Don Aitkin (Deceased) | Political Science | Research policy, higher education policy, science and technology policy, Australian government and politics, survey research, political attitudes and behaviour, Australian history and society | ACT | 1975 | Panel A | Male |
Fred Alexander (Deceased) | History | Australian history; education; | WA | 1944 | Panel C | Male |
John Andrews (Deceased) | Geography | Geography | VIC | 1959 | Panel A | |
Sally Andrews (Deceased) | Psychology | cognitive psychology, reading, language, word recognition, dyslexia | NSW | 1998 | Panel D | Female |
Victor Argy (Deceased) | Economics | | | 1977 | Panel B | Male |
Heinz Arndt (Deceased) | Economics | economics | | 1954 | Panel B | Male |
Des Ball (Deceased) | History | Strategic and Defence Studies | ACT | 1987 | Panel C | Male |
Mac Ball (Deceased) | Political Science | Political science; journalism | VIC | 1950 | Panel A | Male |
John Bannon (Deceased) | History | | SA | 2011 | Panel C | Male |
John Barnes (Deceased) | Sociology | | ACT | 1957 | Panel A | Male |
Allan Barton (Deceased) | Economics | account and business management | ACT | 2003 | Panel B | Male |
Frank Beasley (Deceased) | Law | Law; constitutional law | WA | 1954 | Panel C | Male |
John Beaton (Deceased) | Anthropology | | | 2018 | Panel A | Male |
Jeremy Beckett (Deceased) | Anthropology | indigenous peoples, identity politics, comtemporary aborigines, Torres Strait Islanders, indigenous histories | NSW | 1995 | Panel A | Male |
Brian Beddie (Deceased) | Political Science | | | 1968 | Panel A | Male |
Stanley Benn (Deceased) | Philosophy | human rights; political and social philosophy | ACT | 1966 | Panel C | Male |
David Bensusan-Butt (Deceased) | Economics | Economics | ACT | 1973 | Panel B | Male |
Catherine Berndt (Deceased) | Anthropology | anthropology; Aboriginal studies; social anthropology | WA | 1982 | Panel A | Female |
Ronald Berndt (Deceased) | Anthropology | Anthropology; aboriginal studies; social anthropology | WA | 1962 | Panel A | Male |
Geoffrey Bolton (Deceased) | History | history, Australia, museums, environment, politics | WA | 1976 | Panel C | Male |
Mick Borrie (Deceased) | Demography | | ACT | 1950 | Panel A | Male |
Gillian Bottomley (Deceased) | Anthropology | identity, ethnicity, gender, culture, difference | NSW | 1994 | Panel A | Female |
Paul Bourke (Deceased) | Demography | | | 1977 | Panel A | Male |
Ivor Bowen (Deceased) | Economics | | WA | 1961 | Panel B | Male |
Alan Boxer (Deceased) | Economics | economics, arts, taxation, labour, government | ACT | 1975 | Panel B | Male |
Tom Brennan (Deceased) | Sociology | social work | NSW | 1975 | Panel A | Male |
Geoffrey Brennan (Deceased) | Economics | rational choice political theory; public economics | ACT | 1985 | Panel B | Male |
Peggy Brock (Deceased) | History | Indigenous history, colonial history, Australian history, Pacific history | SA | 2005 | Panel C | Female |
Harold Brookfield (Deceased) | Geography | agricultural diversity, small farmers, farmer-driven change, environmental history, developing countries | ACT | 1977 | Panel A | Male |
Leonard Broom (Deceased) | Sociology | | OVERSEAS | 1972 | Panel A | Male |
Raymond Brown (Deceased) | Sociology | social policy; historical demography | | 1973 | Panel A | Male |
Robert Brown (Deceased) | Philosophy | | ACT | 1973 | Panel C | Male |
Harrison Bryan (Deceased) | History | | VIC | 1980 | Panel C | Male |
Lois Bryson (Deceased) | Sociology | social policy, welfare state, gender, work, women's health | VIC | 1998 | Panel A | Female |
Hedley Bull (Deceased) | Political Science | International relations | ACT | 1968 | Panel A | Male |
Herbert (Joe) Burton (Deceased) | Education | Education; Economics | ACT | 1945 | Panel D | Male |
Sydney Butlin (Deceased) | History | Economist; Historian | ACT | 1944 | Panel C | Male |
Noel Butlin (Deceased) | Economics | social science; economic history; education | ACT | 1956 | Panel B | Male |
Jack Caldwell (Deceased) | Demography | demography, population, health, fertility transition, historical demography | ACT | 1972 | Panel A | Male |
