The Academy is a not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee and a registered charity with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status. It is governed by an elected President and Board responsible for strategy and direction, and its National Office is led by a CEO responsible for day-to-day management.
Sub-Committees of the Board include the Finance Committee, the Membership Committee, the Policy Committee, the International Committee, the Education Committee and the Grants & Awards Committee.
The President serves a three-year term with an additional year as President-Elect and two-years as Immediate Past-President.
Board of Directors:
Professor Kate Darian-Smith
Professor Stephen Taylor
Professor Adam Possamai
International Secretary
Professor Mark Western
Chair, Policy Committee
Professor Neal Ashkanasy OAM
Chair, Grants & Awards C’tee
Professor Barry McGaw AO
Chair, Education Committee
Professor Nick Enfield
Chair, Panel A
Professor Renée Fry-McKibbin
Chair, Panel B
Professor Nicholas Brown
Chair, Panel C
Professor Don Byrne
Chair, Panel D
Dr Chris Hatherly