Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia include the nation’s leading researchers and practitioners, elected by their peers for their distinguished contribution to one or more fields of social science research or practice in Australia.
Browse or search the list of Academy Fellows to find individuals with specific social science expertise. A directory of deceased Fellows of the Academy can be found here.
Name | Discipline | Specialisation | State | Year Elected |
Philip Adams | Economics | Economic modelling, Policy analysis | VIC | 2016 |
Peter Aggleton | Sociology | Health, gender, sexuality, social inclusion, education | NSW | 2015 |
Pal Ahluwalia | Political science | African studies, social and cultural theory, postcolonial theory, processes of diaspora, exile and migration, transnational diasporas and reconciliation studies | OVERSEAS | 2004 |
David Alais | Psychology | Visual perception; Multisensory interactions; Perceptual ambiguity; | NSW | 2018 |
Robert Aldrich | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Modern European history (particularly France), colonialism (especially French and British empires), history of sexuality, history of monarchies | NSW | 2008 |
Margaret Allars | Law and Legal Studies | Administrative law, government law, public health law, legal theory, citizenship | NSW | 1998 |
Nick Allen | Psychology | Clinical Psychology, Adolescent Mental Health, Depression, Sleep, Digital Technology and Mental Health, Family Processes and Adolescent Mental Health | OVERSEAS | 2020 |
Michael Allen | Anthropology | Vanuatu, Nepal, Ireland, Religion, Gender Relations | NSW | 1981 |
Jon Altman | Anthropology | Indigenous Australia, Development, Anthropology, Economics, Resources | VIC | 2003 |
Dennis Altman | Political science | Sexuality, AIDS, globalization, American political culture, social movements | VIC | 2000 |
Ian Anderson | Health Sciences | Indigenous Affairs; public policy; health; education | TAS | 2018 |
Kym Anderson | Economics | International trade and development, agricultural economics, wine economics, WTO, China | SA | 1994 |
Warwick Anderson | History, Heritage And Archaeology | History of Science and Medicine, Australian History, History of Racial Thought, Asian Studies, Postcolonial Studies | NSW | 2013 |
Kay Anderson | Human geography | Cultural Geography, Race historiography, Urban Cultures, Naturecultures | NSW | 2007 |
Vicki Anderson | Psychology | Child, Neuropsychology, Development, Brain Injury, Attention | VIC | 2007 |
Jock Anderson | Economics | agricultural development | OVERSEAS | 1999 |
Heather Anderson | Economics | Econometrics, time series analysis, empirical finance, empirical macroeconomics. | VIC | 2005 |
David Andrich | Education | Rasch models, psychometrics, educational measurement, modern test theory, item response theory | WA | 1990 |
Rachel Ankeny | Philosophy and Religious Studies | History/Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Bioethics; Public Understanding of Science; Food and Agricultural Ethics; Science and Health Policy; Migration History | SA | 2022 |
Frederik Anseel | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | Feedback, Performance management, work motivation, learning, organizational psychology, leadership, mental health at work | NSW | 2021 |
Kaarin Anstey | Psychology | Cognitive ageing, midlife cognition, wellbeing, longitudinal studies | ACT | 2011 |
Reg Appleyard | Economic history | emigration dynamics in developing countries; economic history of post-war migration to Australia. | WA | 1967 |
Patricia Apps | Economics | theoretical and empirical modelling of household behaviour for policy analysis; | NSW | 1994 |
Wayan Arka | Linguistics | Austronesian linguistics, Indonesian languages, language typology, descriptive linguistics, language documentation, Papuan languages, theoretical linguistics | ACT | 2021 |
Nicholas Aroney | Law and Legal Studies | Constitutional law, comparative law, federalism, law and religion, legal history, legal philosophy, political science, political theory | QLD | 2023 |
Michelle Arrow | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Gender history, postwar history, cultural history, history of popular culture. | NSW | 2023 |
Neal Ashkanasy | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | Organisational Behaviour, Management, Emotions, Leadership, Organizational Culture, Ethical Behaviour | QLD | 2010 |
Tony Aspromourgos | Economics | History of Economic Thought, Macroeconomic Theory, Heterodox Economics | NSW | 2011 |
Chandra Athukorala | Economics | International capital mobility, financial crisis, foreign direct investment, trade policy reforms, international labour migration | ACT | 2003 |
Martha Augoustinos | Psychology | Social psychology, discursive psychology, racism, prejudice | SA | 2018 |
Diane Austin-Broos | Anthropology | Cultural change and transformation; religion; the racialisation of difference; kinship; anthropological theory | NSW | 1990 |
Carol Bacchi | Political science | Feminist political theory, policy theory, equity legislation, embodiment, citizenship | SA | 2000 |
David Badcock | Psychology | Perception;hyper-acuity;first and second order motion systems;migraine;motion perception; | WA | 2002 |
Xuemei Bai | Human geography | Urbanization, Urban environment, Urban governance, Urban metabolism, Sustainability experiments and transition. | ACT | 2017 |
Marian Baird | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | Gender and employment relations, women and work, parental leave, labour market | NSW | 2015 |
Eileen Baldry | Criminology | Social justice, Criminal justice, critical disability criminology, Indigenous justice, cumulative and compounding disadvantage, criminalisation, social and community development | NSW | 2017 |
Bernard Balleine | Psychology | Learning, Motivation, Neuroscience | NSW | 2021 |
Greg Bamber | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | Work, Employment & Industrial Relations, Human Resources & Management, including International Comparative Research | VIC | 2012 |
Gary Banks | Economics | Regulation, Public policy institutions and processes, Trade and industry policy, Economic policy, Productivity trends and drivers, Public choice, Public governance, Australian politics and public administration | VIC | 2010 |
Adrian Barnett | Econometric and statistical methods | Meta-research, research funding, applied statistics, health services research | QLD | 2021 |
Jon Barnett | Human geography | social impacts and responses to environmental change; impacts of climate change on cultures, food security, inequality, instability, migration, and water security, and ways in which adaptation can promote social justice and peace; Global environmental change | VIC | 2016 |
Amanda Barnier | Psychology | Cognitive psychology, memory, hypnosis, forensic psychology, interdisciplinary | NSW | 2016 |
Garry Barrett | Economics | Labour economics, public economics, inequality and poverty, econometrics, public policy | NSW | 2020 |
Fran Baum | Sociology | Health inequities, Social determinants of health, Political economy of health | SA | 2006 |
Janeen Baxter | Sociology | family dynamics and social disadvantage; gender inequality in families and households; links between paid and unpaid work; changing patterns and experiences of marriage; trends in attitudes to gender | QLD | 2009 |
Christine Beasley | Political science | Social/political theory; gender and sexuality, men and masculinities; cultural studies; care theory | SA | 2018 |
Joan Beaumont | History, Heritage And Archaeology | War, memory, and commemoration; Australia in the two world wars; prisoners of war | ACT | 1997 |
Sascha Becker | Economics | Economic history; political economy; economics of religion; migration | VIC | 2022 |
Larissa Behrendt | Law and Legal Studies | Indigenous legal issues; indigenous rights; author | NSW | 2006 |
Peter Beilharz | Sociology | social theory, culture, socialism, labour movements, critical theory | VIC | 1997 |
Genevieve Bell | Anthropology | Cybernetics, Ethnohistory, Science and Technology studies, Futurist | ACT | 2024 |
Martin Bell | Human geography | Demography, Internal Migration, Population Mobility | QLD | 2018 |
Mark Bellgrove | Psychology | Cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychology, developmental neuroscience, ADHD, psychiatric genetics | VIC | 2021 |
Lyria Bennett Moses | Law and Legal Studies | Law and technology; Technology regulation; Cyber law and policy; AI law and policy | NSW | 2024 |
John Benson | Economics | Labour economics; industrial relations; labour and productivity; trade unions; human resource management. | VIC | 2010 |
Michael Berk | Health Sciences | Psychiatry, bipolar disorder, depression, novel therapies for psychiatric disorders, nutritional psychiatry, clinical trials | VIC | 2021 |
Judith Bessant | Sociology | Youth studies, sociology of youth young people’s politics, political sociology, technology, history, democratic theory and practice. Philosophical anthropology | VIC | 2024 |
Ron Bewley | Economics | Time series analysis, Financial econometrics, Applied econometrics | NSW | 1995 |
Peng Bi | Health Sciences | Climate change and health adaptation, environmental and occupational health, infectious disease epidemiology, emergency management | 2022 | |
Stephen Billett | Education | Learning, Adult learning and development, Learning through work, Vocational Education, Professional Education | QLD | 2015 |
David Bissell | Human geography | Cultural geography, social theory, mobility and transport, commuting, mobile work, the future of work and employment, gig economy, automation, digital transformations, bodily experience | VIC | 2023 |
Michael Bittman | Sociology | Time use; Family; Non-market work; Care; Gender. | NSW | 2006 |
Jill Blackmore | Education | Educational Policy, Administration and Leadership; Sociology of Education; Education, Feminism, Leadership, Organisational change, Globalisation | VIC | 2013 |
Geoffrey Blainey | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australian history, world history | VIC | 1970 |
Michael Blakeney | Law and Legal Studies | Intellectual Property; Traditional knowledge; traditional cultural expressions; legal history; agricultural biotechnology | WA | 2017 |
Richard Blandy | Economics | Econonomic growth and industry policy, innovation, sustainable development, labour economics, economics of education and training, demography and population studies. | SA | 1981 |
Roland Bleiker | Political science | International Relations, Conflict, Reconciliation, Visual Politics, Emotions. | QLD | 2017 |
Neal Blewett | Political science | health, politics, Australia, trade, international | NSW | 1998 |
Harry Bloch | Economics | Evolutionary economics, development, industry, price theory | WA | 2012 |
Sidney Bloch | Health Sciences | Psychiatric ethics, psychosocial therapy and psycho-oncology | VIC | 2017 |
Bob Boakes | Psychology | Psychology; learning; comparative psychology; memory; history of psychology; | NSW | 2005 |
Frank Bongiorno | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australian History, Australian historiography, Labour History, Political History, Contemporary History | ACT | 2017 |
Alison Booth | Economics | labour economics; education; trade unions; gender; academic labour markets; | ACT | 2005 |
Heather Booth | Demography | Longevity, ageing, inequality in survival, demographic forecasting | ACT | 2021 |
Jeff Borland | Economics | Labour economics;economic theory; distribution of earnings; underemployment; job creation and job destruction | VIC | 2002 |
Ron Borland | Psychology | Behaviour change, tobacco control, smoking cessation, relapse, behaviour theory | VIC | 2015 |
Richard Bosworth | History, Heritage And Archaeology | historiography, Italy, fascism, war, migration | OVERSEAS | 1995 |
Linda Botterill | Political science | Australian politics and public policy; public policy theory; political psychology; Australian rural policy including drought policy | ACT | 2015 |
Kathy Bowrey | Law and Legal Studies | Cultural history, intellectual property | NSW | 2022 |
Katherine Boydell | Health Sciences | qualitative inquiry; arts-based methods; knowledge translation; mental health | NSW | 2020 |
David Bradley | Linguistics | Sociolinguistics, endangered languages, language policy, Asian languages, Australian English | VIC | 1993 |
Valerie Braithwaite | Psychology | Regulation, Citizen Cooperation with Government | ACT | 2009 |
Deborah Brennan | Political science | gender and social policy, comparative social policy, child care and family policy | NSW | 2009 |
Robert Breunig | Economics | Economics; Public Policy; Evaluation; Tax Policy; Econometrics; Child Care; Female Labour Supply; Welfare; Policy Evaluation; Public Finance | ACT | 2022 |
Neil Brewer | Psychology | Eyewitness memory; ASD and criminal vulnerability | SA | 2007 |
Henry Brodaty | Health Sciences | Ageing, Mental Health, Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, aged care | NSW | 2022 |
