to the City by the electric railway from Prince’s Bridge. which crosses the City from south to north, and by a tram along Victoria Road in the south.
The area is thickly populated and many of the inhabitants are employed in the many factories within the City boundaries. These factories are estimated to number about 250, and include tanneries. breweries, boot and hat factories, and many others producing varied products. Three bridges span the Yarra River along the City’s frontage to the same, and other bridges over the Merri Creek link the City with Northcote and Heidelberg.
Business houses are good. Educational facilities include a Technical School and six State Schools, and there are 39 hotels. There is a public swimming baths. a free lending library, a baby health centre and children’s playground. Victoria Park. with all area of 10 acres, provides facilities for field games, and other sporting clubs are represented. The suburb of Clifton Hill, which lies to the north of Collingwood proper and south of the Heidelberg Road, is included within the City boundaries. It is a very popular residential and industrial area where there are a number of factories and four hotels and there are several recreation grounds and playing reserves in this district.
Proclaimed a Borough in 1861, a Town in 1890, and a City in 1909.
Area—4000 acres. Population—50,000. Dwellings—12.783. Length of streets—112 miles. Average rainfall—30 inches. Altitude—146 feet.
Valuations, 1945—Unimproved Capital Value, £3,365,178; Improved Capital Value. £11.453,075; Nett Annual Value, £704,752.
Rate, 1945—General rate of 6d. in the £ levied on Unimproved Capital Values.
Enlistments from City—approximately 3500.
Newspaper—”The Gazette,” published weekly on Thursdays.
Electoral Divisions—Federal: Maribyrnong. State: L.C., Doutta Galla Province. L.A., Essendon; Flemington.
Mayor—Cr. G. W. Tait, J.P.
Crs. A. D. Mackrell; G. T. Fitzgerald; J. T. Alexander, J.P.; H. J. Gibbs; L. T. Thompson, J.P.; J. B. Hunt. J.P.; P. M. Salmon, J.P.; W. K. Park, J.P.; H. J. W. Gyles; J. W. S. Fraser; W. T. Divers, J.P.
Town Clerk and Treasurer—L. W. Scott.
Acting Engineer—G. F. Focken, A.M.I.E. (Aust.).
Health Officer—Dr. R. H, Hardy, M.B.
The Council meets on alternate Mondays.
The boundaries of this suburban area, which lies to the north-west of and about fives miles from Melbourne, include the districts of Aberfeldie, Ascot Vale, Glenbervie, Moonee Ponds, North Essendon and Essendon proper, The City is bounded on the north by the Shire of Keilor, on the west by the Shire of Braybrook, and on the south by the cities of Footscray and Melbourne. To the east lies the City of Coburg and to the north the Shire of Broadmeadows.
The area is almost entirely residential in character with some market gardening being carried on. Essendon itself is 146 feet above sea level and thus nicely elevated is an ideal residential site. It has quite adequate business premises, five hotels and the usual sport ing greens and reserves. Moonee Ponds, to wards the southern boundary of the City, has a population of over 10,000, and is the site of the City Council offices. It is a good class residential suburb, has two hotels, a free library, an excellent swimming baths, and in Queen’s Park there is a lake three acres in extent. In this area is situated the well-known Moonee Valley Rac;ecourse. As cot Vale, near the southern boundary of the City, is an industrial as well as a residen tial area and a number of industries are represented. This district has a population of about 1.3,000, and within this area is Ascot Racecourse and portion of the famous Flemington Racecourse, and adjoining these two courses are the showgrounds of the Royal Ag1icultural Society. Aberfeldie, with a population of over 10,000, is a pleasant resi dential area which overlooks and has fine views of the Maribyrnong River: In this area there are extensive parks and recreation grounds. North Essendon and Glenbervie are both residential areas.
The interests of residents engaged in primary production are cared for in the City by the Essendon Horticultural Society and the Essendon and District Poultry Breeders’ Association. Access to the various districts comprised within the City boundaries is had by electric railway which runs from south to north through the City area and by trams which pass through the City and terminate in Keilor.
Created a Municipality in 1858 with o:n area of 333 acres, proclaimed a Borough in 1863, a Town in 1870, and a City in 1878.
Area—923 acres. Population-29,750. Dwellings—7200. Length of streets—39 miles. Average rainfall—28 inches. Altitude—from 65 feet to 120 feet.
Valuations, 1945—Improved Capital Value, £9,623,080; Nett Annual Value, £481,154. Rate, 1945-General rate of 2/3d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.
Electoral Divisions—Federal: Melbourne; Yarra: Batman. State: L.C., Melbourne Province; Doutta Galla Province. L.A., Collingwood; Clifton Hill.
Mayor—Cr. J. E. Kerr, J.P.
Crs. J. T. Ryan, J.P.; H. L. Peel; H. McKay; W. Donovan; C. F. Powe, J.P.; J. J. Barrett, J.P.; H. D. O’Halloran; D. J. Chandler; R. G. Goldring; C. J. Wilson, J.P.; L. Solomon; E. G. Hart, J.P.; A. J. Matihews, J.P.; K. Parlon, J.P.
Town Clerk-G. H. Honeycombe, J.P.
City Engineer-R. R. B. Bennett, J.P.
Health Officer-Dr. J. A. Cahill, M.B.
The Council meets on alternate Mondays.
The City of Fitzroy is a residential and industrial suburb which lies to the north of Melbourne and is bounded on the east by the City of Collingwood and on the west and north by the City of Brunswick. Portion of the present City area originally constituted the Fitzroy Ward of the City of Melbourne itself and in 1854 the sum of £50,000 was provided and spent on the improvement of the area by the elimination of narrow streets. Transport services through the City area are excellent, being provided along both tram and ‘bus routes, and in addition an electric railway terminates at Fitzroy Station. While largely residential, there are nevertheless a considerable number of factories representing various secondary industries in the area and these provide employment for many residents.
The City Council buildings are extensive. There is a free library, both public and private schools, 29 hotels and an extensive public baths. North Fitzroy is a residential area within the City boundaries in which there are two State Schools, a High School, five Denominational Schools and 20 hotels. In this area are the “Duke of Edinburgh” Gardens, with an area of 33 acres, where there is erected a fine Cenotaph in memory of the sporting fraternity who fell in the 1914-18 War and a memorial to Captain Cook. Within these Gardens is located the well-appointed Fitzroy Cricket Ground and a number of tennis courts and a large bowling green.
A feature of this City is that it is surrounded by magnificent parks and gardens. At the southern extremity of the City are the very fine Fitzroy Gardens with their extensive flower beds and well-known Conservatory. On the east there are the Darling Gardens and on the west the Carlton Gardens, and in addition throughout the City are a number of smaller garden areas.
Created a District in 1859, proclaimed a Borough in 1863, a Town in 1887, and a City in 1891.
