Name Discipline Specialisation State Year
Don Aitkin
Political ScienceResearch policy, higher education policy, science and technology policy, Australian government and politics, survey research, political attitudes and behaviour, Australian history and societyACT1975Panel AMale
Fred Alexander
HistoryAustralian history; education;WA1944Panel CMale
John Andrews
GeographyGeographyVIC1959Panel A
Sally Andrews
Psychologycognitive psychology, reading, language, word recognition, dyslexiaNSW1998Panel DFemale
Victor Argy
Economics1977Panel BMale
Heinz Arndt
Economicseconomics1954Panel BMale
Des Ball
HistoryStrategic and Defence StudiesACT1987Panel CMale
Mac Ball
Political SciencePolitical science; journalismVIC1950Panel AMale
John Bannon
HistorySA2011Panel CMale
John Barnes
SociologyACT1957Panel AMale
Allan Barton
Economicsaccount and business managementACT2003Panel BMale
Frank Beasley
LawLaw; constitutional lawWA1954Panel CMale
John Beaton
Anthropology2018Panel AMale
Jeremy Beckett
Anthropologyindigenous peoples, identity politics, comtemporary aborigines, Torres Strait Islanders, indigenous historiesNSW1995Panel AMale
Brian Beddie
Political Science1968Panel AMale
Stanley Benn
Philosophyhuman rights; political and social philosophyACT1966Panel CMale
David Bensusan-Butt
EconomicsEconomicsACT1973Panel BMale
Catherine Berndt
Anthropologyanthropology; Aboriginal studies; social anthropologyWA1982Panel AFemale
Ronald Berndt
AnthropologyAnthropology; aboriginal studies; social anthropologyWA1962Panel AMale
Geoffrey Bolton
Historyhistory, Australia, museums, environment, politicsWA1976Panel CMale
Mick Borrie
DemographyACT1950Panel AMale
Gillian Bottomley
Anthropologyidentity, ethnicity, gender, culture, differenceNSW1994Panel AFemale
Paul Bourke
Demography1977Panel AMale
Ivor Bowen
EconomicsWA1961Panel BMale
Alan Boxer
Economicseconomics, arts, taxation, labour, governmentACT1975Panel BMale
Tom Brennan
Sociologysocial workNSW1975Panel AMale
Geoffrey Brennan
Economicsrational choice political theory; public economicsACT1985Panel BMale
Peggy Brock
HistoryIndigenous history, colonial history, Australian history, Pacific historySA2005Panel CFemale
Harold Brookfield
Geographyagricultural diversity, small farmers, farmer-driven change, environmental history, developing countriesACT1977Panel AMale
Leonard Broom
SociologyOVERSEAS1972Panel AMale
Raymond Brown
Sociologysocial policy; historical demography1973Panel AMale
Robert Brown
PhilosophyACT1973Panel CMale
Harrison Bryan
HistoryVIC1980Panel CMale
Lois Bryson
Sociologysocial policy, welfare state, gender, work, women's healthVIC1998Panel AFemale
Hedley Bull
Political ScienceInternational relationsACT1968Panel AMale
Herbert (Joe) Burton
EducationEducation; EconomicsACT1945Panel DMale
Sydney Butlin
HistoryEconomist; HistorianACT1944Panel CMale
Noel Butlin
Economicssocial science; economic history; educationACT1956Panel BMale
Jack Caldwell
Demographydemography, population, health, fertility transition, historical demographyACT1972Panel AMale
Burgess Cameron
EconomicsEconomics; applied economicsACT1958Panel B
Tom Campbell
Lawphilosophy, law, ethics, justice, business, rightsACT1994Panel CMale
Keith Campbell
EconomicsNSW1964Panel BMale
Enid Campbell
Lawadministrative and constitutional law; Australian legal historyVIC1972Panel CFemale
Arthur Capell
Anthropologylinguist, anthropologist, ethnographerNSW1977Panel AMale