Dorothy Broom | Sociology | Health, work, gender, chronic illness, obesity, international trade and public health | VIC | 1997 |
Lisa Brophy | Social work | I am a Social Work academic and my research focus has been on people experiencing mental illness and psychosocial disability and their recovery, social inclusion and human rights. | VIC | 2023 |
AJ Brown | Policy and administration | Public integrity, accountability and anti-corruption, Public interest whistleblowing, Public trust, Federalism, Regionalism, Institutional and constitutional reform | QLD | 2023 |
Nick Brown | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australian History; Environmental and Social History; History of Public Policy; Twentieth Century International History | ACT | 2017 |
Philip Brown | Accounting, auditing and accountability | accounting, finance, investments, markets, accounting standards | WA | 1979 |
Rebekah Brown | Human geography | Integrated urban water management, institutional analysis, urban water governance, natural resource management, urban sustainability, sustainable development, socio-technical, urban water management, cities, capacity building, transition, extreme events, past climates of Australia, climate change policy, drought, fire and flood, adaptive governance | VIC | 2017 |
Richard Bryant | Psychology | initial post traumatic stress disorder; PTSD; acute psychological response to trauma; PTSD symptoms; early intervention | NSW | 2005 |
Quentin Bryce | Law and Legal Studies | advancing human rights; status of women; higher education | QLD | 2010 |
Ross Buckley | Law and Legal Studies | Financial regulation, FinTech, RegTech | NSW | 2017 |
Victoria Burbank | Anthropology | Psychological Anthropology, Aboriginal Australian Ethnography | WA | 2017 |
Verity Burgmann | History, Heritage And Archaeology | labour movements, social movements, direct action protest, radical ideologies | VIC | 1999 |
Paul Burke | Economics | energy; environment; Asia-Pacific | ACT | 2024 |
Denis Burnham | Psychology | Speech Perception; Language Development; Infant-Directed Speech; Lexical Tone; Auditory-Visual Speech | NSW | 2018 |
Ian Burnley | Human geography | Human Geography, Population and Social Geography, Medical Geography, Population, Immigration, Urban Change, Health Inequalities | NSW | 2010 |
David Burr | Psychology | Vision; perception; cognitive neuroscience; numerical cognition; psychophysics | OVERSEAS | 2018 |
Kate Burridge | Linguistics | historical linguistics; language change; Germanic languages; taboo and euphemism; prescription; attitudes to language | VIC | 2020 |
Andrew Burton-Jones | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | Management of information technology, Information systems, Digital transformation, Digital health | QLD | 2021 |
Phyllis Butow | Psychology | psycho-oncology; health psychology, medical decision-making; doctor-patient communication; cross-cultural research | NSW | 2008 |
Don Byrne | Psychology | stress, occupational stress, depression, cardiovascular disease, health behaviour, adolescent stress, child stress | ACT | 1995 |
Andrew Byrnes | Law and Legal Studies | International Law, human rights, gender and human rights, disability and human rights, ageing and human rights | NSW | 2020 |
Victor Callan | Psychology | organisational behaviour; corporate change; leadership; training and development | QLD | 2004 |
Tom Calma | Policy and administration | Human Rights and Social Justice Advocate, Indigenous affairs, tobacco and e-cigarette control, Indigenous justice | ACT | 2022 |
Lisa Cameron | Economics | Development economics, behavioural and experimental economics, health economics, labour economics, gender | VIC | 2014 |
Joseph Camilleri | Political science | International relations, political economy, security studies, conflict analysis, Asia-Pacific, global governance. | VIC | 2002 |
Barry Carr | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Latin American and Caribbean History, History of Marxism, Socialism and Communism in the Americas, History of Tourism and Leisure in the Americas | VIC | 2009 |
Annemaree Carroll | Education | Educational psychology, emotion regulation, social emotional learning, science of learning, intervention research | QLD | 2018 |
Bettina Cass | Sociology | Work, employment, welfare states, gender, citizenship, housing policy, urban and regional studies, comparative social policy, family policy, wellbeing of children | NSW | 1989 |
Anne Castles | Psychology | Reading development and dyslexia | NSW | 2010 |
David Chalmers | Philosophy and Religious Studies | Philosophy, Cognitive Science | NSW | 2011 |
Ray Chambers | Econometric and statistical methods | Sample surveys; Official statistics; longitudinal data analysis; Linked data analysis; Causal inference; Robust statistical methods; Analysis of heterogeneous data; Performance modelling. | NSW | 2021 |
Janet Chan | Sociology | Technology and Justice, Occupation and Profession, Criminal Justice Policy, Policing and Security, Creativity and Innovation | NSW | 2002 |
Bruce Chapman | Economics | labour, policy, HECS, unemployment, poverty | ACT | 1993 |
Louise Chappell | Political science | Gender and politics; women’s rights; public policy; international criminal court | NSW | 2016 |
Mandy Cheng | Accounting, auditing and accountability | Management Accounting, strategic performance measurement, the use of financial, nonfinancial and sustainability performance information for business decision making | NSW | 2022 |
Rob Chenhall | Accounting, auditing and accountability | Organizational and behavioural management accounting | VIC | 2015 |
Anthony Chisholm | Economics | economics, policy, agriculture, environment, resources | VIC | 1997 |
Helen Christensen | Health Sciences | Mental health, depression, ageing, public health, internet. | NSW | 2004 |
Wai Fong Chua | Accounting, auditing and accountability | Management accounting; professionalisation of accounting | NSW | 2008 |
Joshua Cinner | Human geography | Fisheries; Conservation; Livelihoods; Socioeconomic; Vulnerability | NSW | 2018 |
Richard Clark | Psychology | neurotherapeutic interventions; psychological disorders | SA | 2009 |
Gordon Clark | Human geography | pension funds, finance, social security, economic geography | OVERSEAS | 1993 |
Philip Clarke | Economics | Health Economics | VIC | 2015 |
Peter Clarkson | Accounting, auditing and accountability | Financial and non-financial disclosure, sustainability disclosure and performance, climate change risk (carbon emissions) disclosure and performance | QLD | 2019 |
Stewart Clegg | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | power, project managment, paradox theory, organization theory | NSW | 1988 |
Ken Clements | Economics | applied economics | WA | 1998 |
Tony Coady | Philosophy and Religious Studies | philosophy, applied ethics, war, political violence, testimony | VIC | 2000 |
Deborah Cobb-Clark | Economics | social policy on labour market outcomes; families and youth | NSW | 2009 |
Catharine Coleborne | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Histories of mental illness and institutions Health and medicine in historical perspective Gender, colonialism and illness Psychiatric history Mobility studies | NSW | 2021 |
Max Coltheart | Psychology | dyslexia, delusion, cognition, reading, neuropsychology | NSW | 1988 |
Barbara Comber | Education | Literacy, Teachers, Social Justice, Pedagogy, Educational Disadvantage, Poverty | SA | 2024 |
Conal Condren | Political science | History, intellectual, social, political philosophy | NSW | 2001 |
Raewyn Connell | Sociology | sociology, neoliberalism, intellectuals, gender, education, theory | NSW | 1996 |
John Connell | Human geography | Human geography (culture, migration, development), anthropology. | NSW | 2001 |
Linda Connor | Anthropology | Environmental change and energy transitions; Rural and regional Australia; Visual anthropology and ethnographic film; Ethnographic methods in interdisciplinary projects | NSW | 2017 |
Mark Considine | Political science | Governance studies, network governance, reform of public services, local economic development. | VIC | 2005 |
Fang Lee Cooke | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | human resource management; industrial relations | VIC | 2016 |
Rae Cooper | Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services | Industrial relations, gender equality, workplace policy, collective bargaining | NSW | 2024 |
Jenny Corbett | Economics | Macroeconomics, Japan, Asia, banking and finance, international integration | ACT | 2016 |
Jonathan Corcoran | Human geography | QLD | 2023 | |
John Cordery | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | Work psychology, organisational behaviour, human resource management, work design, work teams | WA | 2019 |
Kim Cornish | Psychology | Fragile X, development, atypical, typical, attention, trajectory, CADLAB, Williams, ADHD, children | VIC | 2017 |
Bob Costanza | Human geography | ecological economics, ecosystem services, landscape ecology, integrated ecological and socioeconomic modelling, sustainable wellbeing | ACT | 2019 |
Gillian Cowlishaw | Anthropology | Anthropology, History, Literature, Aboriginal Australia, race relations, Indigenous governance, cultural revivalism | NSW | 2013 |
Lyn Craig | Sociology | Gender, work and family, parenthood, time use; comparative social policy | NSW | 2015 |
Stephen Crain | Linguistics | Linguistics, Language acquisition, Sentence processing, Neurolinguistics | NSW | 2006 |
George Crowder | Political science | Political theory; political philosophy; Isaiah Berlin; liberalism; value pluralism | SA | 2018 |
Garrett Cullity | Philosophy and Religious Studies | Moral philosophy, applied ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of action, philosophy of value | SA | 2014 |
Chris Cunneen | Criminology | Criminology, penology, Indigenous legal issues | NSW | 2014 |
James Curran | History, Heritage And Archaeology | History of Australian Foreign Policy, Australian Political Culture, Nationalism, American Foreign Policy, US-China relations | NSW | 2023 |
Ann Curthoys | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australia, history, Indigenous, gender, nation, historiography | VIC | 1997 |
Monica Cuskelly | Education | Intellectual disability; developmental disability | TAS | 2022 |
Kathleen Daly | Criminology | Criminology, criminal justice, innovative justice, violence against women, feminist and critical race theories, legal officials and other justice actors | QLD | 2007 |
Joy Damousi | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Memory, emotions, feminism, psychoanalysis, labour. | VIC | 2004 |
Peter Danaher | Marketing | Market models, advertising, applied econometrics | VIC | 2015 |
Susan Danby | Education | education systems, linguistics, sociology, health communication, pragmatics, early childhood education, digital childhoods | QLD | 2021 |
Kate Darian-Smith | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australian and imperial history; Australian studies; war and society; memory studies; museums and heritage; histories of childhood, settler-Indigenous relations, media, education and migration. | VIC | 2008 |
Sara Davies | Political science | Human rights, health security, sexual violence in conflict, refugees, united nations, Asia Pacific | QLD | 2021 |
Martin Davies | Philosophy and Religious Studies | modal concepts definition; psychological understanding; philosophy of the mind; cognitive science; | ACT | 2002 |
Margaret Davies | Law and Legal Studies | Legal theory; Gender; Property; Legal pluralism. | SA | 2006 |
Megan Davis | Law and Legal Studies | Law | NSW | 2017 |
Glyn Davis | Political science | political science | VIC | 2003 |
Graeme Davison | History, Heritage And Archaeology | history, urban studies, heritage, Melbourne, sociology | VIC | 1985 |
Peter Dawkins | Economics | Economics, labour economics, social economics, industrial economics, macroeconomics, quantitative sociology, social policy, social research | VIC | 2001 |
David Day | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australia, history, war, biography, politics. | VIC | 2004 |
David de Vaus | Sociology | Family Sociology, Life Course Transitions, Retirement, Ageing, Research Methods | VIC | 2007 |
Desley Deacon | History, Heritage And Archaeology | American history;Australian History; gender studies; sociology | NSW | 2002 |
William Deane | Law and Legal Studies | Govenor General; Politics | ACT | 2001 |
Louisa Degenhardt | Health Sciences | Substance use, addiction, mental health | NSW | 2016 |
Katherine Demuth | Linguistics | child language acquisition; language perception; language production | NSW | 2015 |
Erwin Diewert | Economics | Economic measurement, Consumer Price Index | OVERSEAS | 2015 |
Cheryl Dissanayake | Psychology | Autism; Neurodevelopmental Conditions; Early Development | VIC | 2022 |
Peter Dixon | Economics | economic modelling, forecasting, technological change, policy analysis, general equilibrium | VIC | 1982 |
Rosalind Dixon | Law and Legal Studies | Comparative Constitutional, Constitutional Law | NSW | 2019 |