Area—4211½ acres. Population—60,034. Dwellings—13,073. Length of streets—122 miles. Average rainfall—28 inches. Altitude—up to 150 feet.
Valuations, 1945—Improved Capital Value, £14,760,620; Nett Annual Value, £738,031.
Rate, 1945—General rate of 2/3d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Value.
Newspapers—”The Advertiser,” published weekly on Fridays; “Mail.” published weekly on Fridays.
Electoral Divisions—Federal: Maribyrnong. State: L.C., Melbourne West Province; Southern Province. L.A., Footscray; Williamstown.
Mayor—Cr. W. H. Anderson.
Crs. W. W. Hatfield; W. Jacka, J.P.; W. R. Smalley; J. W. Bacon; A. J. M. Beaton; A. Edwards, J.P.; B. G. Mcarthur, J.P.; E. H. Hester, J.P.; H. J. McIvor; A. E. Shepherd, J.P.; A. R. McNab; J. A. McDonald, J.P.; A T. Macdonald; C. L. Drew.
Town Clerk-J. Gent, F.I.M.A., A.F.I.A., L.I.C.A.
Assistant-E. J. Smith, A.I.I.S., A.I.C.A.
Electrical Engineer-J. A. Carmody.
Health Officer-Dr. M. H. Box, M.B., B.S.
The Council meets on alternate Mondays.
This flourishing industrial City lies to the· west of Melbourne on the western bank of the Maribyrnong River. It is reached by electric railway from the Metropolis, Foots cray proper being 3½ miles and Yarraville, at the southern extremity of the City, being 4¾ miles. It is bounded on the west by the Shire of Braybrook and on the south by the City of Williamstown. It is fairly densely populated, and, owing to its unique position in having a frontage of deep water to the Maribyrnong River, it is the site of many large industrial concerns and manufactories. There are over 200 factories in the area, including some very substantial works such as the Colonial Sugar Refinery, the Common wealth Fertilisers and Chemicals Limited, the Australian Box Factory, the Barnet Glass Rubber Company, the Australian Wood Pipe Company and many others. including soap and candle works, carriage factory, ammunition, maize products and implement works, flour mills, wool stores, knitting mills, foun dries, tanneries and others producing miscellaneous products.
There is a very fine shopping centre in Nicholson Street, and a progressive Council has established a modern Civic Centre with a fine Town Hall set in the midst of gardens and lawns. There is a Municipal Library, public welfare centres, 22 hotels, a good Technical School, three Denominational and seven State Schools, and a very modern under-water-lighted swimming baths.
Throughout the whole area plans for beautification have been carried into effect and there are many fine parks and reserves. Along the bank of the Maribyrnong River there are very beautiful parks and gardens, and of especial note are the Western Oval and the Yarraville Recreation Reserva. Western Oval. which caters for field sports, has some of the most modern appointments in the Commonwealth, and the Yarraville Gardens, which are situated in the industrial area, are a maze of beautiful gardens, lawns and trees. Footscray Park, in the northern part of the Municipality, is well laid out and kept and, from the same, excellent views may be had of Flemington Race course. At various points in the City are erected fine statues.
Created a Municipality in 1860, proclaimed a Town in 1887, and a City in 1890.
Area-2400 acres. Population-39,458. Dwellings-9909. Shops and factories-538. Length of streets-78 miles. Average rainfall-30 inches. Altitude-up to 200 feet.
Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £14,327,640; Nett Annual Value, £716,382.
Rate, 1945-General rate of 2/- in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.
Newspaper—”The Standard,” published weekly on Wednesdays.
Electoral Divisions—Federal: Kooyong. State: L.C., East Yarra Province. L.A., Hawthorn.
Mayor-Cr. J. Fowler, J.P.
Crs. H. W. Moffatt; J. B. Pridmore, J.P.; E. C. Rigby; L. Tyack; A. R. Patterson; E. Ward, J.P.; W. C. Porteous, J.P.; E. J. Rigg; W. T. Lewis, J.P.; J. W. George, J.P.; W. R.
Town Clerk and Treasurer—H. A. Smith, A.I.M.A., F.A.I.S.
City Engineer-A. J. E. Gourlay, M.I.B. (Aust.).
Health Officer-Dr. J. Jones, M.D., B.S.. B.Sc.
The Council meets on every third Wednesday.
This City area is situated on the eastern bank of the Yarra River about four miles due east of Melbourne. It is principally a residential suburb, but there is a limited number of secondary industries of various classes in the district, and it is estimated that before the war about 166 factories producing miscellaneous goods operated within the City boundaries. Transport facilities to the City area from the Metropolis are excellent as electric railways to Box Hill pass through the north of the City and another railway passes across the south of the City, and in addition there is a direct tramline through the City and cross lines connecting with neighbouring districts. In this area many of the residences are of a very superior class, and public gardens and parks abound. There are in all 15 public gardens and recreation reserves, most of them planted with trees, shrubs and flowers. Educational institutions are outstanding, there being four State and two Denominational Schools and private schools and col leges, including the well-known Scot’s College, reputed to be the largest in the British Empire. The Swinbourne Technical College, which has an attendance of over 1000 students, is within the area and it is unique in that neighbouring municipalities make annual grants towards its upkeep.
The City has a very imposing Town Hall, a good business centre and nine hotels. Within its boundaries three bridges cross the Yarra River, and there are numerous sporting facilities including a very modern, large swimming pool.
Created a Trust in 1840, a District in 1860, proclaimed a Shire in 1871, and a City in 1934.
Area-27,200 acres. Population-34,423, Dwellings-8091. Length of streets-269 miles. Average rainfall-30 inches. Altitude-300 feet.
Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £9,455,080; Nett Annual Value, £472,754.
Rate, 1945-General rate of 2/6d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.
Newspaper-“The News,” published weekly on Fridays.
Electoral Divisions-Federal: Batman; Deakin. State: L.C., Southern Province; Melbourne North Province. L.A., Heidelberg; Evelyn; Clifton Hill.
Mayor–Cr. G. E. Fitzgerald.
Crs. A. Nuttall; M. S. Kingsford; W. C. Elwers; Nellie G. Ibbott; A. E. Carlyle, J.P.; H. Graham; J. L. Ryan; A. K. Lines; S. Egeberg; H. T. Sparks; W. E. Clinton.
Town Clerk-F. Phillips, A.I.C.A.. F.C.I.V. (Aust.).
City Engineer-J. K. Longmuir, B.C.E., C.E., A.M.I.E.
Health Officer-V. Edwards, C.R.S.I.
The Council meets on alternate Tuesdays.