Ian Castles
Statistics1989Panel BMale
Stephen Castles
SociologyMigration, refugee studies, social transformation, globalisation, citizenship, human rightsNSW1997Panel AMale
Raymond Chambers
Political ScienceAccounting/Economic interface1964Panel AMale
Richard Champion
PsychologyPsychology1968Panel DMale
Colin Clark
EconomicsEconomics; applied economics;QLD1970Panel BMale
Manning Clark
History1952Panel CMale
Michael Clyne
LinguisticsVIC1982Panel AMale
Donald Cochrane
Economicseconomics; politicsVIC1974Panel BMale
Alf Conlon
Political ScienceNSW1951Panel AMale
Bill Connell
EducationVIC1964Panel DMale
Herbert Coombs
Economicseconomics; political science; education;ACT1943Panel BMale
Douglas Copland
EconomicsEconomics; public administrationACT1951Panel BMale
Max Corden
Economicsinternational economicsVIC1977Panel BMale
Zelman Cowen
LawVIC1952Panel CMale
Patricia Crawford
HistoryWA1993Panel CFemale
Jack Crawford
EconomicsEconomics; economic policyACT1959Panel BMale
Max Crawford
Historyhistory; Australian history; Renaissance historyVIC1944Panel CMale
Fin Crisp
EconomicsEconomics; political science; philosophyACT1956Panel BMale
Brian Crittenden
Educationcurriculum in general education, public policy for education, history of educational theory, ethics, social philosophyNSW1979Panel DMale
Ken Cunningham
EducationEducationVIC1943Panel DMale
Anne Cutler
PsychologyPsycholinguisticsNSW2009Panel DFemale
Jim Davidson
HistoryPacific History; Pacific studies; Indigenous historyACT1954Panel CMale
Alan Davies
Political Sciencepolitical Science; psychoanalysis;VIC1965Panel AMale
Ross Day
Psychologyhuman perception, theory, development, retardationVIC1967Panel DMale
Greg Dening
HistoryhistoryVIC1983Panel CMale
David Derham
LawAustralian Constitutional lawVIC1967Panel CMale
John Dillon
EconomicsNSW1975Panel BMale
Dick Downing
EconomicsEconomicsVIC1956Panel BMale
Steve Dowrick
Economicseconomics, growth, productivity, education, R&DACT1996Panel BMale
Walter Duncan
HistoryHistory; Political science; adult educationSA1956Panel CMale
Mardi Dungey
EconomicsApplied econometrics, Macroeconomics, Financial econometricsTAS2013Panel BMale
Sid Dunn
Education1973Panel DMale
Harry Edwards
EconomicseconomicsNSW1964Panel BMale
Richard Eggleston
Lawlaw; law of evidenceVIC1981Panel C
AP Elkin
Anthropologyanthropology; Australian aboriginal peoples; social justiceSA1943Panel AMale
Solomon Encel
Sociologysociology1967Panel AMale
Arnold (Bill) Epstein
AnthropologyanthropologyACT1968Panel AMale
Norm Feather
Psychologyvalues, social attitudes, unemployment, social justice, motivation,deservingnessVIC1970Panel DMale
Peter Fensham
Educationscience education, research, curriculum, educational inequalities, environmentVIC1985Panel DMale
Paul Finn
LawAustralian legal historySA1990Panel CMale
Gerald Firth
EconomicsEconomics1951Panel BMale
Fred Fisk
EconomicsACT1974Panel BMale
Charles Fitzgerald
Historyhistory; sinology; far-eastern history1953Panel CMale
John Fleming
LawLawACT1956Panel CMale
Harold Ford
LawVIC1977Panel CMale
Anthony Forge
AnthropologyAnthropologyACT1985Panel AMale
Barry Fraser
Educationscience and mathematics education; learning environments; educational evaluationWA1997Panel DMale
Derek Freeman
AnthropologyACT1973Panel AMale
Fay Gale
GeographySA1978Panel AFemale
Brian Galligan