Mark Dodgson | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | Innovation management and policy. | QLD | 2004 |
Michael Dodson | Law and Legal Studies | Human Rights Law; Access To Justice; Causes And Prevention Of Crime; Studies Of Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Society; Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Law; Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander History Indigenous Treaty making | ACT | 2009 |
Maureen Dollard | Psychology | SA | 2023 | |
Sara Dolnicar | Tourism | Tourism, Sustainability, Market Segmentation, Experiment | QLD | 2019 |
Heather Douglas | Law and Legal Studies | Criminal law and procedure, domestic and family violence. | VIC | 2017 |
Steve Dovers | Human geography | Environmental Policy, Disaster Management, Climate Adaptation, Natural Resource Management | NSW | 2013 |
Kim Dovey | Built Environment and Design | social issues in architecture and urban design including investigations of urban place identity, creative clusters, transit-oriented urban design and the morphology of informal settlements | VIC | 2022 |
Robyn Dowling | Human geography | Urban geography, urban governance, transport, energy, climate change | NSW | 2018 |
Gary Dowsett | Sociology | sexuality; HIV/AIDS, men's health; qualitative methodologies | VIC | 2008 |
Peter Drahos | Law and Legal Studies | legal theory; intellectual property rights theory; globalization; regulations | OVERSEAS | 2007 |
Peter Drysdale | Economics | international trade and economic policy, APEC, Japan and East Asian economies | ACT | 1989 |
John Dryzek | Political science | democracy, environmental politics, political theory | ACT | 1997 |
Stephen Duckett | Economics | Australian health policy | VIC | 2004 |
Tim Dunne | Political science | International relations; human rights; international ethics; terrorism; global security | QLD | 2016 |
Dexter Dunphy | Sociology | Corporate sustainability, corporate change, comparative management, human resource management | NSW | 2001 |
Michael Dutton | Political science | contemporary social and cultural theory; | QLD | 2009 |
Sandra Eades | Health Sciences | Social Medicine, Indigenous health, Child and adolescent health | VIC | 2020 |
Robyn Eckersley | Political science | Environmental Politics, Climate Policy, Political Theory. | VIC | 2007 |
Penny Edmonds | History, Heritage And Archaeology | History, cultural history, imperial and postcolonial history, reconciliation, humanitarianism, Australia and Pacific region, critical race theory, heritage, museums | SA | 2024 |
Louise Edwards | History, Heritage And Archaeology | China, history, politics, gender | NSW | 2008 |
Meredith Edwards | Economics | social policy, public policy, governance, women and leadership. | ACT | 1994 |
Anne Edwards | Sociology | public policy, social theory, gender, youth, ageing | SA | 2000 |
John Elkins | Education | special education, literacy, learning difficulties, disability policy | QLD | 1996 |
Anthony Elliott | Sociology | social theorist, sociologist; Artificial Intelligence and the future of employment; Identity and digital technologies; Globalisation and the new economy | SA | 2009 |
Nick Enfield | Linguistics | Linguistics, Linguistic Anthropology, Social Interaction, Social Agency, Mainland Southeast Asia (especially Laos) | NSW | 2018 |
Lyn English | Education | mathematics education, engineering education, STEM education | QLD | 2003 |
Nisvan Erkal | Economics | Experimental Economics Inductrial Organisation Economics of Innovation Merger Analysis | VIC | 2021 |
Norman Etherington | History, Heritage And Archaeology | History, heritage, missions, South Africa, imperialism | SA | 1993 |
Gareth Evans | Law and Legal Studies | International Relations | VIC | 2012 |
Nick Evans | Linguistics | Australian Aboriginal languages, Papuan languages, language typology, language documentation, anthropological linguistics | ACT | 2016 |
Carolyn Evans | Law and Legal Studies | Religious Freedom, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Human Rights | QLD | 2019 |
Michael Farrell | Health Sciences | broad aspects of tobacco, alcohol, drug use strategies to reduce social and individual harms promote and translate interventions into practice improve community, family and individual well being | NSW | 2021 |
Allan Fels | Economics | Economics, law, public administration, regulation | VIC | 2005 |
Denzil Fiebig | Economics | applied econometrics, econometric methods, health economics. | NSW | 2003 |
Ruth Fincher | Human geography | urban, ethnicity, gender, policy, institutions | VIC | 2002 |
Christopher Findlay | Economics | International Economics, Trade, China, Regional Economic Cooperation, Services. | SA | 2002 |
Mark Finnane | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australian History, Criminology, Socio-legal Studies, Legal History, Irish History, Policing, Punishment | QLD | 2013 |
Karen Fisher | Policy and administration | Social policy, disability policy, mental health policy, social policy evaluation, Chinese social policy, inclusive research, NDIS | NSW | 2020 |
Brian Fisher | Economics | public policy, economics, trade, environment | ACT | 1995 |
Andrew Fitzmaurice | History, Heritage And Archaeology | History of Political Thought, History of Empires | NSW | 2019 |
Marilyn Fleer | Education | Early childhood education; STEM education | VIC | 2021 |
Michele Ford | Sociology | Southeast Asia, social movements, labour movements | NSW | 2022 |
Joseph Forgas | Psychology | Interpersonal behaviour, affective influences on social behaviour, social judgments and social perception, social identity and group behaviour, applied social psychology | NSW | 1987 |
Kenneth Forster | Psychology | Psycholinguistics, lexical access, priming | OVERSEAS | 1984 |
Michelle Foster | Law and Legal Studies | International Refugee Law; Human rights law; Statelessness Studies | VIC | 2022 |
John Foster | Economics | Complex economic systems, evolutionary macroeconomics, energy economics, economics of innovation. | QLD | 2001 |
James Fox | Anthropology | anthropology; Eastern Indonesia; Java; agriculture | ACT | 1992 |
Kevin Fox | Economics | Economics, Econometrics, Measurement, Environment | NSW | 2010 |
Rae Frances | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Gender, labour, prostitution, Australia, war | VIC | 2011 |
Ian Freckelton | Law and Legal Studies | Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Disciplinary Law, Commercial Law, Coronial Law | VIC | 2012 |
Bronwyn Fredericks | Indigenous Studies | Indigenous education, Indigenous Health, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies | QLD | 2022 |
Clinton Free | Accounting, auditing and accountability | Fraud; white collar crime; corporate governance; management accounting | NSW | 2021 |
John Freebairn | Economics | applied microeconomics; analysis of taxation reform; environmental economics | VIC | 1991 |
Robert Freestone | Human geography | Planning History; Urban Studies; Heritage | NSW | 2008 |
Arie Freiberg | Law and Legal Studies | Sentencing; criminology; regulation | VIC | 2005 |
Robert French | Law and Legal Studies | the study and practice of law | WA | 2010 |
Sharon Friel | Health Sciences | Health inequalities; Social determinants; Climate change; Governance and Regulation; Healthy public policy; Global health | ACT | 2015 |
Renée Fry-McKibbin | Economics | Macroeconometrics, financial market econometrics, contagion, commodities | ACT | 2018 |
Marylene Gagne | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | How organisations affect people’s motivational orientations towards their work; Volunteer management; How quality of motivation influences performance and well-being in the workplace. | WA | 2022 |
Geoff Gallop | Political science | Public policy development and administration; political philosophy | NSW | 2022 |
Bill Gammage | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australia, history | ACT | 1995 |
Lata Gangadharan | Economics | Economic Experiments, Environment and Sustainability, Social Preferences, Development | VIC | 2017 |
Joshua Gans | Economics | microeconomics, game theory, innovation, competition, regulation | OVERSEAS | 2008 |
Jiti Gao | Econometric and statistical methods | Econometrics and Financial Econometrics | VIC | 2012 |
Judith Gardam | Law and Legal Studies | Law, International Relations, Public international law, International humanitarian law, Energy law, Feminist theory | SA | 2010 |
Margaret Gardner | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | Leadership, management strategy, gender equity, industrial relations, tertiary education | VIC | 2018 |
Ross Garnaut | Economics | international economics; public finance; economic development | VIC | 1991 |
Geoffrey Garrett | Political science | Globalization, US, China, trade, investment | OVERSEAS | 2011 |
Stephen Garton | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australian history, psychiatry, crime, social policy, sexuality. | NSW | 2002 |
Moira Gatens | Philosophy and Religious Studies | political philosophy, social philosophy, Spinoza, feminist theory, ethics | NSW | 1999 |
Gina Geffen | Psychology | Concussion, cerebral lateralization, working memory,pain management | QLD | 1990 |
Kath Gelber | Political science | Free speech, hate speech, comparative politics, political theory, Australian politics | QLD | 2017 |
Katherine Gibson | Human geography | Economic Geography, Feminist Theory, Action Research, Poststructuralist Political Economy, Asia Pacific Region | NSW | 2005 |
Chris Gibson | Human geography | Cultural economy, creative industries, regional development, economic geography, tourism | NSW | 2017 |
Diane Gibson | Sociology | Social policy, ageing, gender, programme evaluation, paid and unpaid work | ACT | 2001 |
Cristina Gibson | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | Work teams, international management, organizational structure, collaboration, cultural identity | WA | 2017 |
Billie Giles-Corti | Built Environment and Design | Urban planning and health | WA | 2023 |
Graeme Gill | Political science | Russia, post-communism, politics, state, democratisation | NSW | 1994 |
Barbara Gillam | Psychology | psychology, visual perception, cognitive science, stereopsis | NSW | 1994 |
Nicole Gillespie | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | Trust building and repair; measuring trust; trust in emerging technologies and Artificial Intelligence; trustworthy AI; designing trustworthy organizations and systems; trust in organisations, institutions, leaders and teams; leadership; organizational change; organizational culture. | QLD | 2021 |
Ross Gittins | Economics | Journalism, economics, economic policy, Australian economy, Australian politics | NSW | 2017 |
Lisa Given | Sociology | Technology design and use; social media; internet studies; research engagement; research impact; research ethics; research methods; human-focused technology design; societal impact; social change; human behaviour; information studies; library studies; qualitative methodologies; interdisciplinary research; open research | VIC | 2022 |
Brendan Gleeson | Human geography | Urbanisation; social geography, environment, climate change, regions | VIC | 2008 |
Lee Godden | Law and Legal Studies | Critical Race Theory; Environmental Law (land and water management and indigenous rights); Indigenous Law and Human Rights; Legal History; Legal Theory; Native Title Law; Natural Resources Law; Planning Law (urban and spatial controls); Post-colonial Theory; Property Law (legal theory, globalisation, indigenous rights); Science & Technology Regulation; Water Law (water and environmental management) | VIC | 2017 |
Jacob Goeree | Economics | Market design, game theory, experimental economics | NSW | 2018 |
Evelyn Goh | Political science | Security, international relations, East Asia, US-China, Cold War | ACT | 2022 |
Andrew Goldsmith | Law and Legal Studies | Organised crime, policing, corruption, law enforcement, crime policy | SA | 2016 |
Heather Goodall | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Indigenous history, environmental history, conservation politics, Indian history, intercolonial history. | NSW | 2007 |
David Goodman | Political science | China, provinces, social and political change, CCP history | NSW | 2000 |
Murray Goot | Political science | Australian politics, electioneering, mass media, political parties, public opinion, voting behaviour | NSW | 2003 |
Jenny Gore | Education | Aspirations, equity, pedagogical reform, pedagogy, power and pedagogy, social theory and education, sociology of education, teacher development, teacher education reform, teacher socialisation, teacher supervision and mentoring | NSW | 2023 |
Quentin Grafton | Economics | Economics (environment, resources and energy); Economics; Water; Fisheries; Resources; Environment; | ACT | 2013 |
Simon Grant | Economics | Economic theory, risk, uncertainty, non-expected utility, bargaining. | ACT | 2002 |