Burgess Cameron (Deceased) | Economics | Economics; applied economics | ACT | 1958 | Panel B | |
Tom Campbell (Deceased) | Law | philosophy, law, ethics, justice, business, rights | ACT | 1994 | Panel C | Male |
Keith Campbell (Deceased) | Economics | | NSW | 1964 | Panel B | Male |
Enid Campbell (Deceased) | Law | administrative and constitutional law; Australian legal history | VIC | 1972 | Panel C | Female |
Arthur Capell (Deceased) | Anthropology | linguist, anthropologist, ethnographer | NSW | 1977 | Panel A | Male |
Ian Castles (Deceased) | Statistics | | | 1989 | Panel B | Male |
Stephen Castles (Deceased) | Sociology | Migration, refugee studies, social transformation, globalisation, citizenship, human rights | NSW | 1997 | Panel A | Male |
Raymond Chambers (Deceased) | Political Science | Accounting/Economic interface | | 1964 | Panel A | Male |
Richard Champion (Deceased) | Psychology | Psychology | | 1968 | Panel D | Male |
Colin Clark (Deceased) | Economics | Economics; applied economics; | QLD | 1970 | Panel B | Male |
Manning Clark (Deceased) | History | | | 1952 | Panel C | Male |
Michael Clyne (Deceased) | Linguistics | | VIC | 1982 | Panel A | Male |
Donald Cochrane (Deceased) | Economics | economics; politics | VIC | 1974 | Panel B | Male |
Alf Conlon (Deceased) | Political Science | | NSW | 1951 | Panel A | Male |
Bill Connell (Deceased) | Education | | VIC | 1964 | Panel D | Male |
Herbert Coombs (Deceased) | Economics | economics; political science; education; | ACT | 1943 | Panel B | Male |
Douglas Copland (Deceased) | Economics | Economics; public administration | ACT | 1951 | Panel B | Male |
Max Corden (Deceased) | Economics | international economics | VIC | 1977 | Panel B | Male |
Zelman Cowen (Deceased) | Law | | VIC | 1952 | Panel C | Male |
Patricia Crawford (Deceased) | History | | WA | 1993 | Panel C | Female |
Jack Crawford (Deceased) | Economics | Economics; economic policy | ACT | 1959 | Panel B | Male |
Max Crawford (Deceased) | History | history; Australian history; Renaissance history | VIC | 1944 | Panel C | Male |
Fin Crisp (Deceased) | Economics | Economics; political science; philosophy | ACT | 1956 | Panel B | Male |
Brian Crittenden (Deceased) | Education | curriculum in general education, public policy for education, history of educational theory, ethics, social philosophy | NSW | 1979 | Panel D | Male |
Ken Cunningham (Deceased) | Education | Education | VIC | 1943 | Panel D | Male |
Anne Cutler (Deceased) | Psychology | Psycholinguistics | NSW | 2009 | Panel D | Female |
Jim Davidson (Deceased) | History | Pacific History; Pacific studies; Indigenous history | ACT | 1954 | Panel C | Male |
Alan Davies (Deceased) | Political Science | political Science; psychoanalysis; | VIC | 1965 | Panel A | Male |
Ross Day (Deceased) | Psychology | human perception, theory, development, retardation | VIC | 1967 | Panel D | Male |
Greg Dening (Deceased) | History | history | VIC | 1983 | Panel C | Male |
David Derham (Deceased) | Law | Australian Constitutional law | VIC | 1967 | Panel C | Male |
John Dillon (Deceased) | Economics | | NSW | 1975 | Panel B | Male |
Dick Downing (Deceased) | Economics | Economics | VIC | 1956 | Panel B | Male |
Steve Dowrick (Deceased) | Economics | economics, growth, productivity, education, R&D | ACT | 1996 | Panel B | Male |
Walter Duncan (Deceased) | History | History; Political science; adult education | SA | 1956 | Panel C | Male |
Mardi Dungey (Deceased) | Economics | Applied econometrics, Macroeconomics, Financial econometrics | TAS | 2013 | Panel B | Male |
Sid Dunn (Deceased) | Education | | | 1973 | Panel D | Male |
Harry Edwards (Deceased) | Economics | economics | NSW | 1964 | Panel B | Male |
Richard Eggleston (Deceased) | Law | law; law of evidence | VIC | 1981 | Panel C | |
AP Elkin (Deceased) | Anthropology | anthropology; Australian aboriginal peoples; social justice | SA | 1943 | Panel A | Male |
Solomon Encel (Deceased) | Sociology | sociology | | 1967 | Panel A | Male |