This City covers a somewhat large rural and industrial area which lies to the north of Melbourne about eight miles by electric railway. It has the River Yarra as its eastern boundary, and the country is hilly to undulating, and throughout a number of settlements within the City area dairying and fruit-growing pursuits are carried on by the residents. Heidelberg itself has a population of about 8517 and is situated near the Yarra River. It is a pleasant residential suburb with all amenities including gas, and sporting opportunities include fishing in and boat ing on the river. There is a nice park and public gardens. The beautiful and well known Heidelberg Military Hospital is situated in this district. The Ivanhoe area of the City has a population of nearly 14,000, and is noted for its very fine class of villa residences. There are recreation reserves and parks, swimming basin, and other neces sary public facilities. Fairfield district has a population of about 10,000 and is situated closer to the Metropolis, being about five miles therefrom by rail. It is a very good residential area.
In the more rural parts of the City area, and especially on the banks of the Plenty River. there are many picturesque orchards, and in some areas gold-mining is still carried on. Secondary industries within the City area include paper mills near Alphington, a woollen mill and several jam and sauce factories. In a number of more elevated, residential centres within the City extensive and fine views may be had towards the east to the surrounding ranges.
Created a District in 1860, proclaimed a Borough in 1863, a Town in 1910, and a City in 1921.
Area-3522 acres. Population-33,460, Dwellings-7075. Length of streets-77 miles. Average rainfall-28 inches. Altitude-up to 250 feet.
Valuations, 945-Improved Capital Value, £10,139,000; Nett Annual Value. £506,955.
Rate, 1945-General rate of 2/6d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.
Newspaper-“The Advertiser,” published weekly.
Electoral Divisions – Federal: Kooyong. State: L.C., East Yarra Province. L.A., Kew.
Mayor—Cr. F. K. White, J.P.
Crs. R. M. McPhillamy, J.P.; H. E. Brehaut, J.P.; D. S. M. Norris, J.P.; W. J. Hambly; J. T. Gazzard, J.P.; W. J. Price, B.A.; G. F. Pedersen, J.P.; W. H. S. Dickinson; V. M. Luke; W. D. Vaughan, J.P.; H. F. Mogg, J.P.; K. L. Roberts; F. W. Dods; F. C. Sands. M.M., J.P.
Town Clerk—W. D. Birrell, A.F.I.A.
City Engineer—J. F. Maughan.
Health Officer—J. J. McMahon, M.D.
Situated about four miles from Melbourne, this City is a picturesque and high-class suburban residential district. It lies to the north-east of Melbourne and has the River Yarra on its western boundary, the City of Camberwell on the east and the City of Hawthorn on the south. Within its area many large and modern houses and substantial mansions surrounded by extensive and well-kept gardens may be seen. Access is had by electric rail from Prince’s Bridge or by electric tramway which passes right through the City area. The business centre has a nice Town Hall, Courthouse, four hotels, and within its boundaries are two State Schools and several colleges. There are a number of parklands including Alexandra Gardens, which is laid out in lawns, trees and flower beds; Victoria Park with its sports grounds and Willsmere Park with its picnic grounds, and of especial note is Studley Park. a magnificent reserve of 203 acres in extent. which lies along the River Yarra. This park is a favourite resort for picnic parties, and within the same are boatsheds on the river and swimming enclosures.
Created as the Gardner District in 1856, and proclaimed the Shire of Gardner in 1871. changed to the Shire of Malvern in 1878. proclaimed a Borough in 1901. a Town later in 1901, and a City in 1911.
Area-4022 acres. Population-46,500. Dwellings- 12,545. Length of streets-110 miles. Average rainfall-28 inches. Altitude-150 feet average.
Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £20.781,340; Nett Annual Value, £1.039,067.
Rate, 1945—General rate of 2/2d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.
Enlistments-approximately 3500.
Newspaper-“The Spectator,” published weekly on Tuesdays (free).
Electoral Divisions – Federal: Fawkner; Henly. State: L.C., Monash; Higinbotham Provinces. L.A.. Toorak; Boroondarra.
Mayor-Cr. S. E. Stevens, J.P.
Crs. T. H. King; F. Alway, J.P.; D. Hyslop; J. Johnson, J.P.; R. W. Sylvester, J.P.; G. H. Kilborn, J.P.; M. F. Gray, J.P.; R. G. Moss; L. A. Righetti, J.P.; J. H. Snaddon; W. W. Cummins.
Town Clerk-A. M. Yeatman, F.I.M.A.
Engineer-B. M. Coutie, M.C.E.
Health Officer-Dr. J. S. Ormond. M.R.C.S.
The Council meets on the first and third Mondays in the month.
The district of Malvern, which is situated about 5¼ miles south-east of the heart of Melbourne, is one of the leading residential suburbs of the Metropolis. The homes of many of Melbourne’s leading citizens are located within this City area and there are many substantial residences surrounded by beautiful, well-kept gardens. The district is prettily situated and the contour of the land, which gives magnificent views of the Dandenong Ranges to the north and the east, lends itself to the laying out of beautiful gardens entitling it to be called “The Garden City.” There are many public gardens and parks, Central Park with its fine Conservatory being a popular rendezvous, and there are tea kiosks both in this park and the Malvern Gardens.
This suburb has progressed very rapidly, the chief factor in this progress, apart from its beautiful situation, being the travelling facilities afforded by the network of electric tramways which were constructed as the outcome of a very progressive policy pursued by the Malvern City Council. There is a good class City Hall, six hotels, five State Schools and a Technical School with a large attendance. The City of Caulfield lies to the south and the City of St. Kilda to the east, and the electric railway from Prince’s Bridge runs through Malvern and on to Caulfield. The Malvern District Horticultural Society is an enthusiastic body, with a large membership, and stages shows in both Autumn and Spring.
Created a District in 1862, proclaimed a Shire in 1871, and a City in 1934.
Area-12,320 acres. Population-24,700. Dwellings–6407. Length of streets-192 miles. Average rainfall-30 inches. Altitude-an average of 50 to 100 feet.
Valuations, 19.45-Improved Capital Value, £6,967,880; Nett Annual Value, £348,394.
Rate, 1945-General rate of 2/6d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.
Newspaper-“The News,” published weekly on Friday.
Electoral Divisions-Federal: Henly. State: L.C., Higinbotham Province; South-Eastern Province. L.A., Dandenong.
Mayor—Cr. D. E. Blackshaw, J.P.
Crs. H. V. Barnett; H. J. Besant; N. G. Wishart, J.P.; R. W. Marriott; A. F. Caldwell, J.P.; C. J. Hoffman; H. G. James; A. C. Barr; C. A. Pascoe, J.P.; E. A. Le Page, J.P.; J. W. Allnutt.
Town Clerk-W. B. Thomas, F.I.A.M.A., J.P.
Engineer-P. C. Rowan, M.C., C.E.
Health Officer-Dr. W. J. Allan, M.B., B.S.
The Council meets on the first and third Mondays in the month.