David Grant | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | organisational discourse; organisational change and development; leadership | NSW | 2008 |
Stan Grant | Communication and media studies | Media and misinformation, integrity in journalism, international relations, racism, reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people | NSW | 2023 |
Michelle Grattan | Political science | politics; political correspondent; political science | ACT | 2002 |
Sid Gray | Accounting, auditing and accountability | International accounting; corporate transparency; comparative accounting systems | NSW | 2006 |
Adam Graycar | Policy and administration | public policy, crime, ageing, best practice, social policy | SA | 1998 |
Robert Gregory | Economics | labour economics; public policy | ACT | 1979 |
Chris Gregory | Anthropology | Economic Anthropology, India, PNG, Fiji | ACT | 2019 |
Don Greig | Law and Legal Studies | Public International Law; the Law of Contract | ACT | 1992 |
Mark Griffin | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | Work performance, organisational analysis, workplace safety, leadership, future work | WA | 2019 |
Bill Griffiths | Economics | econometrics, bayesian inference, inequality, statistics | VIC | 1995 |
Patricia Grimshaw | History, Heritage And Archaeology | women and family; New Zealand, the Pacific, Australia; feminist scholar;colonial families | VIC | 1992 |
Peter Gronn | Education | Organizational leadership, educational leadership, educational policy, history of education, biography | VIC | 2019 |
Pauline Grosjean | Economics | Economics of institutions and culture, Long-term development | NSW | 2020 |
David Gruen | Economics | Data, Economics, Public Policy, Statistics | ACT | 2023 |
Bruce Grundy | Economics | Corporate Finance, Derivatives, Corporate Governance, Charitable Fund Raising, Funds Management | VIC | 2015 |
Ferdinand Gul | Accounting, auditing and accountability | Financial Accounting, Auditing, Corporate Governance and Corporate Political Activities | VIC | 2018 |
Richard Gunstone | Education | Science learning, metacognition, assessment, science curriculum, science teaching. | VIC | 2003 |
Knud Haakonssen | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Early-modern moral, political and legal thought; natural law and rights; Enlightenment in Britain, Germany & Scandinavia | OVERSEAS | 1992 |
Vedi Hadiz | Political science | Political economy, political sociology, Indonesian politics and society, Southeast Asian politics and societies, Islamic politics | VIC | 2017 |
Anna Haebich | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Cultural History, Indigenous History, Assimilation, Stolen Generations, Histories of Migrartion, The Body, Environment, Visual and Performing Arts, Museums, Respresentations, Crime and Gender. | WA | 2007 |
Ghassan Hage | Anthropology | Nationalism, Multiculturalism, Racism, Migration, Anthropological Theory | NSW | 2019 |
Fiona Haines | Sociology | Corporate and White Collar Crime; Regulation and Compliance; Socio-legal understanding of the intersection between globalisation and governance; Grievance and Redress in response to corporate harm; reducing corporate harm | VIC | 2016 |
Graeme Halford | Psychology | cognitive complexity, processing capacity, workload, processing load, reasoning | QLD | 1986 |
Jane Hall | Economics | Health Economics, Economic Evaluation, Health Policy | NSW | 2005 |
Keith Hancock | Economics | labour, regulation, arbitration, employment, unions | SA | 1968 |
John Handmer | Human geography | Risk; disasters; natural hazards; climate change adaptation; | ACT | 2018 |
Ian Harper | Economics | Banking and financial regulation | VIC | 2000 |
Anita Harris | Sociology | Youth studies; migration studies; girls’ studies; young people, citizenship and participation; young people, social cohesion and multiculturalism; youth mobilities; youth cultures and digital media. | 2022 | |
Nick Haslam | Psychology | Social psychology, personality, psychiatric classification, stigma | VIC | 2013 |
Tim Hatton | Economic history | Migration and asylum; health and human heights | ACT | 2009 |
Bharat Hazari | Economics | international trade; market imperfections; developmental economics | VIC | 2005 |
Baogang He | Political science | political Science; deliberative democracy; political change | VIC | 2019 |
Brian Head | Political science | Policy issues, Governance, Complex problems, Research impact, Sustainability | QLD | 2012 |
Lesley Head | Human geography | Human Geography, Anthropology, Environmental Social Sciences, Cultural Environmental Research, Plants, Households, Climate Change | VIC | 2011 |
Stephanie Hemelryk Donald | Sociology | Media, film, children's media, China, visual culture, migration | VIC | 2008 |
Julie Henry | Psychology | Cognitive ageing, prospective cognition, social cognition, neuropsychology. | QLD | 2019 |
Ken Henry | Economics | public policy | NSW | 2012 |
David Hensher | Economics | economics, choice analysis, transport policy, travel demand | NSW | 1995 |
Beryl Hesketh | Psychology | Career Choice, Training, Selection and decision-making, Person-Environment Fit, Organisational Psychology. | NSW | 2002 |
Kevin Hewison | Political science | Democratisation, labour politics, political change, SE Asian politics | WA | 2014 |
John Hewson | Economics | Public Policy, Economics, Finance, Climate | NSW | 2017 |
Ian Hickie | Health Sciences | Mental Health; Health Services reform; Public Health Policy; International Health trends | NSW | 2007 |
Barry Higman | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Caribbean, servants, occupations, landscape, historical geography | ACT | 1997 |
Lisa Hill | Political science | Political Science, Political Theory, History of Political Thought, Electoral Studies, Enlightenment, Stoicism, Adam Smith, Voting | SA | 2011 |
Hal Hill | Economics | economies of South-East Asia | ACT | 2011 |
Jenny Hocking | Political science | Australian political history, biography, counter-terrorism, Gough Whitlam, Whitlam government, the dismissal of the Whitlam government | VIC | 2010 |
Michael Hogg | Psychology | Social psychology, social identity, intergroup relations, group processes, self and identity, influence and leadership | OVERSEAS | 1999 |
Richard Holden | Economics | Economics, law & economics, political science | NSW | 2016 |
Katie Holmes | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Environmental History, cultural history, feminism, environmental humanities, gender | VIC | 2019 |
John Holmes | Human geography | Australia, rural multifunctionality, rangelands, land policy, property rights, pastoral leases | QLD | 2000 |
Leslie Holmes | Political science | corruption, Europe, democratisation, organised crime, political science | VIC | 1995 |
Bob Holton | Sociology | Globalization, artificial intelligence and uncertainty, social theory, historical sociology, | SA | 1995 |
Ross Homel | Criminology | Criminology; Prevention; Children and young people; Community development; Alcohol-related crime and violence. | QLD | 2004 |
David Horner | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australian defence history, operations, command, intelligence | ACT | 2015 |
Matthew Hornsey | Psychology | Persuasion; trust; intergroup relations; rejection of science; social psychology | QLD | 2018 |
Jennie Hudson | Psychology | Clinical child psychology; child and youth mental health; Child and adolescent anxiety disorders | NSW | 2018 |
Terry Hull | Demography | Demography of Indonesia, Fertility and Family Planning, Maternal Mortality, Infant mortality, Sexual and reproductive health, Sex ratios at birth (China) Measuring Race and Ethnicity, Population growth (projections), Australian Census (history and futures), Combined research methods: Qualitative and Quantitative | ACT | 2020 |
Boyd Hunter | Economic history | Labour Economics Social Policy Economic History Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Policy | ACT | 2021 |
Rob Hyndman | Econometric and statistical methods | Forecasting, computational statistics, data analysis, business analytics, machine learning, time series, demography | VIC | 2020 |
Charmine Härtel | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | Leadership Development, Organisational Culture and Analysis, Workforce (Neuro)Diversity, Work Design and Digital Technologies, , Emotions, Entrepreneurship | NSW | 2017 |
Michael Innes | Psychology | Political psychology, attitudes, film, media psychology, artificial intelligence and program evaluation | SA | 1997 |
Muireann Irish | Psychology | NSW | 2023 | |
Dexter Irvine | Psychology | Auditory cortex; Plasticity; Hearing loss; Perceptual learning | VIC | 1996 |
Terry Irving | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australian History, Class Analysis, Labour Intellectuals, Radical Democracy, Youth Policy | NSW | 2023 |
Helen Irving | Law and Legal Studies | Constitutional law and history; constitutional citizenship; constitutions and gender. | NSW | 2013 |
Izan Izan | Accounting, auditing and accountability | Capital markets-based research; Corporate governance; Stochastic index numbers. | WA | 2004 |
Simon Jackman | Political science | Elections, electoral systems, public opinion | NSW | 2018 |
Frank Jackson | Philosophy and Religious Studies | Philosophy of mind and language, philosophy of the social sciences, ethics. | ACT | 1998 |
Henry Jackson | Psychology | clinical psychology, early psychosis, personality disorders, case formulation, delusional infestation | VIC | 2009 |
Andrew Jakubowicz | Sociology | Cultural diversity, sociology, public policy, disability, cultural and social planning, cyber racism, multicultural policy, social media, social science communication | NSW | 2021 |
Pat Jalland | History, Heritage And Archaeology | British History 210305, Australian History (Excl. Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander History) 210303 | ACT | 1988 |
Paula Jarzabkowski | Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services | Practice theory, strategy-as-practice, disaster risk financing, disaster insurance, disaster risk reduction | QLD | 2024 |
Kanishka Jayasuriya | Political science | Political economy, regulation and governance, authoritarianism, social policy, higher education | WA | 2020 |
Renée Jeffery | Political science | International Relations, human rights, transitional justice, conflict, emotions | QLD | 2019 |
Craig Jeffrey | Human geography | Youth, Development, Politics and Social Change in South Asia and Globally (Power, Culture, Cities, Geography, Anthropology) | VIC | 2017 |
Robin Jeffrey | Political science | History, Politics, India, Asia, Media. | VIC | 2002 |
Jolanda Jetten | Psychology | social psychology; social identity; group processes; health and well-being | QLD | 2015 |
Fleur Johns | Law and Legal Studies | International law; law and technology; law and development; law and society; legal theory; laws of emergency/disaster | NSW | 2020 |
Carol Johnson | Political science | Australian politics, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, discourse, how governments manage social, economic and technological change. | SA | 2005 |
Margaret Jolly | Anthropology | historical anthropologist | ACT | 1999 |
Barry Jones | Political science | polymath | VIC | 2003 |
Stewart Jones | Accounting, auditing and accountability | Corporate financial reporting; credit risk and corporate bankruptcy prediction; accounting regulation; corporate social responsibility reporting | NSW | 2018 |
Frank Jones | Sociology | social statistics, immigration and multiculturalism, social mobility, national identity, occupations | QLD | 1974 |
Anthony Jorm | Health Sciences | Mental health | NSW | 1994 |
Guyonne Kalb | Economics | Family/household economics, female labour supply, child outcomes, family and social policy, tax and transfer policy, poverty/disadvantage | VIC | 2022 |
David Kalisch | Economics | Public sector data production, data access and use Use of data and evidence for policy and service delivery Social and economic policy design and implementation Public administration, organisational transformation and leadership | ACT | 2021 |
John Kane | Political science | Political theory, moral philosophy, leadership, US foreign policy, international affairs | QLD | 2015 |
Bruce Kapferer | Anthropology | State, Poverty, Ethnic Conflict, Violence, Nationalism, Urbanization, Ritual Systems, Folk Drama, Buddhism, Zambian Urbanization, Post-Apartheid Politics in South Africa, Ritual and Politics in Kerala, Sinhalese Ritual, Comparative Anthropology, Egalita | OVERSEAS | 1981 |
Grace Karskens | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australian colonial history, settler colonial history, Aboriginal history, Australian cross-cultural history, environmental history | NSW | 2022 |
Susanne Karstedt | Criminology | Cross-national and cross-cultural comparison of crime and justice; global indicators of crime and justice, including indices of prison conditions and ‘extremely violent societies’; democracy, crime and justice; interpersonal violence; mass atrocity, genocide and state crime; middle class and white collar crime; impact of transitional justice mechanisms; emotions and law; emotions and offender decision making. | QLD | 2020 |