Arnold (Bill) Epstein (Deceased) | Anthropology | anthropology | ACT | 1968 | Panel A | Male |
Norm Feather (Deceased) | Psychology | values, social attitudes, unemployment, social justice, motivation,deservingness | VIC | 1970 | Panel D | Male |
Peter Fensham (Deceased) | Education | science education, research, curriculum, educational inequalities, environment | VIC | 1985 | Panel D | Male |
Paul Finn (Deceased) | Law | Australian legal history | SA | 1990 | Panel C | Male |
Gerald Firth (Deceased) | Economics | Economics | | 1951 | Panel B | Male |
Fred Fisk (Deceased) | Economics | | ACT | 1974 | Panel B | Male |
Charles Fitzgerald (Deceased) | History | history; sinology; far-eastern history | | 1953 | Panel C | Male |
John Fleming (Deceased) | Law | Law | ACT | 1956 | Panel C | Male |
Harold Ford (Deceased) | Law | | VIC | 1977 | Panel C | Male |
Anthony Forge (Deceased) | Anthropology | Anthropology | ACT | 1985 | Panel A | Male |
Barry Fraser (Deceased) | Education | science and mathematics education; learning environments; educational evaluation | WA | 1997 | Panel D | Male |
Derek Freeman (Deceased) | Anthropology | | ACT | 1973 | Panel A | Male |
Fay Gale (Deceased) | Geography | | SA | 1978 | Panel A | Female |
Brian Galligan (Deceased) | Political Science | Australian constitutional politics and judicial review citizenship and rights protection, including for Aboriginal people, federalism and intergovernmental relations business-government relations. | VIC | 1998 | Panel A | Male |
Cindy Gallois (Deceased) | Psychology | Social psychology, health psychology, communication | QLD | 2000 | Panel D | Female |
Ronald Gates (Deceased) | Economics | Esperanto, fiscal economics, local government, taxation, UNESCO | NSW | 1968 | Panel B | Male |
William (Bill) Geddes (Deceased) | Anthropology | Anthropology; social anthropology | | 1960 | Panel A | Male |
Cecil Gibb (Deceased) | Psychology | Psychology; university administration; leadership psychology; social psychology | | 1956 | Panel D | |
Sandy Gibson (Deceased) | Philosophy | philosophy; philosophy of religion | VIC | 1943 | Panel C | Male |
Alan Gilbert (Deceased) | History | | | 1990 | Panel C | Male |
Peter Glow (Deceased) | Psychology | Biology of Behaviour | VIC | 1974 | Panel D | Male |
Lou Goldberg (Deceased) | Accounting | Accounting; Economics; Education; Accounting theory and accounting history | VIC | 1969 | Panel B | Male |
Jacqueline Goodnow (Deceased) | Psychology | culture, families, cross-generation relations,legacies, life-span development | NSW | 1976 | Panel D | Female |
Barry Gordon (Deceased) | Economic History | history of Economic thought | NSW | 1993 | Panel B | Male |
John Grant (Deceased) | Economics | economics, accounting, finance, trade practices | ACT | 1975 | Panel B | Male |
Richard Greenwood (Deceased) | Geography | geography | QLD | 1969 | Panel A | Male |
Gordon Greenwood (Deceased) | History | history | QLD | 1950 | Panel C | Male |
Robert Gregson (Deceased) | Psychology | psychophysics, time series, sensory analysis, dynamical systems modelling | ACT | 1989 | Panel D | Male |
Peter Groenewegen (Deceased) | Economics | classics, neo-classics, physiocrats, utilitarians, Marshall | NSW | 1983 | Panel B | Male |
Fred Gruen (Deceased) | Economics | agricultural economics | | 1970 | Panel B | Male |
Alfred Hagger (Deceased) | Economics | | TAS | 1980 | Panel B | Male |
Peter Hall (Deceased) | Statistics | Theoretical and applied statistics, probability theory | OVERSEAS | 2015 | Panel B | Male |
William Hancock (Deceased) | History | history; Australian; European Medieval; Indian | ACT | 1957 | Panel C | Male |
Edward Hannan (Deceased) | Economics | statistics;econometrics | | 1980 | Panel B | Male |
Geoff Harcourt (Deceased) | Economics | History theory, economic theory, economic policy, intellectual biography | NSW | 1971 | Panel B | Male |
Ann Harding (Deceased) | Economics | Microsimulation, income distribution, applied economics | ACT | 1996 | Panel B | Female |
Norman Harper (Deceased) | History | history; education; American History; Australian foreign policy | VIC | 1959 | Panel C | Male |
