Archives: Publications


Submission: Draft National Care and Support Economy Strategy

Download Submission to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet On 30 June 2023 the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia made a submission and completed an online survey in response to the Draft National Care and Support Economy Strategy (the draft Strategy).   The draft Strategy significantly elevates and advances the national conversation [...]
By andreahorsburgh |

Submission: Measuring what matters – second consultation process

Download Submission to The Treasury On 26 May 2023 the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences made a joint submission to the second consultation process for Measuring What Matters.   Our Academies strongly support the Australian Government’s initiative to develop a stand-alone Measuring What Matters [...]
By andreahorsburgh |

Submission: Productivity Commission inquiry into early childhood education and care

Download Submission to the Productivity Commission On 23 May 2023 the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia made a submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry into early childhood education and care (ECEC).   ECEC plays an important social and economic role in Australia. Alongside growing evidence confirming the significant contribution high quality ECEC makes [...]
By andreahorsburgh |

Submission: National Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy

Download Submission to the Draft National Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy On 12 December 2023 the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia made a submission to the Draft National Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy (NDRI Strategy). The Academy welcomes the release of the Draft NDRI Strategy and its objective to articulate an explicit set of strategic [...]
By isabel |

Submission: Australian Universities Accord Interim Report

Download Submission to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report On 1 September 2023 the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia made a submission to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report. The Academy welcomes the release of the Interim Report which takes the first steps towards the bold and broad reforms required across higher education. [...]
By andreahorsburgh |

Submission: Australian Universities Accord

Download Submission to the Australian Universities Accord Panel On 11 April 2023 the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia made a submission to the Australian Universities Accord Panel.   This submission presents four key points and seven recommendations to support Australian universities in a global marketplace. The key points highlight the significance of social [...]
By isabel |

Submission: National Science and Research Priorities Refresh

Download Submission to the Department of Industry, Science and Resources  On 6 April 2023 the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia made a submission to Developing Australia’s Science and Research Priorities and National Science Statement – a National Conversation Starter.   Our submission makes four recommendations aimed at ensuring the science and research priorities [...]
By andreahorsburgh |

Submission: Measuring what matters

Download Submission to The Treasury On 31 January 2023 the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia made a submission to the October 2022-23 Budget Statement: Measuring what matters.   The Academy has long had an interest in the concept of wellbeing and strongly supports the Australian Government’s initiative to develop a stand-alone Measuring What [...]
By andreahorsburgh |

Submission: Australian Universities Accord

Download Submission to the Panel As the first comprehensive review of the sector in almost 20 years, the Australian Universities Accord has the potential to ensure lasting reform of the higher education sector with as much if not more impact than the previous Bradley Review (2008) and the Higher Education at a Crossroads Review (2002). [...]
By Chris Hatherly |

The Party: The Communist Party of Australia from heyday to reckoning

The long-awaited second volume in Stuart Macintyre’s definitive history of the Communist Party of Australia. Communism was unlike any other political movement Australia has ever seen. At its peak in the 1940s, unions led by communists could call a strike that paralysed the nation, and communists influenced the highest level of government, and commanded the […]

By bonniejohnson |

Scribbling A Way: My Journey Through the Foothills of Scholarship

Scribbling A Way: My Journey Through the Foothills of Scholarship charts Peter Saunders’ journey from his modest childhood on a council estate in post-war Britain through school and university. It highlights the events that steered him towards an unplanned but rewarding and successful academic career.

By bonniejohnson |

Unfree Workers: Insubordination and Resistance in Convict Australia, 1788-1860

This book examines how convicts played a key role in the development of capitalism in Australia and how their active resistance shaped both workplace relations and institutions. It highlights the contribution of convicts to worker mobilization and political descent, forcing a rethink of Australia’s foundational story. It is a book that will appeal to an international […]

By bonniejohnson |

Georges River Blues

The lower Georges River, on Dharawal and Dharug lands, was a place of fishing grounds, swimming holes and picnics in the early twentieth century. But this all changed after World War II, when rapidly expanding industry and increasing population fell heaviest on this river, polluting its waters and destroying its bush. Local people campaigned to […]

By bonniejohnson |

Academy statement on the proposed changes to the Australian Research Council

15 December, 2021 ACADEMY STATEMENT ON THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL The Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia has serious concerns regarding proposed changes to the structure and governance of Australian Research Council (ARC) funding schemes. These changes are outlined in a Letter of Expectation sent to the ARC CEO by […]

By isabel |

Wicked Problems in Public Policy

By Brian W. Head With scholarship that combines deep conceptual knowledge with practitioner insights, Brian Head unpacks some of the most pressing and complex policy challenges we all face. Rich with empirical detail, this book looks set to become the definitive work on wicked issues and what to do about them. Claire A. Dunlop, Professor […]

By Chris Hatherly |

Submission on the Australian Research Council Amendment (Ensuring Research Independence) Bill 2018

22 February, 2022 Overview The Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (the Academy) supports the amendments to the Australian Research Council Act (2001) proposed in the Australian Research Council Amendment (Ensuring Research Independence) Bill 2018. In particular, the Academy supports the proposed amendment to subsection 51(1) of the Act that removes the ability of […]

By Chris Hatherly |

Racism in Australia today

This book focuses on historical and current data to examine racism in Australia. Making use of the latest state and federal data sets, it critically synthesises contemporary research on race relations with a focus on racism and anti-racism initiatives.  Employing innovative analytical methods, the book provides students and researchers with a current and up-to-date analytical […]

By bonniejohnson |

Welcome to Country 2nd edition: Fully Revised & Expanded, A Travel Guide to Indigenous Australia

Marcia Langton: Welcome to Country 2nd edition is the essential follow-up to Australia’s landmark travel guide to Indigenous Australia, Welcome to Country. In this extensively updated edition, Marcia Langton offers a full range of Indigenous-owned or -operated tourism experiences across Australia, including an expanded directory with 250 new listings, illustrated maps, and photography by Wayne Quilliam. […]

By bonniejohnson |

Contemporary Social Theory: An introduction

Now in its third edition, Anthony Elliott’s comprehensive, stylish and accessible introduction continues to be the indispensable guide to social theory. Fully revised and updated, the book examines the major theoretical traditions from the Frankfurt School to posthumanism, and from feminism and post-structuralism to globalization theory and beyond. Classical debates in social theory are given […]

By bonniejohnson |

Big Data for Australian Social Policy

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By Chris Hatherly |

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices and names of deceased persons.

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