Yoshihisa Kashima | Psychology | social psychology; cultural dynamics, modelling; cultural transmission processes | VIC | 2013 |
Amarjit Kaur | Economic history | economic history, labour, migration, transport, environment, Malaysia, Southeast Asia | NSW | 2000 |
David Kavanagh | Psychology | e-health; digital health; addictive disorders; motivation; dissemination | QLD | 2016 |
Anne Kavanagh | Health Sciences | Epidemiology, disability, health inequalities, policy | VIC | 2018 |
Michael Keane | Economics | Labour Economics, Econometrics, Health Economics, Consumer Choice Behaviour | NSW | 2012 |
Michael Keating | Economics | Economic & Social Policy, Governance, Public Administration | ACT | 1995 |
Paul Kelly | Political science | Australian politics and public policy from the 1950s to the present day | NSW | 1997 |
Justin Kenardy | Psychology | Clinical Health Psychology, Psychological Trauma, Physical Injury and Illness, Prevention and Early Intervention, Children and Adults. | QLD | 2019 |
Jeanette Kennett | Philosophy and Religious Studies | Applied ethics, moral psychology, moral and criminal responsibility, punishment, mental disorder, agency and the self, addiction, dementia | VIC | 2020 |
Jane Kenway | Sociology | Sociology of education; Gender and education; Education policy sociology; Globalization and education; | VIC | 2006 |
Clive Kessler | Sociology | anthropology, sociology, Malaysia, Islam, modernity | NSW | 2000 |
Simon Killcross | Psychology | Neuroscience, schizophrenia, associative learning, memory, cognition | NSW | 2022 |
Stephen King | Economics | industrial economics, competition policy, mergers, law and economics, microeconomic policy | VIC | 2005 |
Max King | Economics | econometric theory, time-series modelling, econometric forecasting, hypothesis testing, statistical model selection | VIC | 1997 |
John King | Economics | History of economic thought, post-Keynesian economics, Marxism, labour, socialism | VIC | 2005 |
Beverley Kingston | History, Heritage And Archaeology | history, women, consumption, NSW, Australia | NSW | 1994 |
Susan Kippax | Sociology | sexuality, health, prevention, HIV, hepatitis, evaluation, chronic illness | NSW | 2000 |
Michael Kirby | Law and Legal Studies | law, human rights, genome, informatics, society | NSW | 1996 |
Diane Kirkby | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Women's history; Work and labour history; Feminism; Gender Law and History; Australia and USA; | VIC | 2005 |
Kim Kirsner | Psychology | analysis of component processes in cognition; brain damage and memory and language processes; human-computer interface design; impact of stress on performance | WA | 1997 |
Gavin Kitching | Political science | Development; Agrarian change; Marx; Wittgenstein; Social Science; | NSW | 2006 |
Natalie Klein | Law and Legal Studies | Law of the sea; international dispute settlement; maritime security | NSW | 2023 |
Robert Kohn | Economics | Econometric theory, Bayesian methodology, time series, multivariate Gaussian and non-Gaussian models | NSW | 2007 |
Tom Kompas | Economics | Climate change, risk management, biosecurity, natural resource management, environmental economics, decision theory. | ACT | 2015 |
Emma Kowal | Anthropology | Anthropology, Indigenous Australia, Science and Technology Studies, Genomics, Race and Ethnicity, Health and Medicine | VIC | 2019 |
Martin Krygier | Law and Legal Studies | Law and social theory; post-communist transformations; rule of law; normative social theory; state and law. | NSW | 2002 |
Carol Kulik | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | Workforce diversity; human resource management; organisational behaviour; organisational justice; cognitive processes in organisations | SA | 2017 |
Marilyn Lake | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australia, history, gender, citizen, nationalism. | VIC | 1999 |
Marcia Langton | Political science | Land, resource, social impact, indigenous dispute processing, indigenous system of land tenure, role of indigenous people in national parks and tourism, policing and substance abuse, gender, identity, art, film, cultural studies, Australian Aboriginal eth | VIC | 2001 |
Russell Lansbury | Human resources and industrial relations | industrial relations, organisational change, workplace reform, performance management | NSW | 1999 |
Geoffrey Lawrence | Sociology | Rural, regional, governance, environment, financialization | QLD | 2004 |
Stephanie Lawson | Political science | Culture, Nationalism, Democracy, Normative International Theory, Pacific Islands Politics | NSW | 2008 |
Gilah Leder | Education | Mathematics education, gender, affect, exceptionality. | VIC | 2001 |
Andrew Leigh | Economics | inequality, social policy, taxation and education | ACT | 2011 |
Mervyn Lewis | Economics | banking, corporate governance, partnerships, culture, Islam | SA | 1986 |
Jenny M Lewis | Political science | Policy making, policy design, public sector innovation, network governance | VIC | 2020 |
Anne Lillis | Accounting, auditing and accountability | Management control systems, performance measurement, cost management, field study methods in accounting research | VIC | 2017 |
Bob Lingard | Sociology | education, policy | QLD | 2011 |
Ottmar Lipp | Psychology | Psychology of Emotion | QLD | 2008 |
Adrian Little | Political science | Political theory, Democracy and conflict, Indigenous-settler relations, Northern Ireland, Border politics | VIC | 2020 |
Peter Lloyd | Economics | international trade, WTO, competition policy, intra-industry trade, regional trade agreements, economic history | VIC | 1979 |
Stewart Lockie | Sociology | environmental sociology; environmental and natural resource management policy; social impact assessment; sociology of food and agriculture. | QLD | 2012 |
William Logan | Human geography | Cultural Heritage, Urban Geography, Urban History, Urban Conservation | VIC | 2011 |
John Longworth | Economics | Agriculture, economics, China, wool, beef | QLD | 1992 |
John Loughran | Education | Teacher education, Science teaching and learning, Secondary school education, Reflective practice, Practitioner research | VIC | 2009 |
Peter Lovibond | Psychology | Psychology, Learning, Conditioning, Anxiety, Cognition | NSW | 2007 |
David Lowe | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Modern Australian and international history, Rhetorical uses of history by politicians. | VIC | 2015 |
Deborah Lupton | Sociology | Digital sociology, sociology of health and medicine, sociology of risk, sociology of food cultures, sociology of parenting and childhood | ACT | 2017 |
Mary Luszcz | Psychology | Psychology, cognition, gerontology. | SA | 2001 |
Martha Macintyre | Anthropology | Papua New Guinea Anthropology | VIC | 2012 |
Andrew MacIntyre | Political science | Political Science, Political Economy, International Relations, Southeast Asia, Asia-Pacific, Indonesia, History, Economics, Development | ACT | 2010 |
Vera Mackie | History, Heritage And Archaeology | History, Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, Asian Studies, Citizenship, Human Rights, Globalisation | NSW | 2004 |
Andrew Mackinnon | Health Sciences | mental health; measurement; statistics; disorder change and progression; epidemiology; psychometrics | VIC | 2016 |
Alison Mackinnon | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Women's history, educational history, women's studies, fertility decline. | SA | 2005 |
Colin MacLeod | Psychology | Psychology; cognition emotions; clinical psychology | WA | 2002 |
Roy MacLeod | History, Heritage And Archaeology | history of science, medicine and technology; science and technology policy; museums and cultural policy; policy for higher education | NSW | 1996 |
Graham Maddox | Political science | democracy, political thought, religion and politics, constitutionalism | NSW | 1998 |
Jakob Madsen | Economics | Macroeconomics, Economic Growth, Applied Economics, Unified Growth Theory, Economics of Inequality | WA | 2015 |
Susan Magarey | History, Heritage And Archaeology | History, Biography, Women's Studies, Literature | SA | 2005 |
Gary Magee | Economic history | Economic history; authoritarian states; globalisation; transnationalism; industrial development; applied economics. | VIC | 2019 |
Lisa Maher | Health Sciences | Social science, ethnography, epidemiology, infectious disease prevention, vulnerable populations | NSW | 2015 |
Elizabeth Malcolm | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Irish studies; history | VIC | 2006 |
William Maley | Political science | electoral mechanisms to generate legitimacy | ACT | 2009 |
Lenore Manderson | Anthropology | Medical anthropology, global health, gender and sexuality, disability and chronic illness | VIC | 1995 |
Desmond Manderson | Law and Legal Studies | Interdisciplinary studies in law, humanities, and social sciences – law history philosophy | ACT | 2019 |
Leon Mann | Psychology | Leadership, decision making, group processes and dynamics, collaboration, creativity, innovation, collective behaviour, research evaluation | VIC | 1975 |
Robert Manne | Political science | Australian Political Culture, Aboriginal Politics, European Politics in the 1930s. | VIC | 1999 |
Fethi Mansouri | Sociology | Migration; multiculturalism; social justice; intercultural relations; human rights; middle eastern studies | VIC | 2020 |
Simon Marginson | Education | higher education, research, globalisation and international education, policy studies, education and economics | OVERSEAS | 2000 |
Andrew Markus | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Social cohesion, racial and ethnic relations, twentieth century immigration, immigration and multicultural policy, Australian Jewish communities | VIC | 2004 |
Herb Marsh | Education | self-concept, identity, and motivation; students' evaluations of university teaching effectiveness; quantitative analysis (particularly structural equation & multi-level modelling); meta-analysis; educational, social, and sport/exercise psychology; higher | NSW | 1994 |
Greg Marston | Sociology | Social policy, poverty, work and employment, social security, employment services, welfare conditionality, just transition | QLD | 2024 |
Nick Martin | Health Sciences | Behaviour genetics, twin studies, personality, cognition, social attitudes | QLD | 2003 |
Andrew Martin | Education | Educational Psychology; Education; Achievement; Statistics; School | NSW | 2016 |
Gael Martin | Econometric and statistical methods | Bayesian Inference; Computational Statistics; Probabilistic Forecasting; Financial Econometrics; Long Memory Time Series; Count Time Series | VIC | 2020 |
Anthony Mason | Law and Legal Studies | constitutional, public, contract, equity law | NSW | 1989 |
Ron Masulis | Economics | corporate Governance, corporate finance, banking | NSW | 2014 |
Jason Mattingley | Psychology | Cognitive Neuroscience, Experimental Psychology, Human Brain Imaging, Selective Attention, Clinical Neuropsychology | QLD | 2007 |
Andrew May | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Urban History, Cultural Heritage, Melbourne, Missionaries, North-East India | VIC | 2018 |
John Maynard | Indigenous Studies | aboriginal history | NSW | 2014 |
Lorraine Mazerolle | Criminology | Multi-level, quantitative survey research; community regulation; civil remedies; street-level drug law enforcement, systematic reviews | QLD | 2014 |
Jane McAdam | Law and Legal Studies | International refugee law; forced migration; climate change; disasters and displacement | NSW | 2016 |
Ian McAllister | Political science | political parties, elections, Australian politics, British politics, comparative politics | ACT | 1992 |
Iain McCalman | History, Heritage And Archaeology | History; Population politics;historian | NSW | 1992 |
Janet McCalman | History, Heritage And Archaeology | History, Health, Australia, Family, Class | VIC | 2005 |
Janet McColl-Kennedy | Marketing | Customer Service, Customer Experience, Consumer Behaviour, Customer Insights, Value Co-creation, Services, Health Services, Service Innovation, Sustainable Service Delivery | QLD | 2022 |
Kevin McConkey | Psychology | Psychology; Higher Education | NSW | 1996 |
Jude McCulloch | Sociology | Policing, terrorism, security, crime and gender, gendered crimes, family violence, intimate partner violence | VIC | 2020 |
Ian McDonald | Economics | behavioural economics, macroeconomics, ageing | VIC | 1991 |
Peter McDonald | Demography | demography, social policy, housing, family | VIC | 1998 |
Skye McDonald | Psychology | clinical neuropsychology; traumatic brain injury; communication disorders | NSW | 2014 |
Doug McEachern | Political science | Enivironment, public policy, business politics, government. | SA | 2001 |
Barry McGaw | Education | education, psychometrics, assessment, curriculum, equity | VIC | 1984 |