Stuart Harris (Deceased) | Economics | China, Japan, Asia-Pacific, economics, security, regionalism, multilateralism | ACT | 1982 | Panel B | Male |
Paul Hasluck (Deceased) | Management | History; aboriginal policy; governance | WA | 1948 | Panel B | Male |
Riaz Hassan (Deceased) | Sociology | sociology of suicide, housing studies, employee surveys, Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societies, suicide terrorism | SA | 1996 | Panel A | Male |
Les Heathcote (Deceased) | Geography | | SA | 1981 | Panel A | Male |
Ronald Henderson (Deceased) | Economics | economics | | 1964 | Panel B | Male |
Chris Heyde (Deceased) | Statistics | | ACT | 2003 | Panel B | Male |
Les Hiatt (Deceased) | Anthropology | | ACT | 1974 | Panel A | Male |
Chris Higgins (Deceased) | Economics | Economics; governance | ACT | 1987 | Panel B | Male |
Barry Hindess (Deceased) | Political Science | democracy, government, power, theory, liberalism | ACT | 1990 | Panel A | Male |
John Hirst (Deceased) | History | history, Australia, Civics, federation, film | VIC | 1986 | Panel C | Male |
Ian Hogbin (Deceased) | | anthropology | | 1943 | Panel A | Male |
Colin Howard (Deceased) | Law | Law | | 1975 | Panel C | |
Colin Hughes (Deceased) | Political Science | electoral, constitutional | QLD | 1976 | Panel A | Male |
Helen Hughes (Deceased) | Economics | | NSW | 1985 | Panel B | Female |
Graeme Hugo (Deceased) | Geography | migration, population policy, demography, development | SA | 1987 | Panel A | Male |
Michael Humphreys (Deceased) | Psychology | human memory, cognition, human factors, human error, human performance | QLD | 1991 | Panel D | Male |
Alexander Hunter (Deceased) | Economics | economics; business and industry | ACT | 1964 | Panel B | Male |
Tom Hytten (Deceased) | Economics | Economics | | 1950 | Panel B | Male |
Ken Inglis (Deceased) | History | | VIC | 1975 | Panel C | Male |
Duncan Ironmonger (Deceased) | Economics | Household economics, microeconomics, national accounts, business expectations, household demography. | VIC | 2001 | Panel B | Male |
Rhys Isaac (Deceased) | | History | | 1985 | Panel C | Male |
Joe Isaac (Deceased) | Economics | Labour market issues | VIC | 1971 | Panel B | Male |
Frank Jarrett (Deceased) | Economics | | SA | 1976 | Panel B | Male |
Laksiri Jayasuriya (Deceased) | Sociology | Australian multiculturalism, ethnic affairs, social policy, Sri Lanka | WA | 2000 | Panel A | Male |
Chandra Jayawardena (Deceased) | Anthropology | Anthropology; behavioural sciences | | 1970 | Panel A | Male |
Gavin Jones (Deceased) | Demography | population policy | WA | 1983 | Panel A | Male |
James Jupp (Deceased) | Political Science | Immigration and Ethnic Studies | ACT | 1989 | Panel A | Male |
Joel Kahn (Deceased) | Anthropology | anthropology of Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, nation building and cultural politics, race and racism, critical theories of modernity, cosmopolitanism | VIC | 1995 | Panel A | Male |
Eugene Kamenka (Deceased) | Philosophy | | ACT | 1969 | Panel C | Male |
Peter Karmel (Deceased) | Economics | | ACT | 1952 | Panel B | Male |
John Keats (Deceased) | Psychology | | NSW | 1978 | Panel D | Male |
Roger Keesing (Deceased) | | | | 1975 | | Male |
John Keeves (Deceased) | Education | educational measurement; sociology of education; international and comparative education; mathematics and science education | SA | 1977 | Panel D | Male |
Hal Kendig (Deceased) | Sociology | ageing, social health, community care, social policy, survey research | ACT | 1989 | Panel A | Male |
John La Nauze (Deceased) | History | history; economic history; education | VIC | 1948 | Panel C | Male |
Peter Lawrence (Deceased) | Anthropology | anthropology; Melanesia; New Guinea | NSW | 1967 | Panel A | Male |
Graham Lawton (Deceased) | Geography | Geography; economic geography | | 1959 | Panel A | |
John Legge (Deceased) | History | Indonesia, Pacific, biography, Sukarno, AIIA (Australian Institute of International Affairs) | VIC | 1964 | Panel C | Male |