Political ScienceAustralian constitutional politics and judicial review citizenship and rights protection, including for Aboriginal people, federalism and intergovernmental relations business-government relations.VIC1998Panel AMale
Cindy Gallois
PsychologySocial psychology, health psychology, communicationQLD2000Panel DFemale
Ronald Gates
EconomicsEsperanto, fiscal economics, local government, taxation, UNESCONSW1968Panel BMale
William (Bill) Geddes
AnthropologyAnthropology; social anthropology1960Panel AMale
Cecil Gibb
PsychologyPsychology; university administration; leadership psychology; social psychology1956Panel D
Sandy Gibson
Philosophyphilosophy; philosophy of religionVIC1943Panel CMale
Alan Gilbert
History1990Panel CMale
Peter Glow
PsychologyBiology of BehaviourVIC1974Panel DMale
Lou Goldberg
AccountingAccounting; Economics; Education; Accounting theory and accounting historyVIC1969Panel BMale
Jacqueline Goodnow
Psychologyculture, families, cross-generation relations,legacies, life-span developmentNSW1976Panel DFemale
Barry Gordon
Economic Historyhistory of Economic thoughtNSW1993Panel BMale
John Grant
Economicseconomics, accounting, finance, trade practicesACT1975Panel BMale
Richard Greenwood
GeographygeographyQLD1969Panel AMale
Gordon Greenwood
HistoryhistoryQLD1950Panel CMale
Robert Gregson
Psychologypsychophysics, time series, sensory analysis, dynamical systems modellingACT1989Panel DMale
Peter Groenewegen
Economicsclassics, neo-classics, physiocrats, utilitarians, MarshallNSW1983Panel BMale
Fred Gruen
Economicsagricultural economics1970Panel BMale
Alfred Hagger
EconomicsTAS1980Panel BMale
Peter Hall
StatisticsTheoretical and applied statistics, probability theoryOVERSEAS2015Panel BMale
William Hancock
Historyhistory; Australian; European Medieval; IndianACT1957Panel CMale
Edward Hannan
Economicsstatistics;econometrics1980Panel BMale
Geoff Harcourt
EconomicsHistory theory, economic theory, economic policy, intellectual biographyNSW1971Panel BMale
Ann Harding
EconomicsMicrosimulation, income distribution, applied economicsACT1996Panel BFemale
Norman Harper
Historyhistory; education; American History; Australian foreign policyVIC1959Panel CMale
Stuart Harris
EconomicsChina, Japan, Asia-Pacific, economics, security, regionalism, multilateralismACT1982Panel BMale
Paul Hasluck
ManagementHistory; aboriginal policy; governanceWA1948Panel BMale
Riaz Hassan
Sociologysociology of suicide, housing studies, employee surveys, Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societies, suicide terrorismSA1996Panel AMale
Les Heathcote
GeographySA1981Panel AMale
Ronald Henderson
Economicseconomics1964Panel BMale
Chris Heyde
StatisticsACT2003Panel BMale
Les Hiatt
AnthropologyACT1974Panel AMale
Chris Higgins
EconomicsEconomics; governanceACT1987Panel BMale
Barry Hindess
Political Sciencedemocracy, government, power, theory, liberalismACT1990Panel AMale
John Hirst
Historyhistory, Australia, Civics, federation, filmVIC1986Panel CMale
Ian Hogbin
anthropology1943Panel AMale
Colin Howard
LawLaw1975Panel C
Colin Hughes
Political Scienceelectoral, constitutionalQLD1976Panel AMale
Helen Hughes
EconomicsNSW1985Panel BFemale
Graeme Hugo
Geographymigration, population policy, demography, developmentSA1987Panel AMale
Michael Humphreys
Psychologyhuman memory, cognition, human factors, human error, human performanceQLD1991Panel DMale
Alexander Hunter
Economicseconomics; business and industryACT1964Panel BMale
Tom Hytten