Patrick McGorry | Health Sciences | Preventive psychiatry; Youth mental health; Early psychosis; Schizophrenia; Refugees. | VIC | 2006 |
Ann McGrath | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Indigenous History, Gender and Frontier, Law, Historiography, Australia and North America | ACT | 2004 |
Kate McGregor | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Indonesian history, Asian history, memory studies, gender and history, decolonial studies | VIC | 2023 |
Pauline McGuirk | Human geography | Urban political geography, Urban governance, Urban low carbon and energy transition, Urban regeneration | NSW | 2016 |
Beryl McKenzie | Psychology | infancy, child development, perceptual development, art history | VIC | 1993 |
Warwick McKibbin | Economics | economic modelling, climate change, macroeconomics, international trade, global demographics, infectious diseases | ACT | 1997 |
Elinor McKone | Psychology | Cognitive and neural mechanisms of face perception and memory, in Adults and Children | ACT | 2017 |
Keith McLaren | Economics | economic theory, applied econometrics, demand systems, duality theory, dynamic optimisation | VIC | 2000 |
Andy McLennan | Economics | Economics, Political Science, Computer Science, Mathematics, game theory, computational complexity, Nash equilibrium, fixed points, electoral theory | QLD | 2011 |
Sharynne McLeod | Health Sciences | speech pathology, early childhood education, bilingualism, multilingualism, communication disability, speech and language development, phonetics, rural, low and middle income countries, | NSW | 2022 |
Julie McLeod | Sociology | sociology of education; history of education; youth; gender; curriculum | VIC | 2016 |
Gavan McNally | Psychology | learning, motivation, neuroscience, addiction, behaviour | NSW | 2019 |
Geoffrey McNicoll | Demography | population, fertility, development, public policy, demography | OVERSEAS | 1993 |
Peter McPhee | History, Heritage And Archaeology | History, France, biography, rural society, colonial North America | VIC | 2003 |
Bernadette McSherry | Law and Legal Studies | mental health law; criminal law | VIC | 2010 |
Felicity Meakins | Linguistics | First Nations languages | QLD | 2020 |
Sarah Medland | Psychology | Mental Health, Epidemiology, Genetics, Psychology, Twin studies | QLD | 2019 |
Paul Memmott | Anthropology | Architectural anthropology, Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander social problems, indigenous people-environment studies, Aboriginal land tenure and Native Title | QLD | 2014 |
Philip Mendes | Social work | Young people transitioning from out-of-home care and conditional welfare | VIC | 2023 |
Flavio Menezes | Economics | Auction theory; market design; competition and regulatory economics. | QLD | 2016 |
Xin Meng | Economics | Labour Market, Migration, Poverty and Inequality, Development, China | ACT | 2008 |
Kerrie Mengersen | Econometric and statistical methods | Applied statistics, biostatistics, environmetrics, biometrics | QLD | 2018 |
Francesca Merlan | Anthropology | Anthropology, social and cultural theory, change, indigeneity, interaction, language and communication | ACT | 2022 |
Pat Michie | Psychology | Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, Biological Psychology, Neurobiology of Schizophrenia, Animal models of Schizophrenia, Cognitive control deficits in ageing and psychosis, Cognitive deficits following drug overdose | NSW | 2013 |
Ross Milbourne | Economics | Monetary economics, economic growth. | NSW | 1994 |
Martin Mills | Education | Sociology of Education; Social Justice and Education; Gender and Education; Alternative Education; School Reform | QLD | 2016 |
Anthony Milner | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Southeast Asian history; regional relations in Asia | ACT | 1995 |
Philip Mitchell | Health Sciences | Psychiatry, bipolar disorder, depression, high risk, genetics | NSW | 2015 |
Aileen Moreton-Robinson | Indigenous Studies | Indigenous Studies | QLD | 2024 |
Bronwen Morgan | Law and Legal Studies | Regulation; governance; social enterprise; new economies; commons | NSW | 2021 |
Tiffany Morrison | Human geography | global environmental change; climate change; environmental governance; resource governance; environmental politics; marine policy; novel marine interventions; politics of science | QLD | 2022 |
Mark Mosko | Anthropology | Social anthropology, symbolism, chieftainship, chaos theory, Pacific. | NSW | 2004 |
Charles Mulvey | Economics | wages, equity, unemployment, productivity, Asia, workers' compensation, computing economic loss as a result of death or injury. | WA | 1998 |
Peter Mühlhäusler | Linguistics | linguist; pigin; creol; Pacific; linguistic theory | SA | 1992 |
Ngaire Naffine | Law and Legal Studies | Law; Legal theory; Criminal law; Medical law; Feminist legal theory. | SA | 2006 |
Sharon Naismith | Psychology | Neuropsychology, dementia, ageing, sleep, health services | NSW | 2023 |
Jake Najman | Sociology | Health, Youth, Children, Research, Longitudinal, Developement, Social Determinants of Health, Drugs and Illicit Substance Abuse, Mental Health. | QLD | 2002 |
Andrew Neal | Psychology | Work performance, motivation, decision making | QLD | 2020 |
Marcia Neave | Law and Legal Studies | Law | VIC | 1989 |
Amanda Nettelbeck | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australian history; colonial history; Indigenous history; frontier violence; memorials and historical memory | SA | 2020 |
Klaus Neumann | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Memory studies; historical justice; forced migration studies; contemporary history | OVERSEAS | 2017 |
John Nevile | Economics | macroeconomics, unemployment, fiscal policy, income distribution | ACT | 1972 |
Peter Newton | Built Environment and Design | Sustainable built environment, urban transition theory, socio-technical innovation | VIC | 2014 |
Yew-Kwang Ng | Economics | welfare, public policy, mesoeconomics, specialisation, happiness | VIC | 1981 |
Nathalie Nguyen | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Oral history, memory, migration and war, Trauma, Narrative, Vietnamese diaspora, Vietnamese refugees, women and veterans, Second generation, Transgenerational histories, Women and minorities in the military | VIC | 2021 |
Stephen Nicholas | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | International business, strategy, health services and policy, business and economic history | OVERSEAS | 1997 |
John Niland | Economics | Vice-Chancellor, university, industrial relations, banking, Asia | NSW | 1987 |
Melanie Nolan | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Biography;, Australian, New Zealand, Labour and Social History | ACT | 2016 |
Tom O'Donoghue | Education | Education; history of education; educationalist | WA | 2010 |
Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh | Political science | indigenous peoples; large scale resource development; aboriginal agreements; aboriginal mobilisation domestic politics | QLD | 2013 |
Bob Officer | Economics | finance, anti-trust, valuation, corporate, capital | VIC | 1988 |
Mara Olekalns | Psychology | Negotiation, trust, ethics in negotiation, gender and negotiation | VIC | 2010 |
Melanie Oppenheimer | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Twentieth century Australian history; history of voluntary action; women, war & volunteering; gender, imperialism & biography | NSW | 2017 |
Anne Orford | Law and Legal Studies | International Law, International Economic Law, History and Theory of International Law | VIC | 2016 |
Graeme Orr | Law and Legal Studies | The Law of Politics | QLD | 2020 |
Ray Over | Psychology | higher education, research policy, research practice, evidence-based practice | VIC | 1975 |
Nancy Pachana | Psychology | ageing, clinical geropsychology, dementia, late-life anxiety, healthy ageing | QLD | 2014 |
Adrian Pagan | Economics | Macroeconomics, quantitative modelling, econometric analysis | VIC | 1986 |
Sundhya Pahuja | Law and Legal Studies | International Law, History and Theory of International Law, Law and Development | VIC | 2019 |
Fiona Paisley | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Histories of humanitarianism, gender and empire, internationalism and interwar Australia, critics of settler colonialism | QLD | 2016 |
Jan Pakulski | Sociology | Social inequality; Social movements; Sociology of elites; Democratization; | TAS | 2006 |
Ian Palmer | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | organization change, flexible forms of organization design and the structuring effects of management language and discourse | NSW | 2011 |
David Pannell | Economics | Environmental economics, resource economics, agricultural economics | WA | 2012 |
Yin Paradies | Sociology | Indigenous, decolonisation, health, racism, anti-racism, cultural competence, intercultural understanding, whiteness | VIC | 2021 |
Gordon Parker | Psychology | Depression; Bipolar Disorder | NSW | 2007 |
Lyn Parker | Anthropology | Social anthropology, cultural anthropology, Indonesia, Minangkabau, gender relations, anthropology of education, environmental education, Marind, social vulnerability | ACT | 2021 |
Sharon Parker | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | Work design, employee stress and health, job performance, proactivity. | WA | 2014 |
Christine Parker | Law and Legal Studies | Business regulation, corporate governance, food and agriculture, environmental regulation, consumer protection, animal welfare, automated decision making, animal law, corporate social responsibility, professional ethics, legal profession | VIC | 2020 |
Martin Parkinson | Economics | governance; public policy | ACT | 2016 |
Haig Patapan | Political science | Democratic theory; political philosophy; constitutionalism; jurisprudence; leadership | QLD | 2016 |
Philippa Pattison | Psychology | social networks, quantitative modelling, mathematical psychology, statistics | VIC | 1995 |
Anne Pauwels | Linguistics | Sociolinguistics, Bilingualism, Cross cultural communication, Language and gender, Language Policy | VIC | 1995 |
George Paxinos | Psychology | brain, neuroanatomy, hypothalamus, cortex, neurotransmitters | NSW | 1996 |
Jacqueline Peel | Law and Legal Studies | International environmental law, climate law, climate litigation, precautionary principle, risk regulation | VIC | 2019 |
David Peetz | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | Industrial relations | QLD | 2013 |
Alan Petersen | Sociology | Health sociology, science and technology studies, gender studies | VIC | 2017 |
Nic Peterson | Anthropology | land and sea tenure, economic anthropology, social change and development, anthropological photography, history of anthropology in Australia | ACT | 1997 |
Chris Pettit | Built Environment and Design | urban analytics, planning technology, urban modelling, smart cities, scenario planning | NSW | 2024 |
Philip Pettit | Philosophy and Religious Studies | Political, philosophy, ethics, review | OVERSEAS | 1987 |
Sharon Pickering | Law and Legal Studies | Criminalisation; migration; gender; trafficking; borders | VIC | 2018 |
John Piggott | Economics | economics, taxation, Superannuation and Pension Economics, applied-general-equilibrium | NSW | 1992 |
Olivier Piguet | Psychology | ACT | 2024 | |
Jonathan Pincus | Economic history | public choice, federalism, microeconomic reform | SA | 1996 |
Sarah Pink | Anthropology | Design anthropology; futures; emerging technologies; sensory experience; interdisciplinary research. | VIC | 2019 |
Jane Pirkis | Health Sciences | Mental health, suicide prevention | VIC | 2017 |
Michael Platow | Psychology | social psychology; theoretical and meta-theoretical assumptions of social identity and self-categorization theories | ACT | 2012 |
Barbara Pocock | Economics | Work, Employment Relations, Gender, Inequality, Work and family. | SA | 2009 |
Andrew Podger | Economics | Public administration, social policy (social security, tax and transfers, health and health insurance), China | ACT | 2011 |
John Pollard | Demography | mathematical demography; mortality; outstanding claims in general insurance | NSW | 1979 |
Hans Pols | History, Heritage And Archaeology | History of medicine, mental health, Indonesian studies, community mental health | NSW | 2022 |
Millicent Poole | Education | Higher education policy, youth and adolescence, cultural diversity, equity, cognitive and developmental psychology, life-span development | QLD | 1992 |
Adam Possamai | Sociology | Sociology, Sociology of Religion, Social Theory, Religious Studies, Popular Culture | NSW | 2023 |
Jason Potts | Economics | Evolutionary economics, institutional economics, complexity theory, blockchain, innovation economics | VIC | 2017 |
Alan Powell | Economics | Quantitative policy analysis, applied consumer demand analysis | VIC | 1973 |
Martine Powell | Psychology | Investigative interviewing, witness testimony, sexual assault investigation, interviewer training | QLD | 2021 |
John Poynter | History, Heritage And Archaeology | history, biography, universities, philanthropy, poverty, music | VIC | 1971 |