This City is a residential and general farming area which is situated a little over 10 miles south of Melbourne. inland from the Cities of Brighton and Sandringham. It has access to the Metropolis by the electric rail line which runs to Frankston. A number of settlements are included within the City area, the chief of the same being Moorabbin itself, which is in the centre of a market gardening and residential district. Considerable quantities of poultry are also raised in this area for the Metropolitan market. Secondary industry is represented by a distillery, engineering and food-processing works and fibrous-plaster factory. ‘Bus services give the residents easy access to Brighton Beach, which is a little over two miles away. Bentleigh, about 9½ miles from Melbourne by rail, is a substantial residential township with a population of about 6000, where market gardening is carried on and some secondary industries conducted. Clarinda, Highet and Heathe1ton are also market gardening town ships within the City area, and Cheltenham, towards the south of the City, with a population of about 5000, is a very progressive residential township. In this area there are a number of denominational homes.
Proclaimed the Borough of Mentone and Mordialloc in 1920, a Town in 192,3 and name changed to Mordialloc in same year, and proclaimed a City in 1926.
Area-3351 acres. Population-12,424. Dwellings-3208. Length of streets-64 miles. Average rainfall-30 inches. Altitude-rises from shore of Port Phillip Bay to about 100 feet.
Valuations, 1945-Unimproved Capital Value, £1,190,543; Improved Capital Value, £3,165,339; Nett Annual Value, £168,020.
Rate, 1945-General rate of 4¾d. in the £ levied on Unimproved Capital Value.
Enlistments from City-exceeding 1000.
Newspaper-“The News,” published weekly on Fridays.
Electoral Divisions – Federal: Flinders. State: L.C., South-Eastern Province. L.A., Dandenong.
Mayor-Gr. H. C. Edwards.
Crs. R. N. Hogg; G. E. White; C. T. Sambell; G. E. H. Woods, J.P.; F. Herbert, J.P.; H. C. Pearce; E. H. Davis, J.P.; A. W. Dolamore, F.C.A.
Town Clerk-E. C. Owbridge, F.C.I. (Eng.), F.I.I.A., F.I.M.A.
Engineer-W. Galt, C.E., A.I.M.E. (Aust.).
Health Officer-Dr. W. Grindrod, M.B.
The Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays in the month.
This seaside resort and residential suburb of Melbourne is situated about 16½ miles by electric railway from the Metropolis on the Frankston line. It lies to the south of the City of Moorabbin and its western boundary is the foreshores of Port Phillip Bay. Mordialloc itself has a populalion of 2660 and is situated on Mordialloc Creek at its entrance into Port Phillip Bay and is a popular seaside resort with good facilities including two hotels and adequate recreation grounds. Gas, electric light and water supply are provided. Parkdale is a seaside residential settlement with a population of 4064 and all facilities and sporting opportunities including sheltered beaches. Mentone has a population of 5700 and is noted for its beautiful bathing beach with cliffs sheltered by ti-trees. Here there are both State and private schools, all public amenities and an enclosed seawater baths with ample public shelters and sheds. Nearby is the well-known Mentone Racecourse, and in the surrounding area there are a number of training stables. Whilst the area of the City generally is mainly residential, there are within its boundaries a few small factories, and some market gardening is carried on.
Proclaimed a Borough in 1883, a Town in 1890, and a City in 1914.
Area-2850 acres. Population-43,000. Dwellings- 11,500. Length of streets-89 miles. Average rainfall-28 inches. Altitude-254 feet.
Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £10,060,820; Nett Annual Value, £503,041.
Rate, 1945-General rate of 2/3d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.
Enlistments-3000, and known Honour winners are-H. J. Bell, M.M.; J. A. Coombes, M.C.; R. B. Eames, M.C.; and E. B. Thurman, M.M.
Newspaper-“The Leader-Budget,” published weekly on Wednesdays.
Electoral Divisions – Federal: Batman. State: L.C., Melbourne North Province. L.A., Northcote; Clifton Hill.
Mayor-Cr. W. H. Turner.
Crs. A. C. Bird, J.P.; H. E. Ellis; J. W. French, J.P.; A. Gray, J.P.; H. E. Matthews; A. V. Peters, J.P.; C. A. Lavars; A. E. Causer; T. Walsh; A. W. Sheppard; W. Glanfield; L. Hales, J.P.; M. C. Jones, J.P.; W. E. Findlay, J.P.
Town Clerk-J. A. Thomson, A.I.C.A.
Assistant Town Clerk-A. Boyd.
City Engineer-V. J. Bradley, C.E., A.M.I.E.
Assistant City Engineer-A. R. Hill, B.E., C.E.
Electrical Engineer-G. H. Thomas.
The Council meets on alternate Mondays.
This City area is situated about four miles north of Melbourne, being bounded on the south by ihe Cities of Fitzroy and Colling wood, on the west by the City of Brunswick, and on the east by the City of Heidelberg. It has a number of factories operating within its area including brickworks, tannery and leather works, boot factory, clothing factory, engineering works, furniture factories, timber and joinery works, die works, broom factory and others, which number somewhat over 100 in all. It is, however, becoming increasingly known as a desirable residential area.
Many of the residences are of a very handsome character and the shopping centre and business premises are high-class. The whole area is nicely elevated and from various points extensive views are had of the surrounding country. There are five hotels, a High School, six State Schools and three Denominational Schools. There is a very imposing Town Hall and a well-equip ped public library. Parks and playgrounds and playing fields throughout the area total over 100 acres, and health statistics are very good in that the births and deaths per thou sand of the mean population are respectively 20.79 and 10.25. Transport facilities include electric railway to the Metropolis and also tram service, which runs through Fitzroy and on to Preston.
Proclaimed the Shire of Blackburn and Mitcham in 1926 and the City of Nunawading in April, 1945.
Area-15½ square miles. Population-9000. Dwellings-2251. Length of roads and streets-101 miles. Average rainfall-30 inches. Altitude-from 300 to 500 feet.
Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £2,615,820; Nett Annual Value, £130,791.
Rate, 1945-General rate of 2/10d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.
Electoral Divisions-Federal: Deakin; Flinders. State: L.C., Southern Province. L.A., Nunawading; Upper Yarra.
Mayor-Cr. N. Armstrong, J.P.
Crs. H. R. Seeger; E. R. Webb; C. L. Willis; T. H. Craig; H. E. P. Moore; C. F. Rooks, A.C.I.A., A.A.LS.; G. Savage; T. J. Knox; H. L. Stewart; A. R. Smith; W. B. Heppner.
Town Clerk-A. Hutchings, F.I.M.A.
Engineer-F. W. Kerr, C.E.
Health Inspector-R. J. Gray.
Health Officer-Dr. S. B. Sutton, M.B., B.S.
The Council meets on alternate Mondays.