Godfrey Linge (Deceased) | Geography | China, Development, Economy | ACT | 1986 | Panel A | Male |
Malcolm Logan (Deceased) | Geography | | VIC | 1973 | Panel A | Male |
Jordan Louviere (Deceased) | Economics | Marketing, Applied Economics, Transport planning and travel demand analysis, Tourism and recreation, Psychology of judgement and decision-making | NSW | 2010 | Panel B | Male |
Peter Loveday (Deceased) | Political Science | | NSW | 1977 | Panel A | Male |
Syd Lovibond (Deceased) | Psychology | Academic selection/education, professional training. | NSW | 1972 | Panel D | Male |
Anthony Low (Deceased) | History | modern India, East Africa, Commonwealth | ACT | 1975 | Panel C | Male |
Oliver MacDonagh (Deceased) | History | history | NSW | 1965 | Panel C | Male |
Stuart Macintyre (Deceased) | History | Australian history, political history, intellectual and educational history, historiography | VIC | 1987 | Panel C | Male |
Jamie Mackie (Deceased) | Political Science | | VIC | 1976 | Panel A | Male |
Malcolm Macmillan (Deceased) | Psychology | Localisation of brain function, criticisms of psychoanalytic methods, clinical psychology, history of psychology and the neurosciences. | VIC | 2005 | Panel D | Male |
Kenneth Maddock (Deceased) | Anthropology | | NSW | 1986 | Panel A | Male |
Jane Marceau (Deceased) | Sociology | equality; opportunity; discrimination | NSW | 1989 | Panel A | Female |
Kevin Marjoribanks (Deceased) | Education | | SA | 1982 | Panel D | Male |
Allan Martin (Deceased) | History | | ACT | 1967 | Panel C | Male |
Jean Martin (Deceased) | Anthropology | anthropology; immigration; | ACT | 1971 | Panel A | Female |
Maxwell Marwick (Deceased) | Anthropology | | OVERSEAS | 1965 | Panel A | Male |
Russell Mathews (Deceased) | Economics | | ACT | 1959 | Panel B | Male |
Frank Mauldon (Deceased) | Economics | Economics | WA | 1944 | Panel B | Male |
Henry Mayer (Deceased) | Political Science | | NSW | 1965 | Panel A | Male |
Michael McAleer (Deceased) | Economics | Econometrics, Financial Econometrics, Empirical Finance, Risk Management, Statistics | WA | 1996 | Panel B | Male |
Norma McArthur (Deceased) | Demography | demography | ACT | 1964 | Panel A | Female |
John McCarty (Deceased) | History | | | 1980 | Panel C | Male |
Jock McCulloch (Deceased) | History | Southern Africa; contemporary history; health; occupational disease; politics | VIC | 2004 | Panel C | Male |
Roderick McDonald (Deceased) | Psychology | | NSW | 1981 | Panel D | Male |
Mark McLelland (Deceased) | History | Japanese studies, history of sexuality, queer studies, internet histories, gender and sexuality studies | NSW | 2019 | Panel C | Male |
Christopher McRae (Deceased) | Education | Education psychology | NSW | 1945 | Panel D | Male |
Leslie Melville (Deceased) | Economics | | ACT | 1943 | Panel B | Male |
Thomas Millar (Deceased) | History | Australian History;political science; strategic studies;international relations | | 1982 | Panel C | Male |
Paul Miller (Deceased) | Economics | unemployment, wages, discrimination, immigrants, unionisation | WA | 1997 | Panel B | Male |
Bruce Miller (Deceased) | Political Science | | ACT | 1967 | Panel A | Male |
David Monro (Deceased) | Philosophy | | VIC | 1964 | Panel C | Male |
William Morison (Deceased) | Law | | NSW | 1984 | Panel C | Male |
Norval Morris (Deceased) | Law | law | | 1960 | Panel C | Male |
Norman Munn (Deceased) | Psychology | psychology; biography | | 1964 | Panel D | Male |
Peter Musgrave (Deceased) | Education | | VIC | 1974 | Panel D | Male |
Ken Myer (Deceased) | | social and economic policy | | 1972 | | Male |
Tom Nairn (Deceased) | Political Science | politics and culture of the post-1989 globalization process | OVERSEAS | 2009 | Panel A | Male |
Bob Neale (Deceased) | History | History | | 1976 | Panel C | Male |
Hank Nelson (Deceased) | History | history; Papua New Guinea; Australia; | ACT | 1994 | Panel C | Male |
Max Neutze (Deceased) | Economics | | ACT | 1974 | Panel B | Male |