Wilfrid Prest | History, Heritage And Archaeology | History; British; English; South Australia; Australia | SA | 1988 |
Bruce Preston | Economics | Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics | VIC | 2020 |
Michael Pusey | Sociology | quality of life economic sociology identity and citizenship social policy public culture and social attitudes | NSW | 1994 |
John Quiggin | Economics | unemployment, micro-economic reform, privatisation, uncertainty | QLD | 1996 |
Michael Quinlan | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | Industrial relations, occupational health and safety, history | TAS | 2015 |
Kalpana Ram | Anthropology | India, Gender, Postcolonial Modernity, Feminist Scholarship, Phenomenology | NSW | 2021 |
Ian Ramsay | Law and Legal Studies | corporate law; corporate governance; financial regulation | VIC | 2019 |
Bill Randolph | Human geography | Urbanisation, Urban renewal, Housing, Urban density, Spatial Disadvantage | NSW | 2015 |
Prasada Rao | Economics | index numbers, purchasing power parities, output and productivity comparisons, inequality and poverty, performance of nations | QLD | 1997 |
Ron Rapee | Psychology | Clinical psychology, mental health | NSW | 2012 |
Rob Raven | Human geography | Sustainability transitions, energy transitions, circular economy, transformative innovation policy, living labs, urban experimentation | VIC | 2024 |
John Ravenhill | Political science | international political economy, especially on production and trade in the Asia-Pacific region | OVERSEAS | 2009 |
Rosemary Rayfuse | Law and Legal Studies | Public International Law, Law of the Sea, International Environmental Law, Protection of the Marine Environment | NSW | 2018 |
Peter Read | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Environmental history; Aboriginal history; Australian cultural studies; Oral testimony; Latin American history. | ACT | 2003 |
Nicola Reavley | Public health | Population mental health, Mental health promotion | VIC | 2024 |
Elizabeth Reid | Philosophy and Religious Studies | national and international public service; development practitioner, feminist | ACT | 1996 |
Janice Reid | Anthropology | medical anthropology, higher education, Aboriginal health, health policy / services, refugee health, multiculturalism | NSW | 1991 |
Sheena Reilly | Health Sciences | childhood Communication disorders; speech pathology | QLD | 2011 |
Chris Reus-Smit | Political science | International Relations, International Law, International Ethics, International History, Social and Politcal Theory | QLD | 2008 |
Henry Reynolds | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australian historian; frontier conflict between European settlers in Australia and indigenous Australians | TAS | 1999 |
Rod Rhodes | Political science | Political science, British government, comparative government, public administration, public policy. | OVERSEAS | 2004 |
Rick Richardson | Psychology | Memory development, extinction, pharmacological adjuncts, neural mechanisms, learning | NSW | 2017 |
Sue Richardson | Economics | labour markets, inequality, poverty, investment in children, migration,ageing workforce | SA | 1994 |
Sam Ricketson | Law and Legal Studies | Law, Legal History, International Law | VIC | 2003 |
Malcolm Rimmer | Human resources and industrial relations | Industrial Relations | VIC | 1997 |
Peter Rimmer | Human geography | transport, communications, Asian urban/regional development | ACT | 1992 |
Alison Ritter | Health Sciences | Alcohol and drug policy, public policy | NSW | 2021 |
Fazal Rizvi | Sociology | Identity and Culture in Transnational Contexts, Globalization and Education Policy | VIC | 2011 |
Sharyn Roach Anleu | Sociology | Sociology, Courts and Judicial Officers, Law, Gender | SA | 2006 |
John Roberts | Marketing | Marketing, Strategy, Models of consumer behaviour, Industry practice | NSW | 2013 |
Garry Robins | Psychology | Social network research; quantitative and mathematical psychology | VIC | 2017 |
Kathryn Robinson | Anthropology | Southeast Asian women; Indonesia; local level development; Ethnographic studies Islamic peoples Indonesia | ACT | 2007 |
Richard Robison | Political science | political economy, authoritarianism, oligarchy, Indonesia | WA | 2009 |
Garry Rodan | Political science | Political economy, state and civil society in Southeast Asia | WA | 2012 |
John Rolfe | Economics | Agricultural, environmental and resource economics | QLD | 2017 |
Doreen Rosenthal | Psychology | HIV/AIDS, sexuality, adolescence, gender, sexual health, sex education | VIC | 1998 |
Iain Ross | Law and Legal Studies | Tribunals – improving access and efficiency | VIC | 2019 |
David Rowe | Sociology | Culture, Sport, Media, Leisure, Nation and Globalisation | NSW | 2016 |
Tim Rowse | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australia, Indigenous, Policy, Autobiography History | ACT | 2007 |
Kim Rubenstein | Law and Legal Studies | Citizenship, Nationality, Oral history, archives and law, Gender and the Constitution | ACT | 2018 |
Lynette Russell | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Indigenous archaeology, colonial and imperial history | VIC | 2012 |
Amin Saikal | Political science | Politics, modern history, political economy, international relations of the Middle East and Central Asia, the role of political Islam in the Middle East and Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan | ACT | 2013 |
Matt Sanders | Psychology | Parenting, Triple P, population-level change, self-regulation, child behaviour | QLD | 2016 |
Penelope Sanderson | Psychology | Human factors, cognitive engineering, engineering psychology, human-system integration, interface design. | QLD | 2004 |
Ben Saul | Law and Legal Studies | International law, counter-terrorism law, international humanitarian law, human rights, United Nations law | NSW | 2022 |
Peter Saunders | Economics | poverty, inequality, social security, welfare state, income distribution | NSW | 1995 |
Cheryl Saunders | Law and Legal Studies | constitution, government, comparative, law, federal | VIC | 1994 |
Elizabeth Savage | Economics | Applied microeconomics, health economics, public economics | NSW | 2018 |
Marian Sawer | Political science | liberalism, democratic representation, politics, women, policy. | ACT | 1996 |
Sean Scalmer | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australian History, Labour History, Political History, Social Movements, Work, Democracy, Nonviolence | VIC | 2021 |
Bruce Scates | History, Heritage And Archaeology | History; historian; Australian New Zealand history; war; world war 1; Gallipoli | VIC | 2014 |
David Schlosberg | Political science | Environmental Politics, Environmental/Climate Justice, Environmental Movements, Climate Adaptation/Resilience, Political Theory | NSW | 2019 |
Steven Schwartz | Psychology | higher education, admissions, health, pharmacoeconomics, policy, cost-effectiveness, decision making | NSW | 1991 |
Tony Scott | Economics | Health economics; Health policy evaluation; Primary care; Health systems; Health workforce | VIC | 2016 |
Terri Seddon | Sociology | Education | VIC | 2013 |
Neil Selwyn | Education | Education, Schools, Sociology of Education, Digital Technology, Artificial Intelligence | VIC | 2024 |
Louise Sharpe | Psychology | Clinical health psychology | NSW | 2017 |
Sheila Shaver | Sociology | social policy, social inequality, social benefits, gender, welfare state | NSW | 1998 |
Peter Sheehan | Psychology | Higher Education, Psychology, Censorship | QLD | 1978 |
Rosemary Sheehan | Social work | Child welfare and the law; mental health; corrections systems and women; youth offenders | VIC | 2021 |
Peter Shergold | Economic history | Education, Public Policy, Governance, Public Administration | ACT | 2005 |
Brad Sherman | Law and Legal Studies | Intellectual Property, legal history, food security | QLD | 2022 |
Michael Shields | Economics | Health Economics, Labour Economics, Applied Economics | VIC | 2020 |
Ralph Shlomowitz | Economic history | Economic history, demographic history, anthropometric history, history of health, coercive labour systems. | SA | 2004 |
David Siddle | Psychology | orienting, habituation, Pavlovian conditioning, psychopathology | QLD | 1991 |
Roger Simnett | Accounting, auditing and accountability | Accounting, Auditing, Accountability, Assurance, International Auditing Standards, Sustainability, IFAC | NSW | 2010 |
Jane Simpson | Linguistics | Linguistics, Australian Aboriginal languages, syntax, language policy, digital archiving, bilingual education, child language development, lexicography | ACT | 2020 |
Helen Skouteris | Health Sciences | Implementation science; Public health; Developmental, health and clinical psychology; Prevention research; Co-design; Knowledge translation; Women’s and children’s health (preconception, pregnancy, preschool, and childhood, including adolescence); Intervention mapping; Evidence synthesis; Longitudinal multi-factorial research; Social service and educational sector improvement that translates to better health and social outcomes; Equity; Social Justice. | VIC | 2023 |
Virginia Slaughter | Psychology | Developmental psychology; child development; infant development; social development; cognitive development | QLD | 2016 |
Michael Smith | Philosophy and Religious Studies | philosophy, morality, responsibility | OVERSEAS | 2000 |
Tom Smith | Accounting, auditing and accountability | Finance | NSW | 2021 |
Robert Smith | Human geography | Governance, management, leadership, internationalisation, executive recruitment | QLD | 1974 |
Laurajane Smith | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Heritage studies, museum studies, intangible heritage, cultural policy, heritage tourism, visitor studies, emotion/affect, memory studies. | ACT | 2016 |
Russell Smyth | Economics | Energy economics; Courts and judicial behaviour | VIC | 2022 |
John Smyth | Sociology | Education; Social justice | VIC | 2011 |
Naomi Soderstrom | Accounting, auditing and accountability | Management accounting, sustainability performance measurement, sustainability disclosures, performance measurement, compensation | VIC | 2017 |
Geoff Soutar | Marketing | Consumer behaviour; perceived value; personal values; word of mouth; innovation | WA | 2015 |
Peter Spearritt | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Urbanisation, water supply, metropolitan housing, transport, heritage assessment and greenspace provision | QLD | 1996 |
Sue Spence | Psychology | anxiety, depression, adolescence, prevention, mental health | QLD | 1995 |
Fiona Stanley | Health Sciences | child health, public health, epidemiology, Aboriginal health, social medicine. | WA | 1996 |
David Stanton | Economics | Public Administration, Social Research and Policy (social security, tax and transfers, poverty measurement, comparative studies). | ACT | 2017 |
James Stellios | Law and Legal Studies | Constitutional law, public law, private international law | ACT | 2023 |
David Stern | Economics | Energy economics, environmental economics, economic growth, research assessment | ACT | 2016 |
Deborah Stevenson | Sociology | City imaging; urban cultures; arts and cultural policy; gender and creative practice. | NSW | 2021 |
Andrew Stewart | Law and Legal Studies | Work and regulation, labour/employment law, employment/industrial/workplace relations | SA | 2024 |
Frank Stilwell | Political science | Political economy, urban studies, economic policy. | NSW | 2001 |
Bob Stimson | Human geography | Urban and regional analysis, Human spatial behaviour, Regional science | QLD | 2007 |
Adrienne Stone | Law and Legal Studies | Comparative Constitutional Law, Free Speech Law, Legal Theory. | VIC | 2017 |
Diane Stone | Political science | public policy and global governance | OVERSEAS | 2012 |
Julie Stout | Psychology | Dementia; movement disorders; Huntington’s disease; cognitive assessment in clinical trials; cognitive neuroscience | VIC | 2018 |
Carolyn Strange | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Crime and Justice; Gender and Sexuality; Modern History; North American History; Australian History | ACT | 2016 |
Deborah Street | Economics | Discrete Choice Experiments, Quality of Life | NSW | 2022 |
Julie Stubbs | Criminology | Criminology, criminal justice, violence against women, gender | NSW | 2019 |
Thomas Suddendorf | Psychology | Comparative, Developmental and Evolutionary Psychology | QLD | 2020 |
Helen Sullivan | Political science | State/society relationships, public policy, governance technologies, urbanism | ACT | 2024 |
Peter Sutton | Anthropology | Aboriginal societies; Aboriginal languages; indigenous art; indigenous policy; native title | SA | 2008 |
Shurlee Swain | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Welfare History, History of Childhood, Philanthropy, Charity, Comparative Indigenous History | VIC | 2007 |
Joffre Swait | Marketing | Goal-based choice, Choice set formation, Choice Modeling, Consumer Behaviour, Brand Equity | OVERSEAS | 2017 |