This area was formerly the Shire of Black- burn and Mitcham and was proclaimed a City in April, 1945. It covers an area of country which is rural and semi-suburban in character and lies to the east of Melbourne, about 10 to 12 miles by electric railway, through Camberwell and Box Hill. It is comprised of gently undulating and in places hilly country, which besides being used for residential purposes is also devoted to fruit and vegetable growing, flower cultivation and general farming in a small way.
There are several settlements in the area of the City. The Municipal Chambers are situated at Tunstall, which is 12¼ miles from Melbourne by rail. It is a small settlement in a fruit-growing district, but there is also a pottery, a wood-turning factory and a brick works. The larger settlement of Blackburn has a population of about 2300 and is about 10 miles from Melbourne by rail. It is the centre of a fruit and vegetable growing area and the residents are well catered for with electric light, water supply and also sewer age. Industries are a brick and tile works, case factory, cool stores and an equipment factory. Mitcham is well elevated, being 500 feet above the’ sea; and has a population of about 1800. Fruit-growing is carried on, and many flowers are cultivated for the Metro politan market. Electricity and water supply are available and there is an hotel and adequate educational facilities. Vermont is a well-known flower-growing settlement, and Burwood East is the centre of a fruit and vegetable-growing district. Throughout this large City area electricity and water supply are available to the residents and adequate sporting facilities are available at most centres.
Proclaimed a Borough in 1891, a Town in 1924, and a City in 1927.
Area-2658 acres. Population-14,000. Dwellings-3600. Length of streets-62 miles. Average rainfall-28 inches. Altitude- 100 feet to 250 feet.
Valuations, 1945-Unimproved Capital Value, £970,152; Improved Capital Value, £3,091,880; Nett Annual Value, £183,665.
Rate, 1945-General raie of 6-.j-d. in the £ levied on Unimproved Capital Values.
Newspaper “The Times,” published week ly on Thursday.
Electoral Divisions-Federal: Henty. State: L.C., Higinbotham Province. L.A., Oakleigh.
Mayor-Cr. L. R. Ford.
Crs. W. G. Cole, LL.B.; H. G. Johnson, J.P.; F. Irvine; N. J. Timmings; E. F. Cook, J.P.; J. V. Hughes; J. C. Phillips; E. A. Watkin.
Town Clerk-J. A. Price.
Engineer- J. H. Varcoe, C.E., A.M.I.E. (Aust.).
Heaith Officer-Dr. V. C. Brown, M.B.
The Council meets on the first and third Mondays in the month.
The City of Oakleigh is situated about 9½ miles to the south-east of Melbourne and is reached by electric railway train. It lies to the east of the City of Caulfield and to the north of the City of Moorabbin. It is, in the main, a rural-suburban district which is used for residential purposes, and every effort has been made to make it attractive. The streets are well laid out and planted with trees, and gas, water and electric light are available. There are several parks and recreation re serves, and sporting facilities are provided for all field sports. There are two picture theatres and three hotels. Two golf clubs have their courses within the City area. Industry is represented by a large brick and tile works. Within the City boundaries are the progressive suburbs of Hughesdale and East Oakleigh.
Proclaimed Sandrindge Borough in 1860, name changed in 1884 to Port Melbourne, proclaimed a Town in 1893, and a City in 1919.
Area-2366 acres. Population- 12,800. Dwellings-3500. Length of streets-30 miles. Average rainfall-30 inches. Altitude-sea level on shores of Hobson’s Bay.
Valuation, 1945-Improved Capital Value,£5,836,360; Nett Annual Value, £291,818.
Rate, 1945-General rate of 2/6d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.
Newspaper – “The Record,” published weekly on Fridays.
Electoral Divisions – Federal: Melbourne Ports. State: L.C., Melbourne Province; Mel bourne West Province. L.A., Port Melbourne.
Mayor-Cr. M. T. Woodruff, J.P.
Crs. J. P. Crichton, J.P.; H. C. Edwards; T. Griffin, J.P.; J. Bertie; G. A. Rogers, J.P.; J. W. Woodruff; W. Howe, J,P.; M. Fennell, J.P.
Town Clerk-S. S. Anderson.
City Engineer and Building Surveyor-F. C. Cook.
Health Officer-Dr. H. Grover, M.B.
The Council meets on alternate Tuesdays.
This important City is situated about two miles from Melbourne on the shores of Hobson’s Bay and is known as “The Gateway to Melbourne.” Whilst partly residential, it is an important and busy port and contains many secondary industries-a biscuit factory, a distillery, chemical works, treacle refinery, gas works, rice and meal mills, a number of engineering shops, soap and candle works, motor assembling works and aircraft works. At the Port itself there are three piers-Town, Station and Prince’s Piers-where all overseas liners and cargo ships calling at Melbourne berth and discharge. Whilst the Port lacks the natural advantages which are found at Sydney and Hobart, the piers have been so well equipped and the improvements have been such that all ships find adequate accommodation.
Residents within the City are very largely dependent on shipping and related industries and occupations. The residential streets are well laid out with good footpaths, and while business premises are adequate for local and immediate need . most of the residents look to Melbourne itself for their shopping requirements. There are 22 hotels within the City and a Town Hall with a free lending library.
Created a Municipality in 1855, proclaimed a Borough in 1863, a Town in 1870, and a City in 1879.
Area-2.320 acres. Population- 60,000. Dwellings- 14,783. Length of steets-71 miles. Average rainfall-24 inches. Altitude-50 to 100 feet.
Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £21,422,200; Nett Annual Value, £1,428,147.
Rate, 1945-General rate of l/8d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.
Enlistments from City-about 4000.
Electoral Divisions – Federal: Fawkner. State: L.C., Monash Province. L.A., Prahran; Toorak.
Mayor–Cr. A. W. Cole, J.P.
Crs. W. M. Flintoft, J.P.; F. Harvey, J.P.; H. Landen; G. E. Furnell; A. H. Woodful, LL.M.;
M. Smith, J.P.; E. P. McMaster, J.P.; R. B. Hamilton, A.R.I.B.A. (Lond.); N. M. Macfarlan, J.P.; W. M. Mcilwrick; T. A. Thomas
Town Clerk and Treasurer-J. Romanis.
City Engineer and Building Surveyor-A. E. Causland, C.E. (on Active Service).
Consulting Engineer-G. T. Little, C.E.M.C.
Assistant Town Clerk-W. J. Ward, A.I.C.A.
Assistant City Surveyor-J. R. Muntz.
Accountant-H. T. Jones.
Rate Collector-G. A. Edwards.
City Valuer-J. W. Stenson.
Health Officer-Dr. J. P. Major.
City Inspector (on Active Service)-R. A. Rogers.
Health Inspectress-Sister E. Chester.
Pre-Maternity Clinic-Dr. Mary Herring.