John Nieuwenhuysen (Deceased) | Economics | research, immigration, publication, conference, international | VIC | 1996 | Panel B | Male |
Pat Noller (Deceased) | Psychology | family relationships, family communication, adult attachment, nonverbal communication, siblings | QLD | 1994 | Panel D | Female |
Eris O'Brien (Deceased) | History | history | NSW | 1954 | Panel C | Male |
Daniel O'Connell (Deceased) | Law | Law | SA | 1971 | Panel C | Male |
Bill O'Neil (Deceased) | Psychology | psychology;history of psychology | NSW | 1944 | Panel D | Male |
Robert O'Neill (Deceased) | History | strategy, war, history, defence, diplomacy | NSW | 1978 | Panel C | Male |
Oscar Oeser (Deceased) | Psychology | psychology | VIC | 1947 | Panel D | Male |
Cheri Ostroff (Deceased) | Management | Organisational behaviour; Organisational culture and climate; Human resource management systems; Organisational effectiveness | SA | 2018 | Panel B | Female |
Ross Parish (Deceased) | Economics | | VIC | 1984 | Panel B | Male |
Percy Partridge (Deceased) | Philosophy | Philosophy; education | ACT | 1945 | Panel C | Male |
John Passmore (Deceased) | Philosophy | governance; | ACT | 1943 | Panel C | Male |
George Paton (Deceased) | Sociology | sociology; philosophy | VIC | 1954 | Panel A | Male |
Ivor Pearce (Deceased) | Economics | demand theory; international trade; general equilibrium theory | ACT | 1960 | Panel B | Male |
Ken Pearson (Deceased) | Economics | Computable general equilibrium; Economic models; Software; Numerical methods; Algorithms. | VIC | 2006 | Panel B | Male |
Jim Perkins (Deceased) | Economics | macroeconomic, Australia, international, monetary, fiscal | VIC | 1973 | Panel B | Male |
Candi Peterson (Deceased) | Psychology | developmental psychology, children, families, the elderly, deafness, social cognition | QLD | 1997 | Panel D | Female |
Issy Pilowsky (Deceased) | Social Medicine | chronic pain; hypochondriasis; abnormal illness behaviour | NSW | 1990 | Panel D | Male |
John Pitchford (Deceased) | Economics | macroeconomics; international monetary economics; control theory | | 1972 | Panel B | Male |
David Plowman (Deceased) | Economics | industrial relations, wages, employer associations, industrial arbitration, trade unions | WA | 1994 | Panel B | Male |
Alfred Pollard (Deceased) | Demography | economics; business administration; statistics; actuarial | NSW | 1969 | Panel A | Male |
Joe Powell (Deceased) | Geography | nature, settlement and the New World, historical geography, environmental history, history of Australian geography | VIC | 1985 | Panel A | Male |
Victor Prescott (Deceased) | Geography | international boundaries, continental shelf, EEZ, Law of the Sea, South China Sea | VIC | 1979 | Panel A | Male |
Wilfred Prest (Deceased) | Economics | economics; politics | VIC | 1944 | Panel B | Male |
Charles Price (Deceased) | Demography | | ACT | 1967 | Panel A | Male |
Margot Prior (Deceased) | Psychology | Child development, mental health, social issues | VIC | 1992 | Panel D | Female |
William Radford (Deceased) | Education | Education | VIC | 1954 | Panel D | Male |
Beverley Raphael (Deceased) | Social Medicine | Trauma, Bereavement, Adolescent Mental Health, Prevention | ACT | 1986 | Panel D | Female |
Donald Rawson (Deceased) | Political Science | history | ACT | 1978 | Panel A | Male |
Marie Reay (Deceased) | Anthropology | | NSW | 1977 | Panel A | Female |
Gordon Reid (Deceased) | Political Science | political science | WA | 1983 | Panel A | Male |
Eric Richards (Deceased) | History | history, immigration, empire, Britain, Scotland | SA | 1984 | Panel C | Male |
Ernest Richardson (Deceased) | | | NSW | 1957 | | Male |
Alan Richardson (Deceased) | Psychology | Psychology; sociology | WA | 1981 | Panel D | Male |
Harry Rigby (Deceased) | Political Science | Russian Soviet politics, society, history | ACT | 1971 | Panel A | Male |
John Ritchie (Deceased) | History | Australian; British Imperial; transportation; biography theory and practice | ACT | 1997 | Panel C | Male |
Stephen Roberts (Deceased) | History | education | | 1952 | Panel C | Male |