EconomicsEconomics1950Panel BMale
Ken Inglis
HistoryVIC1975Panel CMale
Duncan Ironmonger
EconomicsHousehold economics, microeconomics, national accounts, business expectations, household demography.VIC2001Panel BMale
Rhys Isaac
History1985Panel CMale
Joe Isaac
EconomicsLabour market issuesVIC1971Panel BMale
Frank Jarrett
EconomicsSA1976Panel BMale
Laksiri Jayasuriya
SociologyAustralian multiculturalism, ethnic affairs, social policy, Sri LankaWA2000Panel AMale
Chandra Jayawardena
AnthropologyAnthropology; behavioural sciences1970Panel AMale
Gavin Jones
Demographypopulation policyWA1983Panel AMale
James Jupp
Political ScienceImmigration and Ethnic StudiesACT1989Panel AMale
Joel Kahn
Anthropologyanthropology of Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, nation building and cultural politics, race and racism, critical theories of modernity, cosmopolitanismVIC1995Panel AMale
Eugene Kamenka
PhilosophyACT1969Panel CMale
Peter Karmel
EconomicsACT1952Panel BMale
John Keats
PsychologyNSW1978Panel DMale
Roger Keesing
John Keeves
Educationeducational measurement; sociology of education; international and comparative education; mathematics and science educationSA1977Panel DMale
Hal Kendig
Sociologyageing, social health, community care, social policy, survey researchACT1989Panel AMale
John La Nauze
Historyhistory; economic history; educationVIC1948Panel CMale
Peter Lawrence
Anthropologyanthropology; Melanesia; New GuineaNSW1967Panel AMale
Graham Lawton
GeographyGeography; economic geography1959Panel A
John Legge
HistoryIndonesia, Pacific, biography, Sukarno, AIIA (Australian Institute of International Affairs)VIC1964Panel CMale
Godfrey Linge
GeographyChina, Development, EconomyACT1986Panel AMale
Malcolm Logan
GeographyVIC1973Panel AMale
Jordan Louviere
EconomicsMarketing, Applied Economics, Transport planning and travel demand analysis, Tourism and recreation, Psychology of judgement and decision-makingNSW2010Panel BMale
Peter Loveday
Political ScienceNSW1977Panel AMale
Syd Lovibond
PsychologyAcademic selection/education, professional training.NSW1972Panel DMale
Anthony Low
Historymodern India, East Africa, CommonwealthACT1975Panel CMale
Oliver MacDonagh
HistoryhistoryNSW1965Panel CMale
Stuart Macintyre
HistoryAustralian history, political history, intellectual and educational history, historiographyVIC1987Panel CMale
Jamie Mackie
Political ScienceVIC1976Panel AMale
Malcolm Macmillan
PsychologyLocalisation of brain function, criticisms of psychoanalytic methods, clinical psychology, history of psychology and the neurosciences.VIC2005Panel DMale
Kenneth Maddock
AnthropologyNSW1986Panel AMale
Jane Marceau
Sociologyequality; opportunity; discriminationNSW1989Panel AFemale
Kevin Marjoribanks
EducationSA1982Panel DMale
Allan Martin
HistoryACT1967Panel CMale
Jean Martin
Anthropologyanthropology; immigration;ACT1971Panel AFemale
Maxwell Marwick
AnthropologyOVERSEAS1965Panel AMale
Russell Mathews
EconomicsACT1959Panel BMale
Frank Mauldon
EconomicsEconomicsWA1944Panel BMale
Henry Mayer
Political ScienceNSW1965Panel AMale
Michael McAleer
EconomicsEconometrics, Financial Econometrics, Empirical Finance, Risk Management, StatisticsWA1996Panel BMale
Norma McArthur
DemographydemographyACT1964Panel AFemale
John McCarty
History1980Panel CMale
Jock McCulloch
HistorySouthern Africa; contemporary history; health; occupational disease; politicsVIC2004Panel CMale