Acting Librarian-F. H. Ingamells.
Hallkeeper-A. H. Brudenell.
The Council meets on alternate Mondays.
The City of Prahran, which is largely residential, is situated about three miles south east of Melbourne and has access by electric train and tram. There are a number of factories, the principal of which are electricai appliances manufacture, sofi drinks, jam making, timber mills, furniture manufacture, shop-front fitters, cigarette manufactures, and dry cleaners; the factories numbering about 350 in all.
Health statistics of the City are good, births greatly exceeding deaths, and infectious diseases, notably scarlet fever, are consistently on the decline. The Prahran Health Centre controls a Tuberculosis Bureau (X-Ray Service, Infant Welfare, Child Welfare and Pre maternity Clinic Departments). During the war the Prahran Patriotic Society and Red Cross Society have done magnificent work, and both the citizens of the City and the Council have invested substantially in War Loans.
Under the control of the Council are 80 acres of parks and gardens, six cricket pitches, six equipped playgrounds, and six tennis courts. A Municipal Public Library with a Junior Readers Section is maintained and kept as up-lo-date as possible.
The business streets are wood paved and asphalted and lined •with modern and large shops and business premises. There is a High School, a Technical Arts School, a Domestic Arts School, six State Schools and
29 hotels. Within the boundaries of the City are included the suburbs of Armadale, Hawksburn, South Yarra, Toorak and Windsor, all of them residential in character and in some, especially foorak, may be seen many large palatial homes.
Created Jika Shire in 1871, name changed to Preston in 1885, proclaimed a Borough in 1922, a Town in 1922, and a City in 1926.
Area-8800 acres. Population-38,991. Dwellings- 10,122. Length of streets-156 miles. Average rainfall-26 inches. Altitude-200 to 300 feet.
Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £9,165,200; Nett Annual Value, £458,260.
Rate, 1945-General rate of 2/6d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.
Newspaper-“The Post,” published weekly on Wednesdays.
Electoral Divisions – Federal: Batman. State: L.C., Melbourne North Province. L.A., Heidelberg.
Mayor-Cr. T. W. Blake, J.P.
Crs. T. W. Andrews, J.P.; C. T. Barling, J.P.; R. Coleman; H. L. T. Oulton, J.P.; W. H. Robinson, J.P.; G. L. Hatfield, J.P.; H. Swain; J. E. Moore, J.P ; J. Croft, J.P.; A. G. Davis, J.P.; J. S. Grey, J.P.
Town Clerk-J. C. Donath.
Acting City Engineer-J. A. Aberneathy.
Health Officer-Dr. W. H. Steele, M.B., B.S.
The Council meets fortnightly on Mondays.
This City comprises a residential and industrial area about St miles north of Melbourne. It is immediately north of the City of Northcote and communications with the Metropolis are by electric railway and electric tram.
The area in recent years has continued to show great progress and development, and in and around Preston pig-raising, as an industry, is being extensively carried on, and as the result four ham and bacon-curing works carry on in Preston itself. There are also six tanneries, a wool-scouring works, a brick works, a soap works and a pottery. Poultry farming is carried on, and a considerable quantity of flowers are grown for the Metro politan market. There are four State Schools, a Technical School, a Girls’ High School and five hotels. Public gardens and sporting re serves are adequate. There are fine public baths and five picture theatres. On the out skirts of the City is the well-known Lunatic Asylum of “Mont Park.”
Created a Municipality in 1855, proclaimed a Town in 1872, and a City in 1882.
Area-1430 acres. Population-39,000. Dwellings- 10,000. Length of streets-52 miles. Average rainfall-26 inches. Altitude-90 feet.
Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £12,120,740; Nett Annual Value, £606,037.
Rate, 1945-General rate of 2/6d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.
Newspaper- “Richmond Chronicle,” published weekly on Fridays.
Electoral Divisions-Federal: Yarra. State: L.C., Melbourne Province. L.A., Richmond.
Mayor-Cr. D. Murphy, J.P.
Crs. W. Williams, J.P.; P. J. Carroll, J.P.; E. P. Boland, J.P.; B. A. Longfield, J.P., F.S.P.A., F.F.C.A., F.C.I. (Eng.), F.R.Econ.S. (Lond.); R. H. Lightfoot; R. S. F. Jackson, J.P.; J. L. Cremean, J.P.; M. P. Sheehy, J.P.; M. D. Kennedy, J.P.; A. E. Huckerby, J.P.; W. F. Ryan; P. Cooper; P. V. O’Connell; J. A. Loughnan, J.P.
Town Clerk-F. L. Hallett, J.P., F.I.M.A.
Assistant Town Clerk-T. J. Thorp.
Treasurer and Accountant-W. J. V. McCarthy, A.C.A. (Aust.).
City Engineer-C. V. Vaughan.
Valuer and Rate Col!ector-H. F. Matthews, M.V.I.
Building Surveyor-P. F. Donnelly.
Supt., City Abattoirs-1. M. Winzer.
Health Inspector-A. M. Carroll.
Health Officer-Dr. P. L. Grogan.
Curator, Gardens & Reserves-P. J. Casey.
The Council meets on alternate Mondays.
This progressive suburban residential and industrial City is situated about three miles south-east of Melbourne, east and north of the River Yarra, which after running due south bends to the west near Richmond Park. It is connected with the Metropolis by three concrete roads-Swan Street, Bridge Road and Victoria Street-and served by fast electric train and iram services. One railway line passes through West and North Richmond and then on to the north, whilst another line, which runs through Richmond itself, branches there and the station is a junction for the Brighton, Healesville, Warburton, Gippsland, Franksion, Mornington and Stoney Point lines. Six bridges span the River Yarra within the City area, in addition to two rail way bridges.
Many secondary industries of substantial size are located within the City, including tan neries, breweries, granaries, one piano fac tory, two match factories, and booi, soap, candle, food processing, jam and sauce fac tories, foundries and engineering works. In addition there are bluestone quarries which belong to the City Council. There are about 350 factories in all in the district.
Residents are well catered for wiih every amenity and recreaiion facility. There are a number of fine parks and gardens including the City Reserve (eight acres), Barkby Reserve (six acres), Horticultural Gardens (36 acres) and Richmond Park of 156 acres, the latter park lying in the bend of the River Yarra at the south-east corner of the City. In addition lawns and rockeries have been formed at different places on the river bank. There are six different children’s playgrounds and three baby health centres.
The Town Hall is a handsome edifice with a tower 130 feet high and an electric clock in the iurret. The business and shopping centre is adequate, with good shopping houses and government and trading banks being fully represented. There are 40 hotels, five picture theatres and free and lending libraries. The State Electricity Commission’s headquarters are situated in Harcourt Parade and Green Street. A free dispensary is provided and the Municipal Swimming Baths have a roofed swimming basin 150ft. by 80ft. in which the water is heated in the winter. In the baths grounds is the Municipal Gymnasium which covers 82ft. by 25ft. A feature of the City is its handsome churches, which include St. Ignatius’ Roman Catholic Church. which has a spire of 217 feet. and educational establishments include five State Schools, a very modern Technical High School, five Free Kindergatens and 20 Private Schools.