Jill Roe (Deceased) | History | Australian history, historical biography, women's history, Miles Franklin | NSW | 1991 | Panel C | Female |
David Rowan (Deceased) | Economics | Economics | OVERSEAS | 1959 | Panel B | |
Charles Rowley (Deceased) | History | history | ACT | 1968 | Panel C | Male |
William Rubinstein (Deceased) | History | history; Britain post 1750; modern Jewish History | VIC | 1992 | Panel C | Male |
Eric Russell (Deceased) | Economics | economics | SA | 1973 | Panel B | Male |
Roger Russell (Deceased) | Psychology | Neuropsychology | OVERSEAS | 1973 | Panel D | Male |
Lado Ruzicka (Deceased) | Demography | demography, mortality, epidemiology, health statistics, suicide | | 1976 | Panel A | Male |
Kevin Ryan (Deceased) | Law | law; government;trade; WTO; jurisprudence | QLD | 1978 | Panel C | Male |
Geoffrey Sawer (Deceased) | Law | consitutional law; | | 1952 | Panel C | Male |
Boris Schedvin (Deceased) | Economic History | economics, history, money, higher education | VIC | 1987 | Panel B | Male |
Fred Schonell (Deceased) | Education | education | QLD | 1952 | Panel D | Male |
William Scott (Deceased) | Psychology | Psychology | | 1977 | Panel D | Male |
Peter Scott (Deceased) | Geography | | TAS | 1964 | Panel A | Male |
Richard Selleck (Deceased) | Education | History of education Australian social history Family history and history of the family | VIC | 1978 | Panel D | Male |
Alan Serle (Deceased) | History | Australian history; biography | VIC | 1973 | Panel C | Male |
Ken Shatwell (Deceased) | Law | law | NSW | 1948 | Panel C | Male |
Alan Shaw (Deceased) | History | education; | VIC | 1967 | Panel C | Male |
Colin Simkin (Deceased) | Economics | Economics | NSW | 1994 | Panel B | Male |
Gus Sinclair (Deceased) | Economic History | economics, history, GDP, Australia, regions | VIC | 1974 | Panel B | Male |
George Singer (Deceased) | Psychology | psychobiology | VIC | 1983 | Panel D | Male |
Malcolm Skilbeck (Deceased) | Education | education, schooling, teaching, curriculum, teaching profession and teacher education, tertiary education, university education. | VIC | 1988 | Panel D | Male |
Jerzy Smolicz (Deceased) | Education | sociology of culture, education; minority languages; multi-ethnic societies; cultural pluralism | SA | 1976 | Panel D | Male |
Richard Snape (Deceased) | Economics | international trade policy | VIC | 1978 | Panel B | Male |
Richard Spann (Deceased) | Political Science | political science; government | | 1956 | Panel A | Male |
Oskar Spate (Deceased) | History | human geography; European expansion in Pacific | ACT | 1954 | Panel C | Male |
Don Spearritt (Deceased) | Education | education, measurement, examinations, listening, reading | NSW | 1971 | Panel D | Male |
Tom Stannage (Deceased) | History | cultural; urban; aboriginal; Australian; British | WA | 1997 | Panel C | Male |
Ninian Stephen (Deceased) | Law | International law, humanitarian law, arbitration, mediation, environment | VIC | 1987 | Panel C | Male |
Samuel Stoljar (Deceased) | Law | | ACT | 1976 | Panel C | Male |
Julius Stone (Deceased) | Law | International law and Jurisprudence | NSW | 1943 | Panel C | Male |
Alan Stout (Deceased) | Philosophy | Philosophy; moral philosophy; social ethics; penal reform | | 1954 | Panel C | Male |
Hugh Stretton (Deceased) | History | social theories, globalization, Australian economic policy, houses, family life | SA | 1972 | Panel C | Male |
John Sutcliffe (Deceased) | Psychology | | NSW | 1964 | Panel D | Male |
Trevor Swan (Deceased) | Economics | Economics; statistics | ACT | 1954 | Panel B | Male |
Ron Taft (Deceased) | Psychology | psychology, personality, immigrants, multiculturalism, attitudes | VIC | 1964 | Panel D | Male |
Alice Tay (Deceased) | Law | | NSW | 1986 | Panel C | Female |
Janna Thompson (Deceased) | Philosophy | Political Theory and Philosophy, Environmental Philosophy, Feminism, Reparative Justice, Global Justice, Feminist Philosophy, Intergenerational Justice | VIC | 2011 | Panel C | Female |