Peter Swan | Economics | corporate governance, agency theory, market microstructure, financial economics, finance, economics, security markets | NSW | 1997 |
John Sweller | Education | cognition, instructional design, learning, problem solving | NSW | 1993 |
Marcus Taft | Psychology | Psychology of language, Bilingualism, Reading, Lexical Memory, Asian Languages | NSW | 2008 |
Stephen Taylor | Accounting, auditing and accountability | Financial reporting, capital markets, audit markets, corporate governance, corporate finance. | NSW | 2017 |
John Taylor | Human geography | Population Geography, Indigenous Studies, Demography, Public Policy; Applied Demography, Indigenous Policy, Social Indicators; Fourth World; Development Studies | NSW | 2013 |
Philip Taylor | Anthropology | Anthropology; Vietnam; | ACT | 2016 |
Maree Teesson | Psychology | Public health, alcohol, substance misuse, epidemiology, treatment, mental health | NSW | 2015 |
Chin-Liew Ten | Philosophy and Religious Studies | Mill, liberty, toleration, punishment, law | VIC | 2000 |
Deborah Terry | Psychology | Psychology; social psychology; organisation and health | WA | 2003 |
Joo-Cheong Tham | Law and Legal Studies | Labour law, Law of democracy | VIC | 2024 |
Alistair Thomson | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Social and cultural history, oral history, memory studies, Australian history, life writing | VIC | 2014 |
Margaret Thornton | Law and Legal Studies | discrimination law & policy, legal education, feminist legal theory, corporatisation of universities | ACT | 1998 |
David Throsby | Economics | Economics of arts and culture, public economics, economics of sustainable development | NSW | 1988 |
Marika Tiggemann | Psychology | body image; sociocultural antecedents (particularly media) of weight, dieting and body image both adults and children | SA | 2011 |
Matthew Tonts | Human geography | Regional development; rural economies; economic development; regional and rural policy | WA | 2020 |
Rabee Tourky | Economics | Mathematical economics, econometrics, price theory, welfare economics, microeconomic education | ACT | 2016 |
David Treagust | Education | Science Education, Chemistry Education, Conceptual Change, Multiple Representations, Diagnostic Assessment | WA | 2019 |
Carla Treloar | Health Sciences | Social medicine; drug use; incarceration; community engagement; marginalisation | NSW | 2019 |
Dennis Trewin | Econometric and statistical methods | official statistics, surveys, evidence based decision making, superannuation | VIC | 2008 |
Ken Trotman | Accounting, auditing and accountability | accounting, auditing, assurance services, judgments | NSW | 1998 |
Jakelin Troy | Linguistics | Indigenous languages and cultures, Australia, Pakistan, Pacific, the Americas | NSW | 2022 |
Jacqui True | Political science | International relations; political science | VIC | 2015 |
Darrell Turkington | Economics | Econometrics; Statistics; Quantitative Economics; Mathematics. | WA | 2006 |
Bryan Turner | Sociology | citizenship,human rights, religion, sociological theory, sociology of religion | NSW | 1987 |
Stephen Turnovsky | Economics | macroeconomics, international economics, economic dynamics | OVERSEAS | 1976 |
Christina Twomey | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australian history; history of photography; social and cultural history of war; concentration, internment and POW camps; Australia-Asia relations. | VIC | 2016 |
Rod Tyers | Economics | International economics, Economic modelling, Applied macroeconomics, Economic demography, China | WA | 2019 |
Russell Tytler | Education | Science Education, Student reasoning and learning in science, Science curriculum, School-community partnerships, Teacher learning and school change | VIC | 2017 |
Farshid Vahid | Economics | Econometrics | VIC | 2014 |
Harald Van Heerde | Marketing | Marketing, Econometrics, Branding, Advertising, Retailing, Pricing | NSW | 2022 |
Robert van Krieken | Sociology | history of the self, civilizing and decivilizing processes, genocide, childhood, sociology of law, history and sociology of celebrity | NSW | 2016 |
Frans Verstraten | Psychology | Experimental Psychology in Particular the Senses Cognitive Science and Applied Cognition Moving Observers and Adaptation to Changing Environmental Conditions Neuropsychological Foundations of Behaviour History of Psychology High Tech Solutions for the (Mental) Health Domain | NSW | 2021 |
Rosalie Viney | Economics | Health Economics, Health Policy, Quality of Life, Evaluation, Discrete Choice Experiments | NSW | 2016 |
Ariadne Vromen | Political science | Citizen engagement, governance, political sociology | ACT | 2020 |
Tracey Wade | Psychology | Eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, prevention, treatment | SA | 2015 |
Gordon Waitt | Human geography | Cultural geography, the everyday, vulnerabilities, sustainability, inequalities | NSW | 2019 |
Judy Wajcman | Sociology | gender, organisations, management and digital technology | OVERSEAS | 1997 |
Catherine Waldby | Sociology | Science studies, life sciences, biopolitics, medical sociology | ACT | 2010 |
David Walker | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australian representations of Asia, history of books, publishing and reading in Australia. | VIC;SA | 2001 |
Iain Wallace | Education | hybrid systems; recurrent neural networks; evolutionary computation. | VIC | 1980 |
Jim Walmsley | Human geography | leisure, recreation, tourism, social well-being, community, regional development, quality of life, planning, futurology | NSW | 1994 |
Terry Walter | Accounting, auditing and accountability | Finance; corporate finance; financial markets; empirical finance; financial economics, financial accounting | NSW | 2019 |
James Walter | Political science | politics, leadership, intellectuals, history, biography | VIC | 1997 |
Maggie Walter | Sociology | Sociology of Race; Methods and Methodologies; Inequality; Indigenous LifeWorlds; Indigenous Data | TAS | 2018 |
John Wanna | Political science | public policy and administration | ACT | 2006 |
Megan Warin | Anthropology | Anthropology, food, eating disorders, obesity, epigenetics, developmental origins, gender, poverty | SA | 2020 |
Peter Warr | Economics | international economics; agricultural economic | ACT | 1997 |
Richard Waterhouse | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Rural history; Popular culture; Land settlement policy; Cultural transmissions; History of liberty; | NSW | 2006 |
Malcolm Waters | Sociology | globalisation, postmodernity, inequality, class, post-industrialism | VIC | 1997 |
Jane Watson | Education | Statistics Education, Mathematics Education, Professional Development of Teachers, Assessment, Cognitive Development | TAS | 2007 |
Helen Watt | Education | Motivation and engagement, educational and occupational choice, teachers, adolescents, STEM, gender, wellbeing, longitudinal, quantitative methods | NSW | 2021 |
Rob Watts | Sociology | Social policy; sociology of knowledge; ignorance; critical social theory; dissent; human rights; state crime; young people; inequality | VIC | 2020 |
Don Weatherburn | Law and Legal Studies | Crime Statistics; Drug law enforcement; Juvenile delinquency; Sentencing; Crime Prevention. | NSW | 2006 |
Roy Webb | Economics | microeconomic policy and international economics | QLD | 1986 |
Michael Webber | Human geography | development, China, environmental management | VIC | 1990 |
Ron Weber | Accounting, auditing and accountability | Information systems, conceptual modelling, computer control and audit, information systems management, research methods. | QLD | 2002 |
Beth Webster | Economics | Innovation; knowledge economics; firm performance | VIC | 2017 |
Linda Weiss | Political science | Economics; Political Science; Globalisation and governance; government-business relations; trade politics | NSW | 2004 |
Patrick Weller | Political science | Governance, civil servants, cabinet, international organisations | QLD | 1996 |
Murray Wells | Accounting, auditing and accountability | management, accounting, telecommunications, on-line education | NSW | 1984 |
Fred Westbrook | Psychology | Experimental Psychology, learning, memory, neural mechanisms, cellular processes. | NSW | 2002 |
Mark Western | Sociology | Political science; Sociology; social statistics; social policy; demography | QLD | 2011 |
Stephen Wheatcroft | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Russian and East European Economic and Social History; Demographic history of periods of crisis; Comparative History of Famines. | VIC | 2005 |
Sarah Wheeler | Economics | Water markets; water economics; climate change behaviour; climate change attitudes; Murray-Darling Basin | SA | 2020 |
Kevin Wheldall | Psychology | Educational psychology; Special education; Low-progress readers; Reading assessment; Classroom behaviour management. | NSW | 2006 |
Hugh White | Political science | Strategic Studies, International Relations, Australian Defence Policy, Australian Foreign Policy, Asia-Pacific Affairs | ACT | 2020 |
Rob White | Criminology | Criminology, youth studies, green criminology, juvenile justice, offender rehabilitation | TAS | 2014 |
Richard White | Education | science education, metacognition, research methods | VIC | 1989 |
Peter Whiteford | Economics | Social security; welfare; Income equality; redistribution; poverty | ACT | 2018 |
Gillian Whitehouse | Political science | Gender pay gap, gender egalitarian parental leave, precarious employment, gender regimes, employment rights | QLD | 2018 |
Andrea Whittaker | Anthropology | Medical anthropology; reproductive health; antimicrobial resistance; infertility; surrogacy; termination of pregnancy; assisted reproductive technologies | VIC | 2020 |
Anna Wierzbicka | Linguistics | semantics, cross-cultural communication, anthropological linguistics, theological linguistics, Australian English, Australian Culture | ACT | 1996 |
Roger Wilkins | Economics | Inequality, socio-economic disadvantage, labour markets, retirement | VIC | 2022 |
Adrian Wilkinson | Human resources and industrial relations | Human resource management , employee voice | QLD | 2015 |
George Williams | Law and Legal Studies | Teaching and researching in the field of Public Law; Constitutional Law Reform, Charters of Right and Human Rights Law, the High Court of Australia, Comparative Public Law, Electoral Law, Federalism and Anti-Terror Law | NSW | 2013 |
Claire Williams | Sociology | Sociology of work, service work, occupational health and safety, emotional labour, food studies | SA | 2019 |
Jenny Williams | Economics | Economics of risky behaviour, substance use, crime, mental health, health economics | VIC | 2019 |
Ross Williams | Economics | performance indicators for universities, economics of education, federal-state finance | VIC | 1987 |
Nancy Williams | Anthropology | Aboriginal land and sea tenure, Aboriginal resource management, Customary law | QLD | 1997 |
Sarah Wilson | Psychology | Cognitive and Music Neuroscience, Clinical Neuropsychology | VIC | 2020 |
Glenn Withers | Economics | Applied economics and public policy | ACT | 1988 |
John Wong | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Modern Chinese history, international history, international relations. | NSW | 2001 |
Robert Wood | Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | Applied psychology; Learning; Problem solving; Simulation; Motivation. | VIC | 2006 |
Mark Wooden | Economics | Labour economics, Industrial Relations, Panel survey methods and statistics, Australian labour market, Longitudinal surveys | VIC | 2010 |
Alan Woodland | Economics | International trade, econometrics, welfare, trade policy, retirement. | NSW | 1985 |
Dan Woodman | Sociology | VIC | 2024 | |
Angela Woollacott | History, Heritage And Archaeology | Australia, British Empire, gender, race, settler colonialism, political and cultural history, biography, transnational history. | SA | 2006 |
Johanna Wyn | Sociology | Youth | VIC | 2012 |
Erte Xiao | Economics | Behavioural economics, experimental economics, social preference, incentives | VIC | 2024 |
Yi-chong Xu | Political science | Nuclear energy, electricity, political economy, international organisations | QLD | 2018 |
Lyn Yates | Education | curriculum, education policy, higher education, gender, inequality | VIC | 2009 |
Anna Yeatman | Political science | Political and social thought; public life and human rights; institutional design | TAS | 2001 |
Mike Young | Economics | Economic, environment, agriculture, resource, biodiversity, rights, water | SA | 1998 |
Christabel Young | Demography | Demography, Australia, family, population, labour force | ACT | 1994 |
Michael Young | Anthropology | Melanesian anthropology (PNG and Vanuatu); the biography of Bronislaw Malinowski | ACT | 1989 |
Yves Zenou | Economics | Networks, cities, immigrants, crime, gender. | VIC | 2019 |
Steve Zubrick | Psychology | Child development; Child and adolescent mental health; Longitudinal surveys; Data linkage; Indigenous child development | WA | 2017 |