Proclaimed a Borough in 1917, a Town in 1919. and a City in 1923.
Area-3740 acres. Population-25.000. Dwellings-6028. Length of streets-100 miles. Average rainfall-30 inches. Altitude-on shores of Port Phillip Bay.
Vaiuations, 1945 – Unimproved Capital Value, £2,.345,358; Improved Capital Value, £7,283,220; Nett Annual Value, £364,161.
Rate, 1945-General rate of 5d. in the £ levied on Unimproved Capital Values.
Newspaper-“The News,” published weekly on Fridays.
Electoral Divisions-Federal: Henty. State: L.C., South-Eastern Province; Higinbotham Province. L.A., Brighton; Dandenong.
Mayor-Gr. W. McKay, J.P.
Cr. R. J. Sillitoe, J.P.; W. R. D. Mould; G. A. Brown, J.P.; W. L. Simpson, J.P.; F. L. Yott, J.P.; T. M. Grant; H. Wilkinson; C. H. Innes.
Town Clerk-F. G. Tricks, J.P.
Engineer-N. G. Roeszler, C.E.
Health Officer-Dr. T. G. Leary, M.D.
The Council meets on the second Tuesday in the month.
This seaside resort and residential City is situated on the eastern shores of Port Phillip Bay, south of the City of Brighion. It is about lit miles from Melbourne, access being had by rail through Brigllton. In addition, 11¼ miles inland from the shore, the Frankston railway line passes near the City boundaries.
Sandringham itself is a pleasant residential area with an adequate shopping centre, two hotels, and all amenities such as gas, electric light, water and sewerage. Roads and footpaths are well made and planted with tree,. and there are splendid bathing beaches with nice parks and recreation reserves. Excellent fishing may be had along the beach
Other watering settlements within the City area include Beaumaris further south, Black Rock and Hampton. Each of these places is well provided with amenities and sporting opportunities, including fishing, boating and yachting.
Proclaimed Emerald Hill Borough in 1855, a Town in 1872 and a City in 1883. Name changed to South Melbourne in 1883.
Area-2303 acres. Population-44,230. Dwellings-9745. Length of streets-83 miles. Average rainfall-28 inches. Altitude-from sea level on the shores of Robson’s Bay rising up to 100 feet.
Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £17,980,900; Nett Annual Value, £899,045.
Rate. 1945-Generai rate of 2/6d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.
Enlistments- 3322 in all Services.
Honour Winners-Dvr. C. Aroney, B.E.M.; Sgt. Alfred H. Prout, B.E.M.; Leading Sick Berth Attendant Douglas E. Shelley, B.E.M.; F/O. J. P. Maguire, D.F.C.; S/Ldr. Ian McRitchie, D.F.C.; S/Ldr. Ian F. Tamagno, D.F.C. and Bar; F/Lt. Peter Isaacson, D.F.C. and D.F.M.; P/O. John W. D. Robin, D.F.M.; Commander H. J. Buchanan, D.S.O.; Col. Henry Wells. D.S.O.; Lieut. John Don, M.B.E.; F/Lieut. Henry K. Relf, M.B.E.; Bdr. E. J. Courtney, M.M.; Sgt. J. W. Coy, M.M.; Sp. Jack Dodd, M.M.; L/Sgt. C. Gilbert, M.M.; Sgt. Fred J. McCormack, M.M.; Sec. Lieut. J. L. Mackinnon, M.C.; Lieut. Col. T. P. Cook, O.B.E. Mentioned in Despatches: W.O. E. G. Connor, L/Sgt. George E. Baxter. Commend ed for Bravery: L.A.C. George Marven.
Newspaper – “The Record.” published weekly on Fridays.
Electoral Divisions-Federal: Melbourne Ports. State: L.C., Melbourne West Province. L.A., Albert Park; Port Melbourne.
Mayor-Gr. W. E. Wells, J.P.
Crs. G. R. Holland, J.P.; P. K. Sutton, J.P.; J. A. Jamieson; I. J. Curtain, J.P.; R. Nuzum, F.C.A. (Aust.); V. A. Hicks, J.P.; B. A. White W. A. Wright, J.P.; V. S. Meyers; J. P. Barry; J. H. McCann; D. Duncan, J.P.; H. T. Chapman, J.P.; H. A. Layfield. J.P.
Town Clerk-H. Alexander.
City Engineer-R. A. Hiscock, A.M.I.E.
Assistant Town Clerk-R. E. Darling.
Rate Collector and Valuer-E. K. Lane.
Receiver and Paymaster-I. J. Cox.
City Inspector-C. R. Anderson.
Abattoirs Supt.-W. J. Travaskis.
Depot Engineer-J. W. Anderson.
Housing Inspector-K. Ussher.
Librarian-A. E. McMicken.
Assistant Engineer-E. McGrath.
The Council meets on alternate Wednesdays.
The City of South Melbourne, though well served by electric trains and trams, is within easy walking distance of Melbourne and includes the Albert Park and Middle Park districts. It is separated from the City of Melbourne by the River Yarra on the north, and bounded on the east by the Cities of Melbourne and Prahran, on the south by the City of St. Kilda, and on the west by Robson’s Bay and the City of Port Melbourne.
The City stretches for a mile and half along the foreshores of the Bay and thus provides recreation in summer months for the citizen and visitors. Albert Park (600 acres) is within the area and, together with its lake of 113 acres, makes a playground for Melbourne and caters for boating, rowing, yachting, cricket, football, hockey, golf, tennis and athletics, and includes the South Melbourne Cricket Ground. The well- known Albert Cricket Ground is also within the City area.
Seven State Schools, including the Mac Robertson Girls’ High School, the South Melbourne Technical School and the J. H. Boyd College of Domestic Economy and a number of denominational schools cater for education of the City’s children, and there are nineteen Churches within its boundaries. Six Kinder gartens are provided for the younger children. The City Council’s Social Services in• elude a public lending library (12,000 volumes) and a junior library (3000 volumes), three infant welfare centres, a chest X-Ray Centre and a Child Hygiene Centre. Gene• rally the City is very healthy-vital statistics for the year ended 31/12/1944 are: births, 785; deaths, 474.
The northern end of the City is an important industrial centre, its 442 factories of all classes of secondary industry employ about 20,000 persons. the annual wages bill being £5,300,000 and the value of the total output £21.500,000.
The City Town Hall is a handsome structure which cost £5,000 to erect. Business premises are modern and busy and there are 37 hotels in the City area.