Roderick McDonald
PsychologyNSW1981Panel DMale
Mark McLelland
HistoryJapanese studies, history of sexuality, queer studies, internet histories, gender and sexuality studiesNSW2019Panel CMale
Christopher McRae
EducationEducation psychologyNSW1945Panel DMale
Leslie Melville
EconomicsACT1943Panel BMale
Thomas Millar
HistoryAustralian History;political science; strategic studies;international relations1982Panel CMale
Paul Miller
Economicsunemployment, wages, discrimination, immigrants, unionisationWA1997Panel BMale
Bruce Miller
Political ScienceACT1967Panel AMale
David Monro
PhilosophyVIC1964Panel CMale
William Morison
LawNSW1984Panel CMale
Norval Morris
Lawlaw1960Panel CMale
Norman Munn
Psychologypsychology; biography1964Panel DMale
Peter Musgrave
EducationVIC1974Panel DMale
Ken Myer
social and economic policy1972Male
Tom Nairn
Political Sciencepolitics and culture of the post-1989 globalization processOVERSEAS2009Panel AMale
Bob Neale
HistoryHistory1976Panel CMale
Hank Nelson
Historyhistory; Papua New Guinea; Australia;ACT1994Panel CMale
Max Neutze
EconomicsACT1974Panel BMale
John Nieuwenhuysen
Economicsresearch, immigration, publication, conference, internationalVIC1996Panel BMale
Pat Noller
Psychologyfamily relationships, family communication, adult attachment, nonverbal communication, siblingsQLD1994Panel DFemale
Eris O'Brien
HistoryhistoryNSW1954Panel CMale
Daniel O'Connell
LawLawSA1971Panel CMale
Bill O'Neil
Psychologypsychology;history of psychologyNSW1944Panel DMale
Robert O'Neill
Historystrategy, war, history, defence, diplomacyNSW1978Panel CMale
Oscar Oeser
PsychologypsychologyVIC1947Panel DMale
Cheri Ostroff
ManagementOrganisational behaviour; Organisational culture and climate; Human resource management systems; Organisational effectivenessSA2018Panel BFemale
Ross Parish
EconomicsVIC1984Panel BMale
Percy Partridge
PhilosophyPhilosophy; educationACT1945Panel CMale
John Passmore
Philosophygovernance;ACT1943Panel CMale
George Paton
Sociologysociology; philosophyVIC1954Panel AMale
Ivor Pearce
Economicsdemand theory; international trade; general equilibrium theoryACT1960Panel BMale
Ken Pearson
EconomicsComputable general equilibrium; Economic models; Software; Numerical methods; Algorithms.VIC2006Panel BMale
Jim Perkins
Economicsmacroeconomic, Australia, international, monetary, fiscalVIC1973Panel BMale
Candi Peterson
Psychologydevelopmental psychology, children, families, the elderly, deafness, social cognitionQLD1997Panel DFemale
Issy Pilowsky
Social Medicinechronic pain; hypochondriasis; abnormal illness behaviourNSW1990Panel DMale
John Pitchford
Economicsmacroeconomics; international monetary economics; control theory1972Panel BMale
David Plowman
Economicsindustrial relations, wages, employer associations, industrial arbitration, trade unionsWA1994Panel BMale
Alfred Pollard
Demographyeconomics; business administration; statistics; actuarialNSW1969Panel AMale
Joe Powell
Geographynature, settlement and the New World, historical geography, environmental history, history of Australian geographyVIC1985Panel AMale
Victor Prescott
Geographyinternational boundaries, continental shelf, EEZ, Law of the Sea, South China SeaVIC1979Panel AMale
Wilfred Prest
Economicseconomics; politicsVIC1944Panel BMale
Charles Price
DemographyACT1967Panel AMale
Margot Prior
PsychologyChild development, mental health, social issuesVIC1992Panel DFemale
