The 2022 election overthrew received wisdom about safe seats and how the Australian electorate votes. It resulted in a change of government and also saw the rise of the Teal Independentsalong with the lowest number of primary votes for the major parties since the formation of the Australian party system. In Watershed, leading scholars analyse this election from the ground up, examining the issues and the actors, the successes and failures of the campaign. Watershed shows how digital media, visual politics and fake news are changing the way we do politics. It examines voting patterns and polling accuracy and explores the impact of COVID-19 and how climate, gender and integrity issues all played a role in the outcome.

This is an authoritative book, essential to understanding the growing disenchantment with the major political parties in Australia, the role of the Australian Greens and third parties and the ascendancy of community independents.

Watershed is the eighteenth in the ANU Press federal election series and the tenth sponsored by the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia.

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