Created a District in 1855, proclaimed a Borough in 1863. and a City in 1890.
Area-2049 acres. Population-55,000. Dwellings-14,207. Length of streets-63 miles. Average rainfall-30 inches. Altitude-Sea level.
Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £25,429,520; Nett Annual Value, £1.271.476.
Rate, 1945-General rate of 1/lOd. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.
Electoral Divisions — Federal: Balaclava. State: L.C., Monash Province; Melbourne West Province. L.A., St. Ki!da; Albert Park; Caul field; Prahran; Toorak.
Mayor-Cr. B. Gray, J.P.
Crs. J. T. Berkley, J.P.; F. L. Dawkins, J.P.; D. A. McL. Kibble, LL.B.; A E. Allen; W. O. J. Phillips; H. Moroney, J.P.; A. E. Watson, J.P.; A. J. Stevens, J.P.; G. E. Cavanagh; G. W. Minty, J.P.; E. C. Mitiy, J.P.
Town Clerk and City Engineer-W. H. Greaves.
Consulting Engineer-G. T. Little, C.E., M.I.C.E.
Assistant Town Clerk-A. Kelly.
Building Surveyor and Asst. City Engineer-B. S. W. Gilbertson.
Chief Clerk-V. Watkins.
Engineering Assistant-M. 0. Moran, C.E., A.M.I.E.
Valuer-S. L. Rouvray.
Rate Collector and Receiver-E. C. Pick.
Health Officer-Dr. S. H. Allen, F.R.A.C.S.
Health Inspector-G. T. West.
The Council meets on alternate Mondays.
This Municipality comprises the suburbs of St. Kilda, Elwood, Balaclava and Ripponlea, and is situated on the eastern shore of Hobson’s Bay, about 3½ to 4 miles from Melbourne. It is served by fast electric railway from Flinders Street Station or by tram through South Melbourne or along the famous St. Kilda Road. This lovely triple-avenued boulevarde from Melbourne is lined by magnificent trees and gardens. and passes The Shrine of Remembrance.
A famous tourist resort, as well as being a densely populated seaside suburb, St. Kilda offers everything to the joy-maker and has been termed the “Coney Island” of Australia. It is the playground, both day and night, of Melbourne’s citizens and visitors. It is equipped with all modern conveniences, provides both open sea bathing and enclosed hot and cold sea-water baths. The pier into the Bay is 800 yards in length with two extensions thereto oi 320 feet and
200 feet. A good breakwater makes the bay ideal for boating and yachting. The Luna Park Amusement Palais, ice skating and dancing resorts, as well as its picture theatres on the foreshores, provide fun and amusement for all. The esplanades along the shore are nearly a mile in length and are planted with lawns, gardens and trees.
Within the City area are four Post Offices and Money Order Offices, branches of most Banks, a Police Court, three State Schools, an enclosed cricket ground, three bowling greens, numerous tennis courts, both private and public, 23 Churches, and 2.3 hotels, both private and residential.
This City on the Bay-side, with its mag nificent approach and its well-equipped beaches and promenades, provides one of the reasons why Melbourne has become known as the metropolis of unrivalled loveliness.
Created a Borough in 1856, proclaimed a Town in 1886, and a City in 1919.
Area-3375 acres. Population- 26.441. Dwellings-6249. Length of streets- 72 miles. Average rainfall-29 inches. Altitude-from shores of Robson’s Bay rising to 150 feet.
Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £6,519,320; Nett Annual Value, £325,966.
Rate, 1945-General rate of 2/3d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.
Newspaper-“The Advertiser,” published weekly on Fridays.
Electoral Divisions — Federal: Melbourne Ports; Corio. Siate: L.C., Melbourne West Province; Southern Province. L.A., Williams town.
Mayor-Cr. W. G. Gray.
Crs. Dr. R. J. Long; E. P. Jones; G. J. Digman, J.P.; W. McDonald, J.P.; J. T. Gray, M.C., B.C.E.; G. A. Paine; A. J. Deacon, J.P.; H. Armstrong; R. A. E. Ducrow, J.P.; E. W. Jackson, J.P.; W. L. Floyd.
Town Clerk and Treasurer-J. Hocking, F.I.M.A., J.P.
Assistant Town Clerk-J. G. Edward, A.I.M.A.
Engineer-H. Rose, C.E.
Collector and Valuer-L. G. Williams.
Health Officer (acting)–D. ]) Coutts, D.S.O., M.B., B.S.
City Inspector-T. V. Phillips.
Asst. Inspector and Ranger-K. Bullard.
Electrical Engineer – A. N. Hodgson, A.W.M.C.
Asst. Electrical Engineer- G. C. Chamberlain.
Chief Clerk (Elect. Supply)-J. J. Gubbins, A.F.I.A.
Infant Welfare Centre-Sisters M. Rawolle, H. McKellar, V. Outen
The Council meets on alternate Tuesdays.
This seaside City occupies the Gellibrand Peninsula on the south-west shore of Rob son’s Bay, near the mouth of the River Yarra, and on the opposite side of the river to Port Melbourne. It is 9! miles from Melbourne by the eleciric rail which circles to the north along the river and through the City of Foots cray, but it is only 4f miles in a direct line. It was named in 1837 by Sir Richard Bourke, then Governor of New South Wales, in honour of King William IV of England.
It is an important shipping centre, and some manufacturing is carried on, there being about 80 factories within the City area. For shipping there are provided seven com modious piers at which the largest ships can be berthed. There are patent slips and ship building yards and the Alfred Graving Dock, which was opened in 1874. It admits vessels of 500 feet, and, after having been conirolled by the Melbourne Harbour Trust for some time, was again taken over by the Commonwealth Government in 1942. Industries include extensive implement works, glass works, flour mills, oil refineries and storages, export canning works, fuse and felt factories and ammonia works.
The City is, however, a delightful residential area where much effort has been expended in providing amenities for citizens. There is a High School. a Domestic Arts School. and four State Schools, a number of libraries including a free library, 14 hotels and a fine Town Hall. There is a beautiful Botanical Gardens laid out with trees, shrubs, flowers and lawns surrounding an artificial lake. Back Beach is well known as a holiday re sort, having a modern dressing pavilion, and its sandy beach is protected by a shark proof net. The Centenary Park opposite the beach is popular for picnics in the summer season and is equipped with all games and devises for the amusement of children. Other field sports including tennis and bowls are adequately catered for.
The Government Railway Workshops of three acres in extent, equipped with the latest machinery, employ over 4500 employess and are situated at Newport. A regular steam ferry crossing the Yarra provides quick access to Melbourne. Good fishing may be had in the Bay and the City is the centre at which is stationed the Robson’s Bay and Royal Yacht Clubs, Williamstown Punt Club and the Victoria Motor Yacht Club.