William Radford
EducationEducationVIC1954Panel DMale
Beverley Raphael
Social MedicineTrauma, Bereavement, Adolescent Mental Health, PreventionACT1986Panel DFemale
Donald Rawson
Political SciencehistoryACT1978Panel AMale
Marie Reay
AnthropologyNSW1977Panel AFemale
Gordon Reid
Political Sciencepolitical scienceWA1983Panel AMale
Eric Richards
Historyhistory, immigration, empire, Britain, ScotlandSA1984Panel CMale
Ernest Richardson
Alan Richardson
PsychologyPsychology; sociologyWA1981Panel DMale
Harry Rigby
Political ScienceRussian Soviet politics, society, historyACT1971Panel AMale
John Ritchie
HistoryAustralian; British Imperial; transportation; biography theory and practiceACT1997Panel CMale
Stephen Roberts
Historyeducation1952Panel CMale
Jill Roe
HistoryAustralian history, historical biography, women's history, Miles FranklinNSW1991Panel CFemale
David Rowan
EconomicsEconomicsOVERSEAS1959Panel B
Charles Rowley
HistoryhistoryACT1968Panel CMale
William Rubinstein
Historyhistory; Britain post 1750; modern Jewish HistoryVIC1992Panel CMale
Eric Russell
EconomicseconomicsSA1973Panel BMale
Roger Russell
PsychologyNeuropsychologyOVERSEAS1973Panel DMale
Lado Ruzicka
Demographydemography, mortality, epidemiology, health statistics, suicide1976Panel AMale
Kevin Ryan
Lawlaw; government;trade; WTO; jurisprudenceQLD1978Panel CMale
Geoffrey Sawer
Lawconsitutional law;1952Panel CMale
Boris Schedvin
Economic Historyeconomics, history, money, higher educationVIC1987Panel BMale
Fred Schonell
EducationeducationQLD1952Panel DMale
William Scott
PsychologyPsychology1977Panel DMale
Peter Scott
GeographyTAS1964Panel AMale
Richard Selleck
EducationHistory of education Australian social history Family history and history of the familyVIC1978Panel DMale
Alan Serle
HistoryAustralian history; biographyVIC1973Panel CMale
Ken Shatwell
LawlawNSW1948Panel CMale
Alan Shaw
Historyeducation;VIC1967Panel CMale
Colin Simkin
EconomicsEconomicsNSW1994Panel BMale
Gus Sinclair
Economic Historyeconomics, history, GDP, Australia, regionsVIC1974Panel BMale
George Singer
PsychologypsychobiologyVIC1983Panel DMale
Malcolm Skilbeck
Educationeducation, schooling, teaching, curriculum, teaching profession and teacher education, tertiary education, university education.VIC1988Panel DMale
Jerzy Smolicz
Educationsociology of culture, education; minority languages; multi-ethnic societies; cultural pluralismSA1976Panel DMale
Richard Snape
Economicsinternational trade policyVIC1978Panel BMale
Richard Spann
Political Sciencepolitical science; government1956Panel AMale
Oskar Spate
Historyhuman geography; European expansion in PacificACT1954Panel CMale
Don Spearritt
Educationeducation, measurement, examinations, listening, readingNSW1971Panel DMale
Tom Stannage
Historycultural; urban; aboriginal; Australian; BritishWA1997Panel CMale
Ninian Stephen
LawInternational law, humanitarian law, arbitration, mediation, environmentVIC1987Panel CMale
Samuel Stoljar
LawACT1976Panel CMale
Julius Stone
LawInternational law and JurisprudenceNSW1943Panel CMale
Alan Stout
PhilosophyPhilosophy; moral philosophy; social ethics; penal reform1954Panel CMale
Hugh Stretton
Historysocial theories, globalization, Australian economic policy, houses, family lifeSA1972Panel CMale
John Sutcliffe
PsychologyNSW1964Panel DMale
Trevor Swan
EconomicsEconomics; statisticsACT1954Panel BMale
Ron Taft