Clem Tisdell (Deceased) | Economics | economics, environment, development, Asia, tourism, agriculture | QLD | 1986 | Panel B | Male |
John Trinder (Deceased) | Psychology | Sleep; Psychology | VIC | 2016 | Panel D | Male |
Patrick Troy (Deceased) | History | housing, suburbanisation, infrastructure, environment, governance | ACT | 1996 | Panel C | Male |
Darrell Tryon (Deceased) | Linguistics | Linguistics, language, communication, education, history. | ACT | 2001 | Panel A | Male |
Graham Tucker (Deceased) | Economic History | economic history | ACT | 1965 | Panel B | Male |
John Turner (Deceased) | Psychology | social psychology; group behaviour; intergroup relation; self-categorisation theory | NSW | 1989 | Panel D | Male |
Len Turner (Deceased) | History | History; military; diplomatic | | 1974 | Panel C | Male |
Douglas Vickers (Deceased) | Economics | Economics; History of Economic Thought; Domestic Monetary and Financial Theory and Policy; Business Finance. | WA | 1976 | Panel B | Male |
Douglas Vickers (Deceased) | Psychology | linguistics; philosophy; statistics | SA | 2003 | Panel D | |
Roger Wales (Deceased) | Psychology | psycholinguistics; language acquisition | VIC | 2004 | Panel D | Male |
Ken Walker (Deceased) | Psychology | Psychology | WA | 1953 | Panel D | Male |
Bob Wallace (Deceased) | Economics | economics, health systems, financial systems | | 1978 | Panel B | Male |
Louis Waller (Deceased) | Law | law, reform, IVF, bioethics, regulation | VIC | 1977 | Panel C | Male |
John Ward (Deceased) | History | history; British colonial expansion | NSW | 1954 | Panel C | Male |
Gerard Ward (Deceased) | Geography | Pacific Islands, Human Geography, population, land tenure. | SA | 1971 | Panel A | Male |
Leicester Webb (Deceased) | Political Science | political science; public administration; public broadcasting; international relations; comparative politics | ACT | 1956 | Panel A | Male |
Alan Welford (Deceased) | Psychology | Experimental psychology; gerontology; aging; ergonomics | | 1972 | Panel D | Male |
Peter Wenderoth (Deceased) | Psychology | visual perception, vision, perception, orientation, motion | NSW | 1996 | Panel D | Male |
John Western (Deceased) | Sociology | anthropology; criminal justice system; class and stratification; quality of life | QLD | 1984 | Panel A | Male |
Harold White (Deceased) | Management | | ACT | 1943 | Panel B | Male |
Donald Whitehead (Deceased) | Economics | Economics | VIC | 1977 | Panel B | Male |
Bruce Williams (Deceased) | Economics | industry; investment; education | NSW | 1968 | Panel B | Male |
Roland Wilson (Deceased) | Economics | Economics | ACT | 1943 | Panel B | Male |
Tony Winefield (Deceased) | Psychology | Psychology of unemployment, organisational stress, learned helplessness | SA | 2020 | Panel D | Male |
Roy (Pansy) Wright (Deceased) | Social Medicine | Physiology | VIC | 1943 | Panel D | Male |
Ken Wright (Deceased) | Accounting | depreciation, capital investment, financial management, valuation of assets; management of public sector enterprises; private sector commercial activities | VIC | 1977 | Panel B | Male |
Stephen Wurm (Deceased) | Linguistics | | ACT | 1976 | Panel A | Male |
Xiaokai Yang (Deceased) | Economics | international trade, economics; China | VIC | 1993 | Panel B | Male |
A Yates (Deceased) | Psychology | psychology | WA | 1967 | Panel D | |
Elspeth Young (Deceased) | Geography | human geography; indigenous Australians | ACT | 2000 | Panel A | Female |
Christabel Young (Deceased) | Demography | Demography, Australia, family, population, labour force | ACT | 1994 | Panel A | Female |
Sandy Youngson (Deceased) | | Economic History | ACT | 1976 | | Male |
Ian Zimmer (Deceased) | Accounting | Accounting, Finanancial Reporting | QLD | 2004 | Panel B | Male |
Leslie Zines (Deceased) | Law | constitution, Federalism, rights and freedoms, constitutional and political history, European Union institutions | ACT | 1987 | Panel C | Male |
Jerzy Zubrzycki (Deceased) | Sociology | economics; population studies; immigration; multicultural policy | | 1967 | Panel A | Male |