Advancing policy and program evaluation in Australian Government
Advancing policy and program evaluation in Australian Government Friday 21 March 2025 | Canberra The Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia convened a Policy Roundtable with the Australian Centre for Evaluation (ACE) on the topic of Advancing policy and program evaluation in Australian Government. The invitation only Roundtable connected research, government and industry stakeholders […]
Priorities and Future Directions for Educational Research
Australian Roadmap for Open Research
Quality, equity and inclusion: Maximising participation in early learning
Shaping the Future: A new approach to policy that works for young people
Developments in work and wellbeing for contemporary Australia
2021 Intergenerational Report: Policy Roundtable
Completing Australia’s Retirement Income System
Regenerating Integrity and Trust in Australian Institutions – Roundtable
Regenerating Integrity and Trust in Australian Institutions Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia Workshop This workshop on approaches to regenerating integrity and trust in public institutions is a free event for public servants and community sector representatives, with a morning and repeat afternoon session available. The Academy’s 2018 Symposium brought together researchers from the […]