Psychologypsychology, personality, immigrants, multiculturalism, attitudesVIC1964Panel DMale
Alice Tay
LawNSW1986Panel CFemale
Janna Thompson
PhilosophyPolitical Theory and Philosophy, Environmental Philosophy, Feminism, Reparative Justice, Global Justice, Feminist Philosophy, Intergenerational JusticeVIC2011Panel CFemale
Clem Tisdell
Economicseconomics, environment, development, Asia, tourism, agricultureQLD1986Panel BMale
John Trinder
PsychologySleep; PsychologyVIC2016Panel DMale
Patrick Troy
Historyhousing, suburbanisation, infrastructure, environment, governanceACT1996Panel CMale
Darrell Tryon
LinguisticsLinguistics, language, communication, education, history.ACT2001Panel AMale
Graham Tucker
Economic Historyeconomic historyACT1965Panel BMale
John Turner
Psychologysocial psychology; group behaviour; intergroup relation; self-categorisation theoryNSW1989Panel DMale
Len Turner
HistoryHistory; military; diplomatic1974Panel CMale
Douglas Vickers
EconomicsEconomics; History of Economic Thought; Domestic Monetary and Financial Theory and Policy; Business Finance.WA1976Panel BMale
Douglas Vickers
Psychologylinguistics; philosophy; statisticsSA2003Panel D
Roger Wales
Psychologypsycholinguistics; language acquisitionVIC2004Panel DMale
Ken Walker
PsychologyPsychologyWA1953Panel DMale
Bob Wallace
Economicseconomics, health systems, financial systems1978Panel BMale
Louis Waller
Lawlaw, reform, IVF, bioethics, regulationVIC1977Panel CMale
John Ward
Historyhistory; British colonial expansionNSW1954Panel CMale
Gerard Ward
GeographyPacific Islands, Human Geography, population, land tenure.SA1971Panel AMale
Leicester Webb
Political Sciencepolitical science; public administration; public broadcasting; international relations; comparative politicsACT1956Panel AMale
Alan Welford
PsychologyExperimental psychology; gerontology; aging; ergonomics1972Panel DMale
Peter Wenderoth
Psychologyvisual perception, vision, perception, orientation, motionNSW1996Panel DMale
John Western
Sociologyanthropology; criminal justice system; class and stratification; quality of lifeQLD1984Panel AMale
Harold White
ManagementACT1943Panel BMale
Donald Whitehead
EconomicsEconomicsVIC1977Panel BMale
Bruce Williams
Economicsindustry; investment; educationNSW1968Panel BMale
Roland Wilson
EconomicsEconomicsACT1943Panel BMale
Tony Winefield
PsychologyPsychology of unemployment, organisational stress, learned helplessnessSA2020Panel DMale
Roy (Pansy) Wright
Social MedicinePhysiologyVIC1943Panel DMale
Ken Wright
Accountingdepreciation, capital investment, financial management, valuation of assets; management of public sector enterprises; private sector commercial activitiesVIC1977Panel BMale
Stephen Wurm
LinguisticsACT1976Panel AMale
Xiaokai Yang
Economicsinternational trade, economics; ChinaVIC1993Panel BMale
A Yates
PsychologypsychologyWA1967Panel D
Elspeth Young
Geographyhuman geography; indigenous AustraliansACT2000Panel AFemale
Christabel Young
DemographyDemography, Australia, family, population, labour forceACT1994Panel AFemale
Sandy Youngson
Economic HistoryACT1976Male
Ian Zimmer
AccountingAccounting, Finanancial ReportingQLD2004Panel BMale
Leslie Zines
Lawconstitution, Federalism, rights and freedoms, constitutional and political history, European Union institutionsACT1987Panel CMale
Jerzy Zubrzycki
Sociologyeconomics; population studies; immigration; multicultural policy1967Panel AMale